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Posts posted by MaiDong

  1. I understand the frustration of the people, but surely by now they must realise, the rich always win......

    I weep for Thailands image.

    yeah, right now one rich convicted felon supported by people like Jakapop (charged with Lese Majeste and clearly guilty based on the speech he gave in LA and also some of the quotes from the FCC) and mobilising a ton of poor taxi drivers and so forth are determined to send the Thai economy right down the toilet.

    Ah well, started pouring with rain, let's hope these f&*king red shirted idiots can't handle getting too wet.

    Seems like they didn't mind forming a government when it involved getting Chart Thai to break their pre-election promise to form a coalition....but now they don't want democracy no more when it involves the some of the same MPs switching sides. Couldn't defend their conduct. Couldn't censure successfully.

    And the family don't have to tolerate the s&*t storm they have brought on the capital, since they all flew out overseas.

    All going well one more day of annoyance, and then songkran will see the protestors going back to rural Thailand, and hopefully staying put out there enjoying the massive economic success and daily payments that their hero has delivered for them rather than annoying the rest of us in the city.

    Harshly put but I couldn't agree more :o

  2. This weekend I've watched Free Practice 1,2 & 3(from the BBC's interactive coverage) from beginning to end(approx, 90 minutes per program), this is excellent coverage with a cycle of presenters including Anthony Davidson who is whitty, insightful & experienced and who has also worked with Jenson Button quite closely so he knows what's going on in the BrawnGP team.

    I watched a 2 hour program of qualifying(also from the BBC's coverage)

    I then watched a 3 hour program of the actual race plus build-up and apart from Eddie Jordan being a bit of a <deleted>(he'll be removed soon I think) the rest of the BBC team is spot on,

    Are you in Thailand? As i understand it, BBC video on the internet is not available to those of us here. Or am i wrong?


  3. Murray's depth of knowledge was amazing, no matter which motor sport he was talking about. He never sat down during a race, doing all the commentating on his feet.

    Murray Walker now hosts a 5 minute program on BBCi just rounding up his views on the race, another reason to ditch ESPNStars coverage in favour of soemthing professional :o

  4. You need to untick the sync box that says sync with computer before connecting your ipod so that it doesn't happen again :D

    Happened to a friend of mine and its one of the reasons I don't bother with Itunes.

    Thanks SBK but I'm being misunderstood again :o

    I wanted to sync but didn't want to lose the DATA stored on the HD section of my iPod - not bothered about the itunes music as it was all about to be transferred to the iPod once again...

    I assume most people who commented here don't use their iPod as storage - only as music players - so perhaps didn't understand my issue.

    But problem solved so thanks to all for your suggestions :D

  5. So ESPN Slater at his best again - Raikkonen changes to wets on a dry track, Slater -this is a brilliant strategy by Ferrari ,Chandhok this is crazy he will lose more time in 2 laps than a pitstop, 30 seconds later Slater -this is a brillint strategy by Ferrari :D:D . Then later Slater- Webber is dicing with Button, in a McLaren :D:D at which time the director decided on a commercial break obviously to facilatate a battery change :wai: or a slap!.

    Again, there's no need to watch the unbearable coverage on ESPNStar, you have internet, I can point you in the right direction...

    This weekend I've watched Free Practice 1,2 & 3(from the BBC's interactive coverage) from beginning to end(approx, 90 minutes per program), this is excellent coverage with a cycle of presenters including Anthony Davidson who is whitty, insightful & experienced and who has also worked with Jenson Button quite closely so he knows what's going on in the BrawnGP team.

    I watched a 2 hour program of qualifying(also from the BBC's coverage)

    I then watched a 3 hour program of the actual race plus build-up and apart from Eddie Jordan being a bit of a <deleted>(he'll be removed soon I think) the rest of the BBC team is spot on, David Coulthard is pretty well suited to commentary for his experience & technical knowledge, Jake Humphreys appears to have been doing this job for years despite only doing it for 2 races!, Martin Brundle is class, totally enjoyable to listen to with his dry Suffolk tones, the rest of the team is pretty good too(Tabloid Ted Kravitz is a bit of a dirt digger but still better than anything on ESPNStar!)

    Following the race in Australia there was a BBC forum on BBC Interactive which I thought was going to be a fan based program with lots of silly questions(a la ESPNStar) but it wasn't at all, it was another hour of quality questions & explanations actually showing us everything we wanted to see after the race has finished, as opposed to ESPNStar coverage(and ITV's old coverage too!) where the program is ended moments after the podium ceremony.

    So in a nutshell, there's no need to watch that shameful amateur coverage, it's all available elsewhere...

    10 hours and 30 mins of proper coverage, if you want that much, if you ignore the news then all of that coverage can last a good few days viewing - if you've got nothing better to do... :P

    P.S. Mosha, Murray Walker getting confused is funny, a bit like your grandfather saying the wrong thing, which is sweet. BUT Slater making a mistake is like a geeky 2nd uncle who has no friends saying something innapropriate :o Possibly the most irritating person on TV.

  6. Thanks for all your suggestions, even though I dont think my problem was fully understood :D

    iPods are used as Hard drive storage as well as being music players, I had been using my iPod as storage but my itunes-uploaded music had been wiped(after being plugged into a freinds iBook!) so I wanted to upload all of my music via itunes back onto my iPod without deleting the data stored on the HD section of my iPod...

    I bit the bullet and went for it, my iPod updated/sync'd after hours of 'syncing' and all of my data on the HD was still there at the end.

    So, to answer my own question: NO, SYNCING YOUR IPOD WITH A PC DOES NOT DELETE THE DATA STORED ON THE HD SECTION OF YOUR IPOD(but does obviously overwright all existing itunes-uploaded music from previous sync/pc)

    Problem solved :o

  7. To start with I am not a bot

    Join this community if you feel the coverage is sub par. It is annoying when presenters digress or display limited knowledge and skills to present a sport which does not have the same following as in Europe (or US for that matter)

    Community on Facebook:

    "Star Sports Formula 1 coverage: A shamble"

    Please be vocal and get in as many members to join this as you can. I am trying to get at least a thousand in the community to make them aware how bad they are. Unfortunately not a lot in India watch the sport, (those who do watch it more as a social phenomenon rather than the love for motorsports)

    Hopefully, I'll reach out to people in other parts of Asia to gather speed.

    I am very very angry and mails sent to the channel do not seem to work. I guess this is valid enough!


    Totally agreed!

    The coverage is amateur to say the least, the ad breaks unbearable and the presenters are dull and clueless - especially old cackle-arse... He's like a little boy isn't he!?

    There are too many pointless and boring segments of the coverage, especially the emails from 'viewers' like 'so-and-so from India asks "what is the big thing that looks like an airoplane in front of the front wheels" or similar, it's like watching childrens TV!

    For this reason I chose to not watch the race live but obtain it from another source - making sure I avoid any news in the meantime - and watch it at my own leisure a few hours later.


  8. My old 6 year old laptop, used mainly for downloading and watching movies died today, I took it to the local fixer and they told me windows was 'sia'(sad/dead/unfortunate etc), they reinstalled XP again and saved all of my data but when I got home I couldn't connect it to the internet :D

    I have had this problem before, I moved my laptop from one house to another and the same thing happened, luckily I had the cash to buy a new laptop but I still wanted the old one for the tasks I mentioned before, unfortunately I couldn't get it working then so I just left it a few months until one day I plugged in the USB cable from the modem and the internet came back!

    I've got no idea how this happened but was grateful to the gods for letting me download onto the old dog again!

    This time I don't have the time to wait for it to decide it wats to work again so I really need help!

    It's an old Novatech custom build from the UK but all of the components are Fujitsu, Sony etc, it's running on XP and I'm using TOT 1mb with a Speedtouch modem and an SMC wireless router, the router is used by my new laptop with wireless but before today the old laptop was connected to the Speedtouch modem via USB and I've tried the same connection plus a few others that may have worked but I STILL can't connect! :o

    Please please please someone help me :D

    EDIT/ I should have mentioned that I've called TOT and they are baffled, I should also mention that I can get internet but it's as slow as an old goat and most of the time the pages don't load in time before they've timed out, I have checked the 'Local Area Connection Status' and the activity shows that a total of 38 bytes( suppose that's what they're called) have been sent and a grand total of 2 have been received, it's normally in the tens of thousands...

    I have turned off all firewall processes and anything else that may have been slowing it down...

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