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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. 21 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    For in Thailand Ozempic weight loss pen is considered a dangerous drug that must only be prescribed by a doctor. By law, trading cannot be done through online channels or general stores. It is also expensive. and may not be effective for weight loss If you want to lose weight, you should use other methods that are safer and get more certain results.


    Of course it has to be prescribed by a doctor, and specifically for diabetics not for those who want to lose weight.Contrary to what you say it seems to be very effective in most cases and as I mentioned earlier the medical advice is that it should be combined with exercise/calorie control/good diet.Obviously I'm no expert but all the indications these drugs are here to stay and presumably will be improved and get less expensive over time.


    I had wondered whether any member has had personal experience.It would be interesting to know.

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  2. There's been  much publicity about drugs to tackle diabetes and weight loss.Recently I read that they can also reduce the risk of heart disease and this week I read they may in the future be prescribed to millions of middle aged people.The reports I have seen make it clear these drugs should be combined with exercise and good diet.It seems there are some side effects but they appear to be manageable.


    It would be interesting to know the position in Thailand.Weekly injections are needed (about Bt 12,000 I believe)

  3. 1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    Saying FALSE things about any business can lead to this ,,anywhere....see how this works???


    This fellow misunderstands the meaning of defamation as practiced in Thailand.One might reasonably assume that if an accusation is true, it cannot be defamation.It's a complicated subject but broadly speaking that is the position in most legal jurisdictions.In Thailand however it is not true.An accusation can be defamatory even if it is based on the complete truth.


    The case  against the BBC's Jonathan Head detailed in this report was eventually dropped, but the saga shows how matters can proceed in Thailand



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  4. 13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    I used to go there a lot back in the day and it was always superb but haven't been since it reopened. I have friends who have been though and the consensus was food was ok (so-so) but service was terrible. Not my first hand experience though so take it or leave it for what it's worth.


    Same here.Used to go there a lot.What you say about the current position accords with what I have heard from a couple of friends.But I have also had a very favourable report.Any other recent visits?

  5. As many will know L'Opera Italian Restaurant recently reopened after a lengthy refurbishing.It was quite a popular dining spot for many years.I am not sure whether it is under the same ownership/management but I have had very conflicting reports on quality/service etc. Anyone tried it recently and if so would they recommend it?

  6. For discounting buying coffee beans purposes, I was told by my local Starbucks I should download Starbucks Thailand app. Trouble is on checking App Store on my iPhone it doesn't appear.I think it is on the Thailand app store but not sure how to access.Any pointers?

  7. On 5/3/2024 at 9:42 AM, oldcpu said:

    BUT to re-iterate what others have noted - its a lot of effort to get the 'pink-ID' where the utility can in the most part be questioned.  However it is NOT useless all the time. Sometimes, this being Thailand, one can be surprised


    There was another unexpected use for the Pink ID, namely at the start of the government sponsored Covid vaccination programme.As I recall there were a few weeks when foreigners needed a Pink Id to get on it.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    If y’all have it set up great but that’s my take, 


    Weird.Just set it up and no need to complain.Easy too - just phone Lazada who have excellent English speaking staff at the call center.They will help you go through the simple process which will take five minutes at most - assuming you have a Thai bank account.

  9. On 5/3/2024 at 7:22 PM, torturedsole said:

    QR codes do the job for me linked to my Bangkok Bank account, although still not as smooth as an Apple Pay purchase.


    I've sometimes wondered why Apple Pay isn't available in Thailand whereas it is in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. I suppose it's the same old story of the large Thai banks/telcoms/corporates using their very strong links with government to block innovative outside commercial interests.

  10. 11 hours ago, retarius said:

    The other odd thing is that when I go to the doctor's office or the bank, I get priority service, in and out very quickly ignoring the queueing system and all the Thai patients sitting there


    Never happened to me in many decades here.If hypothetically queue jumping was suggested I would politely decline and wait my turn.Equally to the point, I don't think Thais would tolerate foreigners queue jumping these days, at least in cities like Bangkok.I give my place at supermarket checkouts to elderly Thais and of course to monks when the occasion arises.


    On the more general point it's true that farang are no longer a rare commodity and don't get the treatment accorded in the 1970's and before.The British community was widely respected in Bangkok circles in those days because they were seen to be "gentlemanly"  and in tune with Thai virtues This was a delusion because the British trading company employees and the like were often as enthusiastic fornicators and libertines as their contemporary equivalents.The main difference  between now and thenwas essentially one of class - not many true toffs but many public school remittance men etc.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    Nope. Not with me. I can price it I have funds in my lazada “wallet” that I can’t spend. 


    Do you realize that you can transfer funds from your wallet to your bank account? It's quick and easy and I've done it a couple of times.Just call Lazada and they'll explain exactly how - very good people in my experience.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 hours ago, superal said:

    It is clearly odds on that K. Starmer will be the next PM , after yesterdays by election results . So I have emailed him at the House of Commons and asked him if he will review / unfreeze  the UK pension for those living abroad outside of reciprocal agreement countries . What chance of a reply ?


    He is a courteous and conscientious man by all accounts so I think you will certainly receive a reply.However it's unrealistic that he would endorse such a large unfunded commitment shortly before a General Election and at a time of acute financial pressure with many competing priorities.My understanding is that the cost of uprating is approximately Pounds 1 billion p.a and there are about 500,000 overseas people affected.Actually that's a smaller figure than I has earlier anticipated and is I think doable under the right circumstances.But it will in any scenario be a long time from now.What's needed I think is a much more aggressive campaign - demonstrations against visiting UK ministers, lobbying Ambassadors on every occasion with energy and directness (don't let them get away with their usual - nothing to do with me mate responses), lobbying for expat representation in Parliament like the French.Expats now have the vote so a persistent and annoying letter writing campaign to MPs can be undertaken.Don't play nice - it won't advance the cause.Don't be shy about embarrassing decision makers.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 42 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    But I don't agree with the second part, I've been able to repatriate funds on a couple of occasions, the last time in 2019 when I went back to the UK for 4 months, UOB had no problem with it.


     I didn't suggest it wasn't possible (obviously it is) and in the past I have done it. However my currentpersonal circumstances make the transfer of funds to the UK highly unlikely.Too much information?

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  14. My Thai bank (BB) phoned to ask the reason for a Sterling remittance of £ 25000 from my UK bank.I don't recall this happening before but I haven't made so high value a remittance for some time.As usual on the UK remittance instruction I had indicated the purpose as "general living expenses".Didn't get the impression the Thai bank inquiry was anything other than a box ticking exercise and the amount has subsequently been credited to my account.But it hasn't happened here before and I wondered what is the general experience.

  15. 1 minute ago, Mike Lister said:

    I keep two Thai bank accounts for that reason, one for receiving income, the other for investing, Imm money and savings. Separating funds in the UK or overseas level would also make good sense. 


    Agreed, and there is the considerable advantage of the record taking aspect being taken care of.In other words in the unlikely event of a RD dispute/query, bank records could be easily shown.

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  16. 3 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    I maintain that the law change has already happened and that enforcement will either come as a result of more audits or a link to Immigration for visa renewal purposes, I see both those things as probable but the latter more so.



    I wonder whether many , in anticipation of future audits by RD, propose proceeding as I do, namely by having two UK bank accounts - the first (for remitting) covering all investments, cash deposits etc made before 31.12.2023 and the second covering all current income (not for remitting).

    • Like 2
  17. This is really low grade material - superficial, often inaccurate and unprofessional.If this is the standard of content Thaiger brings to the new arrangement, one has to ask exactly what value is being added.



    Still best not to come to a verdict prematurely so let's see whether the output improves.However in the interim those responsible need to buck their ideas up unless there's a willingness to settle for mediocrity or worse. I assume the intention is in the medium term to monetize the forum as well (one would hope) to provide a community service.I can assure those responsible that to maximize the commercial potential, it's necessary to take the audience seriously and assume its intelligence.This kind of third rate output simply won't do.

    • Confused 2
  18. 9 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    The message that there are no penalties for not filing when no tax is due, has been repeatedly endlessly in these threads, by prominent posters and read by potentially thousands of people.


    There do seem to be penalties for not filing a return if no tax is due, though the quoted fines are very modest.Did anyone ever dispute this? A cynic might argue that if the individual is confident of his ground that no tax is due and has evidence to prove it - it might be a cost effective way of proceeding - in the highly unlikely event of ever being challenged.


    The more pertinent question however for many of us is whether a return needs to be filed if there is no assessable income, In other words if an individual only remits funds from a pre-2024 source.



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  19. Ridiculous article and mostly irrelevant comments.There is no journey to a new citizenship just a matter of filling in a form which required insertion of country of usual residence.


    Harry will always be British and a member of the royal family, a son of a king and only brother of a future king.Furthermore his character and disposition is exactly what one would expect from an officer class aristocrat. Like quite a few upper crust Englishmen a cold perhaps wounded heart has been melted by a vivacious American woman.Harry will always be English.Neither Harry nor Meghan have always be sensible or self aware but personally I give them a lot of slack.I hope they prosper in America and reconcile with William/Kate soon.Nothing is served by venomous royal experts on one side or the horrible Sussex Squad on the other.

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