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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. I'll be happy when they begin to stop for a red light at the zebra crossing with traffic lights outside my house in BKK to let the children cross the road. It's as if they think because they are driving they are more important than pedestrians. Again in Thailand they have things completely ar*e about face.

    You can see what the Thais are really like behind the wheel of a car and it's not pleasant. I gave up driving here a couple of years ago but ultimately I cannot win; regularly I get in taxis or on buses where the drivers are complete idiots, dangerous and under the influence of drugs/alcohol.

    It's something you cannot avoid living in Thailand unfortunately.

  2. Thaksin has big money business dealings with the Hun Sen and these activities would not move forward under the previous watch. Him and T were in cahoots! Did not matter that Thai lives would be lost, Only that Abithist be removed at any cost. The oil deals alone would make both Thaksin and Hun Sen rich yet again! So the argument that the previous administration was the cause for Hun Sen actions are horse hockey, imho.

    Many Thais have business dealings with Hun Sen, including those higher up the tree than Thaksin.

    The ultra-nationalist faction in the Democrat government which were part of the PAD are wholly responsible for the Preah Vihear debacle. There's no need for conspiracy theories when the truth is irrefutable.

    Thankfully that negative influence has been removed and Thailand and Cambodia can move forward.

  3. Send them to Burma, a few years ago the wage for some girls carving designs into laquer ware was 35 cents a day US plus board and room. The daily wage for a road worker was 70 cents a day no room and board. It may make good economic sense for companies to move for lower wages but it doesn't make it right morally or other wise.

    In due time they will have exhausted all of the low paying countries and then what will they do.

    With dwindling World resources they will have no shortage of people willing to work for next to nothing and quite possibly just to survive.

    They will rely on the desperation of poorer countries ever-increasing populations and import cheap foreign labour as singapore does for it's heavy industries including shipbuilding.

  4. You'd expect someone of that stature to be an example to younger generations of Thais. Instead, he's the poster boy for avoiding taxes, lying, and avoiding responsibility (Tak Bai, etc), and upholding the Chinese maxim that "amassing wealth is the most important thing a person can aspire to."

    He's completely representative of the majority of Thai people IMO.

  5. Maxon Systems (Thailand), a South Korean electronic-components manufacturer, is an example of a firm that has already moved its operations to Cambodia, where it can afford the daily wage of Bt80. Maxon Systems had about 2,000 workers at its plant in Rojana Industrial Park.

    Considering and in the process of moving. Maxon have moved 25%+ of their operations to Cambodia with an investment of B800million+

    In addition, Cambodia is currently enjoying boom times when it comes to tourism, I've never seen Phnom Penh so busy!

  6. He then said the money was for his daughter's dowry and there was only 5 million. Now Chalerm is saying the money was a far greater amount and was to pay interest on loans from transport projects.

    Why the rush now to defend Suphoth?

    Child-like lies from wholly corrupt and unaccountable people and the Thais themselves are ultimately to blame for continuing to allow this kind of immoral and disgusting behaviour.

  7. I'm confused, wasn't Taksin found guilty of corruption and abuse of power while in office, the coup has nothing to do with this, if only the people could count all those zeros and comprehend just how much money this man made off Thailand and it's people when they look at his bank balance - then they would understand what they are supporting - an extremely corrupt and evil man that is still manipulating them from afar, you want to blame the 91 deaths on someone - well look no further thatn Mr T, he is the one that incited people with his ill gotton gains to go to Bangkok and break the law, what a sad state of affairs, god help us all if he ever sets foot in this country again. He will not stop until he has had his revenge and restored his face by whatever means

    Unfortunately he's not the problem, he's just one of the pigs at the trough.

  8. The inevitable civil conflict takes a step closer to fruition.

    It has been on the cards since 2005. The only question is how bad and bloody it will get.

    The police in this country are good for one thing, and one thing only... extortion.

    The whole society is built on extortion, bullying and corruption and the house of cards is about to tumble.

    Just remember a leopard never changes its spots, whatever comes to pass.

  9. As for the LM laws here it is quite simple. Don't slag off the royal family and you have no worries.

    The editor of Pratchathai was jailed for not removing posts on a web forum containing negative references to the Thai Royals quick enough.

    The jailed American Joe Gordon was arrested in Thailand for translating a book on his internet blog in another country (he didn't even commit the 'crime' in Thailand).

    So think again.

  10. "Ok, I'll bite. I have visited Nigerian, worked and lived in-country. Yes, there are some genuine people there, but their presence is far out shadowed by the scum who run the country and / or run rife over all things criminal related. If you are a foreigner in Nigerian, you might as well paint a target on your back for the bad guys, cause they are going to find you, regardless"

    You have visited Nigerian?

    Touche brother. :lol:

    I have the same experiences of Nigeria and its people and it is now too dangerous for me to go there for work even if I have the required armed guards accompanying me.

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