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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. Thought you were talking nonsense.

    Boon Rawd Brewery is a privately held company that produces and markets alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages. The company offers products such as: soda, beer, drinking water, energy drinks and fruit juices. Boon Rawd Brewery owns Singha, Leo, Thai Beer, and B-Ing brand names. The company primarily operates in Thailand, where it is headquartered in Bangkok.


  2. what you don't know Inbev ows 50% of Singa, so thats Belgium and thai beer is good, but i am sure you like Heineken

    The regional best lager beer is by far and away Angkor from Cambodia.

    I don't have a favourite Thai beer as all those available in Thailand are pretty poor but of those I drink Heineken isn't among them given the choice.

    Inbev own 50% of Boon Rawd? That's news to me.

  3. They will have another coup to stop the truth coming out.

    Unfortunately this one will not be pretty.

    Your posts just get more and more rediculous!!!:blink:.

    You mean ridiculous?

    I warned of a coup about 6/7 years ago, wasn't taken seriously back then and look what happened.

    "It will never happen again", "Thailand is past that sort of thing", etc, etc, etc.

    Heard it all before but the leopard still hasn't changed its spots.

  4. Why prolong the inevitable?

    Yeah, who cares about the corruption that the Thai People have to put up withand him and his friends get rich on the back of Thailand Democracy.

    Other hand will be ok for Frang with him in power again

    No worse than the governments before him, including the Democrats under Chuan, just that Thaksin was already massively wealthy when he entered into politics. We must remember the country enjoyed prosperity under him while they endured hardships under Chuan's Dems in the 90's. That's ultimately what Thai people will remember.

  5. Don't know how you think Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur is less expensive than Thailand, Bangkok, Malaysia is three times more expensive than Thailand, the taxi don't have metters they quote whatever they like, don't think you can compare Malaysia people to Thais, Thais leave them for dead, the only thing Malaysia has going for it is they all speak english, been there four time, Melaka once, it is borring not as expensive as KL or Panang, Panang is a wast of time and money, the worst beach I have ever been to, and it is the beach in front of all the good hotels, dirty, it washes up mud with every wave, has lot of debris from the pasing ships and it stinks, the restaurant there are really expensive, stayed in KL twice, it is expensive. I think your post is just another sour grape one against Thais again because you sure as hell don't know about Malaysia.

    All taxis in KL except those from the airport have meters. It's up to you to get them to use them though.

    Prices in KL are comparable to those in Bangkok. Many things are in fact cheaper in Malaysia.

    I find the Malays far friendlier than the Thais too, even to the extent of a complete stranger offering me a free lift back to my hotel in Johor last month when I couldn't find a taxi. That sort of hospitality has never happened to me in Thailand in 27 years.

  6. Thailand has gotten more expensive for the tourist not least of all because of high inflation and a commodities crisis that has raised prices to near Western levels.

    The Thais are the ones complaining down the local markets about these price increases, not the tourists. They affect Thais more than they will affect Westerners whether we are living here or tourists.

    Of course, for luxury goods and imported items, Thailand remains incredibly expensive and is becoming even more so.

  7. Their rice bowl might be broken, that's the only concern they have.

    tourist arrivals may reach between 18 million and 19 million this year (compared to 15 million last year)

    They will be nothing like that number. Apparently last years figures (of 14m previously, now 15m according to this article) were a record, despite no-one being here for three months of the year during the red shirt protests.

    Wishful thinking, they will be lucky to get 10-12m this year.

  8. They call these people 'gangsters' or 'mafia' but in truth they are just typical Thai bullies. Kamnan Poh is no exception nor are his spawn. Allowed to rise up to these positions because of a flawed culture and a cultural acceptance of corruption, greed and criminality.

    It is as Buchholz alludes to a very tight network; where else would you see a convicted political criminal (escaped and not served sentence like oh so many) have his family so prominently involved in politics?

  9. The real reason that Thailand is at this point in its history is Thaksin and his absolute disrespect for the law, right back to when he first came to power and he and his wife choose to ride rough shod over it over the assetts case. No wonder the country is so bloody corrupt and nobody respects the law when the PM of that day is the shinning example set for the last 10 years.

    The reason we are at this impasse is more to do with a subject we are not allowed to discuss, and precisely the reason why we are not allowed to discuss it. It's a critical time.

    The reason Thais don't respect the law and are corrupt is a cultural one.

    If you were familiar with Thai history, Thaksin is by no means the first, the worst or the last.

    You obviously don't remember the previous governments before Thaksin came to power, especially the Chuan Leekpai administrations of the 90's, plagued and eventually toppled by corruption scandals.

    Thaksin is merely the man of the moment.

  10. I hope P.M. Yingluck Sinawatra will increase the income tax for all foreign people that work in Thailand. Foreign people pay so small amount of tax and have lifestyle that is far more easy than majority of Thai people. Between 25-30% tax for foreigner on "low income" 500,000 baht p.a. and 35-40% for foreigner on "good income" 2,000,000 baht p.a.

    Increase tax for foreign worker will help Thai people to deal with many problem including recovery from flood disaster.

    Foreign people that "love" Thailand will have no problem with this and foreign people that dont like it can go and complain in another place.

    Straight from the muddled brain of a Thai. Seems you are suggesting a dual tax system for Thais and foreigners so foreigners can pay more for you inept and poor handling of yet another national disaster.

    You'd be far better off getting the much needed funds from your super-rich elite who rarely pay tax themselves (many are exempt from paying tax).

    Good luck in the recovery effort, you are really gonna need it with ideas like that.

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