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Posts posted by rkidlad

  1. This happened to me years ago. A guy came up to me and just sternly said, "Passport". Took me a few seconds to process what was going on as he caught me off guard. I looked him up and down and just asked for his ID. He said passport, I said ID, he said passport again and I walked off. Nothing came of it. 


    Not sure who the guy was. He wasn't in any kind of uniform and he didn't identify himself. 

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    My answer would be pure speculation but I reckon the damage to the vehicle indicates a speed of around 80km/h.


    Why have the experts struggled to give consistent results, has it been 3 different speeds they have come out with so far or is it 4 ?

    The stories are all there. Everyone agrees on the speed now. The one who said it was 77 said he was made to change it from his earlier calculation of 177. 

    The only one who’s confused is you. Much like with this story and how he had cocaine in his system. 


  3. 4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Have I ever stated what his speed was ?


    My position is the fact the damage to the vehicle is not representative of an accident at the originally claimed 170+km/h.


    The experts have told us what speed he was doing. We know already. So what speed do you think he was he doing??


    Stop answering questions with questions. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Got  link to my post where I said he was driving 77km/h ?


    But to answer your question, absolutely was that Ferrari not traveling at the previously touted 170km/h+ speed.

    So you don’t think he was going 77? What speed was he traveling at? Please do tell. 

    You started defending the Red Bull rat and you’re too proud to go back. What a hill to die on. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Ive not moved away from anything, was the speed mentioned in this latest article ?

    “Meanwhile, former Bangkok deputy governor and trained engineer SamartRatchapolsittecalculated the Ferrari was travelling at 126km/h. Both calculations far exceed the 79km/h estimate by university lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Saiprasit Kerdniyom, which was included in the investigation report”

    Yes, it was. But you didn’t answer my question; have you moved away from your he was traveling at 77kph theory? Are you now looking for another way to defend the Red Bull rat’s abhorrent actions? 

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  6. 5 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The Army chief joined in as soldiers undertook the gruelling ACRPT course of weightlifting, pull-ups and running with weights.

    Yea, I saw the pull-ups he was doing on Twitter. The kind of pull-ups people who have no interest in sports were asked to do in P.E. class. I look forward to seeing how many push ups he can do on his knees. 





  7. 17 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:


    I did mine in person at the Australian Embassy. It was during the Covid business and they mailed it to my address (I had to write my address on an envelope). It took under 3 weeks. There was no letter with it, but the IO (Mahasarakham) didn't ask for anything from the Embassy when they transferred the stamps.

    Ah, cheers.


    I have to do mine in Bkk. They sent me my passport from the embassy to my home address. They also said I need a letter giving immigration permission to transfer visas. Hoping I won't need a letter. 

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