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Posts posted by Trickcyclist

  1. Many thanks to all respondents for advice.

    Recently my Toshiba fridge started to give out mild electric shock when touched.

    Is this serious?

    Why is it happening?

    How can I fix??

    Thanks for reply if you know.

    Watch this space if you don't!

  2. Recently my Toshiba fridge started to give out mild electric shock when touched.

    Is this serious?

    Why is it happening?

    How can I fix??

    Thanks for reply if you know.

    Watch this space if you don't!

  3. use TOT line Internet 100Mbps declared speed.

    works most of the time for my forex brokers, although sometimes it is very slow.

    However, TOT helpline good and have restored efficiency when called re problems

    Has anybody found an interent service provider that is 100 % reliable???

    I need a solid reliable internet connection with good ping, huge download speed is not required, just something that works as I am a Forex Scalper.

    This is for Chiang Mai area and I am prepared to pay for a premium service.

  4. Leonard Shapiro wrote (of Soviet Russia) that "the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance" thereby producing a climate where in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is an idiot.

    This is the dichotomy today between orthodox and alternative cancer treatments aided and abetted by fear on the part of the unfortunate sufferer, withdrawal and/or delegation to orthodox practitioners by relations and friends who refuse even to discuss the situation and ignorance on the part of us all.

    My personal experience (2 sisters' cancers) is that the medical establishment refer one almost immediately to an hospice.

    Ultimately, we are responsible for our own health and well being, therefore, why not look at alternatives and openly discuss and investigate them. There is ample evidence that some do work as there is also ample evidence that orthodox treatments can be a nightmare.

    As the late and life time chronically ill President Kennedy (Addison's disease) was reported to have said: " I'd take horse piss, if it worked."

    Thanks OP, for your thoroughness and thoughtfulness.

    What a Jeckyll and Hyde thread this has become.

    Do the conspirators stand by and withhold the secret cure while their family members suffer? Are they immune, themselves?

    Putting a man on the moon is an oft used example of what can be done. But that was a technological feat that scientists knew could be accomplished whenever the resources were dedicated. HIV, cancer, herpes, etc, don't just hang there in a vacuum like the moon.

    Scientific research is quite different from applied technology, isn't it?

    Progress is being made.

  5. a rural policeman's advice: Leave food/adopt all the soi dogs in your neighbourhood

    and the dogs will guard your place with their lives!


    i live in a rural area just outside of CM, plenty of thais around us but closest farang is3-4 km. Today a thai police officer came to our house saying he would patrol the neighborhood keeping an eye on our house.Coming by a few times in the evening.500 baht a month.

    Seems ok to be but has anyone had this happen?

    I was robbed 3 moths back so maybe this is a good deal/

    Thanks Chorizo

  6. Search "Bobbys Healthy Shop" Exeter England


    [email protected]

    they sent a couple of bottles to me arrived in Thailand 7 days - GBP42.

    By the way, where do you get your distilled water, or, do you know where I can buy a

    a small counter top water distiller in Thailand.


    Hi Trying to buy hydrogen peroxide, it for human consumption (diluted of course).

    Looking for pure H202, food quality 35% concentration.

    If you are curious its for a home remedy, mild oxygen therapy, 8 drops of H2O2, quarter teaspoon of bicarb in a water bottle, taken on an empty stomach between meals. Oxygenates the blood, raises your PH. Optimal consumption concentration is .45% H2O2.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

  7. get the following from time to time when navigating:-


    A runtime error has occured

    Do you wish to debug?


    Error: Objected expected"

    Is it serious? Any ideas how to fix?

    had a couple Thai PC shop guys look at it but they couldn't say one way or the other??

  8. if we get upset about motorbikes almost colliding our your car we will be in a permanent state of apoplexy in Thailand!

    Sail before steam i.e. motor bikes rule here and that's a fact of life!

    They are like Zeros coming out of the sun over Midway.

    They are EVERYWHERE!

    Moreover, we can be cut - up by a 50cc bike here with a man, woman, child and a week old infant carrying a fridge - COMING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION - and with no lights.

    What can we do about it?

    Better to laugh it off and count our blessings.

    A road rage case wouldn't even be news in most European countries and self-righteousness seems happily missing in Thai culture.

    Pattaya, September 21 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : Just after 9pm on Sunday Night, Police Lieutenant Colonel Paksar from Pattaya Police Station was called to the front of Soi Gopai on the South Pattaya Road to deal with a possible road rage incident. Officers were met by Mr. Patrick Alan Ward aged 38 from England, a resident of Pattaya who escorted Police to his Black Honda Jazz which had sustained damage caused by a rock which was reportedly thrown at the front passenger window by a group of youths. Mr. Ward explained that he was involved in a near crash close to the Duck Square Complex further up the South Pattaya Road with a motorbike that nearly collided with his car. Mr. Ward entered into a brief verbal altercation with the motorbike driver and then proceeded with his journey. Mr. Ward claims that the motorbike driver, who was part of a larger group of bikers, followed Mr. Ward down the road and one of them pulled up beside Mr. Ward's vehicle and threw a stone through the passenger window. A police report was made of the incident and Police are investigating.



  9. a good long whip source if possible, as well, please: An Indiana Jones job, preferably.

    Maybe some knackered out dominatrix who is retiring might have one or two?

    Soi dogs attack my dogs when we walk and once the altercation is under way

    no bamboo in the world will separate them. I broke a bamboo on the back of one once and it hardly noticed.

    Rocks are not always immediately available, although they have been satisfactorily employed, occasionally.

    A riding crop is too short as you don't want to get too near to a shower of demented rabies infested warring mongrels!!

    Anybody know where to a buy a tazer on a long pole: one of those up the jacksy would refocus the canine mind effectively, or,

    fireworks: those very loud crackers that you can light - up and throw into the middle of the melee and watch the

    buggers scatter into the next county.

    Trouble with dogs is that they learn quickly, are very territorial and are natural born bushwackers.

    Therefore, there is always the chance that they could learn and employ the same methods as above and then where would we be??

    Might write to the "Dog Whisperer" bloke on the telly, see if he has any ideas and get him down here!, or, even Henry Kissinger, he's overdue a visit

    and he did a great job in Cambodia!!

    there are dogs here. many dogs. dogs everywhere.

    you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dog here.

    i don't have a dead cat, so i need something else with

    which to swing at the dogs whilst running & cycling.

    anyone have a local source?

  10. NGO operatives will appear soon, no doubt, on $1,000 a day consultancy fees!!!

    The first time my wife and I visited the Tiger Temple, a while back now,we had a good, cheap experience. The last time, Thai families were turning away, being asked to pay 500 Baht each person. Up from, if I remember, 50 - 120 Baht. If it was not a rip-off, they obviously could not afford or thought the entrance fee was not value for money. Even though we could not believe the huge hike in the price we did enter and immediately realized why this had happened. Young do-gooder charity type farangs everywhere. These people have muscled in on the operation and, I believe, forced the Abbot to raise the prices. It is a rip-off, BIG TIME.

    You will be told that it is for the welfare of the tigers. Very expensive to keep etc.. They will also indicate that money is required to build new enclosures - the farang do-gooders that is. That will turn the place into a zoo by any other name. A zoo without the diverse animal attractions.

    What with the exhorbinant entrance fee, charging 1000 Baht for photos and expensive 'tiger tooth' trinkets, the tiger experience has gone.

    Another example of 'Farangs know best' bulls_it.

  11. anyone know where to buy a small counter top household water distiller machine?????

    Hua Hin area, or, downtown Bangkok,


    I did a search that didn't yeld any results, so I'm posting this in the hopes that someone can advise me......

    I just dug my 3rd well by hand this time, 1m diameter, 2m hit water, dug 2 m more and seems fast recovery.

    well #2 is 8m deep borehole.

    well #3 is 23m borehole

    You may be wondering why I have so many wells......both #2 and #3 have high calcium contents that stain all household fixtures, glass, truck, windows as well as causing lots of problems with my swimming pool.

    My quick home test for calcium content is to pour a glass of water on my clean truck hood/bonnet and let it evaporate and the amount of white residue seems a rough test of calcium content. I did and it failed.....showing the same amount of white residue as well #1 & #2. There must be a vein of calcium running under my place, as my neighbors 150 mtrs away don't have any calcium problems.

    Now, with the new well, I would like to test it for bacteria, as i may consider using it for household water.....bathing, washing dishes and might as well plumb it into my swimming pool....if the bacteria levels are safe.

    question is.....does anyone know of any government services that test water for bacteria and other polutants?? I live in the Chiang Mai area. There are private labs, but they want an arm and a leg for this simple [?] test.

  12. siam old teak phone 032 575 040

    I would like to buy a nice solid teak table and chairs for my patio, something like a 6 seater with chairs, I haven't really seen any around, to be honest I have only really looked in the big stores and haven't seen much, anyone know where I could get something like that?



  13. not very sporting: giving him a ticket after hauling a boat all the way from Slovenia!!

    Pattaya, September 7 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : Over the weekend a Slovenian ex-pat got into a tricky situation on the Sukumvit Road while he was towing a boat to Jomtien Beach. The man known as "Thomas" was towing the boat using his Silver Toyota Fortuna and it appears he was driving too fast and his new boat was not securely attached to the trailer causing the boat to come free and fall on to the road. Eventually passers-by and friends of "Thomas" managed to put the boat back on the trailer and he was ready to continue his journey. However, a Traffic Police Officer was not happy and decided to issue the man with a ticket which indicated two offences of driving dangerously and not securing the boat correctly to the trailer.



  14. how many evicted home owners and redundant factory workers can you get in a gondola???

    "Capitalism is evil," says new Michael Moore film

    Sun Sep 6, 2009 11:59am EDT

    By Mike Collett-White

    post-13995-1252326576_thumb.jpg U.S. director Michael Moore poses during a photocall at the 66th Venice Film Festival September 6, 2009.

    VENICE (Reuters) - Capitalism is evil. That is the conclusion U.S. documentary maker Michael Moore comes to in his latest movie "Capitalism: A Love Story," which premieres at the Venice film festival Sunday.

    Blending his trademark humor with tragic individual stories, archive footage and publicity stunts, the 55-year-old launches an all out attack on the capitalist system, arguing that it benefits the rich and condemns millions to poverty.

    "Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil," the two-hour movie concludes.

    "You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy."

    The bad guys in Moore's mind are big banks and hedge funds which "gambled" investors' money in complex derivatives that few, if any, really understood and which belonged in the casino.

    Meanwhile, large companies have been prepared to lay off thousands of staff despite boasting record profits.

    The filmmaker also sees an uncomfortably close relationship between banks, politicians and U.S. Treasury officials, meaning that regulation has been changed to favor the few on Wall Street rather than the many on Main Street.

    He says that by encouraging Americans to borrow against the value of their homes, businesses created the conditions that led to the crisis, and with it homelessness and unemployment.

    Moore even features priests who say capitalism is anti-Christian by failing to protect the poor.

    "Essentially we have a law which says gambling is illegal but we've allowed Wall Street to do this and they've played with people's money and taken it into these crazy areas of derivatives," Moore told an audience in Venice.

    "They need more than just regulation. We need to structure ourselves differently in order to create finance and money, support for jobs, businesses, etc."


    Amid the gloom, Moore detects the beginnings of a popular movement against unbridled capitalism, and believes President Barack Obama's rise to power may bolster it.

    "Democracy is not a spectator sport, it's a participatory event," he told a news conference. "If we don't participate in it, it ceases to be a democracy. So Obama will rise or fall based not so much on what he does but on what we do to support him."

    Moore also warned other countries around the world against following the recent U.S. economic and political model.

    The film follows factory workers who stage a sit-in at a Chicago glass factory when they are sacked with little warning and no pay and who eventually prevail over the bank.

    And a group of citizens occupies a home that has been repossessed and boarded up by the lending company, forcing the police who come to evict them to back down.

    The film re-visits some of Moore's earlier movies, including a trip to his native Flint where his father was a car assembly line worker and was able to buy a home, a car, educate his children and look forward to a decent pension.

    But he brings it up to date with an examination of the financial crisis, demanding to speak to the bosses of companies at the center of the collapse and demanding that banks give back the hundreds of billions of bailout dollars to the country.

    And he interviews an employee of a firm which buys up re-possessed, or "distressed" properties at a fraction of their original value and which is called Condo Vultures.


    -- Reuters Sunday September 6, 2009


  15. try Bank of Ayudhya

    I remember reading in a previous post that Government Savings Bank and Aeon ATMs don't charge the 150 Baht ATM fee. Does anyone know where any of these machines are? The most convenient for me will be in the Sathorn area but around Silom and Sukhumvit would be ok too. Thanks.
  16. Most dogs will have a "go" if the mood takes them.

    The trouble with Rots and Bulls etc is that when they have a go they don't, or, can't stop and the damage they inflict can be permanently disfiguring, or, terminal!

    The more freedom you give a dog the better behaved it is.

    Locking dogs up makes them frustrated and vicious and establishes bad behaviour patterns.

    E.G. Soi dogs seldom if ever attack anybody, mainly, in my opinion, because they are allowed to roam, blend with the human community and establish their own space and territory.

    However, the debate on human/animal co-existence, will go on forever!!

    I wonder if any of the people posting the negative comments about Rottweilers have ever owned one or even had any interaction with one? I seriously doubt it as it seems none of you actually know anything about these dogs! Dogs attack people every day for a number of different reasons, mainly lack of training and socialization when the dog was young, it's nothing to do with the breed. Most people who have owned many different breeds of dogs say that Rotties are their favourite as they are the most loving and least problematic. Because Rottweilers are one of the most intelligent and easily trainable breed of dogs, and they are also big and strong, people often have them as guard dogs. But the majority are kept as loving family pets and are absolutely fine with people, including kids, and other dogs. My neighbour had Rotties when I was a kid and all they ever did was play with the local kids, even when we were a bit rough with them. I am the proud owner of a 6 month old female Rottie and she's had lots of training and socialization and loves everyone, she's never shown any sign of aggression towards anyone or other dogs and meets many people, including kids, on a daily basis. But there are sometimes people who avoid her when she's walking towards them and that is for one reason...ridiculous stories in the media and internet (like this one on thaivisa!) which gives them bad press. This story wouldn't have been posted at all if the dog involved wasn't a Rottweiler, I see soi dogs chasing and biting people on a regular basis here in Thailand but they don't get shot! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BAD DOG, JUST A BAD OWNER!!!
  17. Have been told bank balance must Baht800,000 by local immigration official!

    400,000 Baht in a Thai bank. Has to be there for 2 months before application . OR a monthly income of 40,000 Baht.

    If using the savings method you need a letter from your bank verifying the balance plus an up to date bank book showing the same balance.

    If you using the income method you need a letter from your Embassy if the income id from abroad. Or Tax payment receipts and work permit if inside Thailand.

    Marriage Certificate. (Some offices also want the record from the registra where you were married)

    Wife's ID Card and House Registration.

    Application Form. Passport Size Photo. 1,900 Baht Fee. Your Passport.

    Photo's of you and you Wife in and around the house.

    A map showing the way to your house.

    Take your Wife to be interviewed.

    You will be given a 30 day Under Consideration Stamp. Go back in a month and get the remaining days.

    It is easier to start with a Non Imm Visa , but can be done with a Tourist Visa or Visa Exempt Stamp if you have at least 21 days remaining on your stay.

    This from the official Police Order.

    (6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

  18. Well done.

    What sort of pension letter was required? From whom etc.?


    I thought I'd report on a success.

    Extension due on 9 September and I went in a little early.

    Usual forms filled in and signed.

    TM 7 filled in and signed, photo attached

    Copies of passport picture page, visa stamp page and departure card all signed

    Pension letter validating more than 65k baht per month (pension letter was dated 28 July 2009)

    Bank letter verifying a bank account and copies of the current balance. (no need for the letter and copies but done as proof of working cash on hand)

    Presented the paperwork to the staff officer about 0930, was asked for the 1900 baht fee about 10 minutes later and went to see the final officer about 15 minutes after that. I had no questions asked of me by anyone. The last officer asked for a signature near my photo on the TM 7. We spoke briefly for a minute about the need for the bank letter and she confirmed to me if the pension letter shows an income of more than 65k no bank documents are needed. I said thank you very much and was out of the office just after 1000 with my stamp good for another year 10 September 2010.

    This is my second extension at Maptaput and 5th total. All extensions have been easy and this was by far the fastest.

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