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Posts posted by duke69

  1. Just for your info in order to avoid another VICTIM

    A test is not enough, after the first (NEGATIVE) test she ha to repeat once again after 5-6 months to be 100% sure she is really clean

    HIV takes from 3 to 6 months to be detected by the blood test as well as Ephatit C (the worst one).

    Of course you also have to be sure that your GF is not dating anyone else in the meantime .....

    ps. many BG shows tests (NEGATIVE) to some clients, remember that some of them get those tests from friends which scan & print the test without even meeting the girl. Beware!! If you want to be sure go to a big hospital with her and get the test personally after 3 days.

  2. she was complaining her BF that you were a cheap Charlie and nothing to get also in the Future, he told her grab what you can (the Hand Phone) and walk away.

    She just got a small pay for her "services".

    Most of the men feel MACHO in dating a prostitute and not paying them, thinking that they like the big dick and the white skin ...... UNTRUE

    The just like the green $$ and don't like men who have the brain inside the dirty underwears.


  3. don't try to understand, just enjoy the ride.

    Anyway you pay what you get and if she tinks to give you too much for what you're paying, she will increase the bill, don't worry they are very good in cash management (all the BG could teach @ MBA in Oxford about this argument).

  4. This is quite an interesting thread. Me, im english and worked in thailand and hongkong and have been coming to thailand regularly for about 25 years. My wife is thai chinese. I agree with the comment that the chinese are a bigger influence than us whities in Thailand, isnt Taksin chinese ? But chinese have been there for hundreds of years, have grown wealthy, so chinese influence is behind the scenes, especially in business, not linked to any grand plan, the chinese have adjusted and integrated themselves, as far as they can, into thai culture. Certain things still distinguish thai chinese from thais, ching ming, chinese new year, weddings & funerals, taoist temples, etc. But it get's complicated, e.g. a lot of bangkokkiens dont realise that "dim sum" is chinese food, they think it's thai food !

    Why do farangs visit or live in thailand. For me, its a home from home. I feel really comfortable there. I've acquired a taste for oriental culture. I speak everyday thai, so i have a great time there with thai and chinese friends. I find that thai people like to enjoy themselves in what i call a normal way, joking, listening to music, eating, flirting, and they are generally easy going and broad minded. Back home in the uk, so many people are obsessed with mind games, being this or being that, got to have this, got to have that, etc, and don't seem to be able to just relax, let their hair down and just enjoy themselves in a natural friendly way. Im in my 50's and find that i can flirt with young women or older women. I'm not chasing women, just enjoying the flirting game. Thai women seem to understand that, and thai society seems to be more accepting of this. Back in the UK, i've got to be very careful because of political correctness or yobbishness. You get worried someone is going to clock you one, just because you're enjoying yourself and they can't stand to see someone else being happy! Another thing back home is that younger people seem to think you should retire from sex at a certain age. If a 50 year old man is seen with a woman 10, 15, 20 years younger than you, people call him a "dirty old man"or even a pedophile. As long as my partner is legally over the age of consent, what does it matter. Society in western countries seems to be narrow minded in certain ways. It's ok for gay couples to get married, ok for older women to have toy boys but for white middle aged man to have a young gf, its taboo. What's going on ? Is it a feminist nazi culture now ?

    A lot of falang guys i talk to in thailand, say that to have a thai gf in thailand is a lot cheaper than having a wife back in d uk. Maybe's it's a bit shallow to say that, but this availability and affordability of ladies must influence a lof of western guys to visit and want to stay in thailand.

    Of course there's lots of other attractive things about thailand, inexpensive to live, laid back lifestyle, beautiful beaches, sunshine, food and fruit, etc.

    Of course, there are some minuses, visa problems, pollution, crazy farangs, some irritating laws, traffic problems etc.

    110% with you

  5. .... for the same reason why some educated girls in Europe fly to Jamaica and Brazil to get some IVORY STICKS ......

    Santo Domingo as well, Cuba is becoming an export of men for English ladies, ....

    Those men don't want you because they think you're fat, stinky and poor sex, so they come to LOS to buy what they think to be a better model.

    The ladies fly to Jamaica because our d i ck is too small, we have a big bally, we want to go to the football match every Saturday .....


  6. I've no objection to supporting a girl. I just want to get a good value for my money.

    Good value for money: There are some models which require a token (100 Baht) inserted in the p u ss y and you can have her for 2 hours, than you can insert another token and start again.

    I herd that you can get some discount if you buy 10 tokens and "Miles and More" will accrue the miles for frequent travellers.

    ONLY IN LOS this can happen!!!

  7. everyone can teach English to Asian people!!

    Where is the added value? So many English/American Australian who want to piss off from their country and get easy life in LOS ......

    What can they do?? Nothing!! Just speak 2 words of English.

    They think that this is enough, they pack their dreams and come to Thailand!!

    .... but too many fellow Angler did the same in the same time and the salary reflects this: 25,000/35,000 Baht per month is about the salary of a good secretary, so VERY LOW CLASS.

    But indeed if you are low class, be happy to get paid for what you're.

    BG: if the BG is still young to choose the possible partner be sure not to be at the top of her list, may be you have to stuck to an "older model with some thousands miles on the engine / p u ss y" and you can get your dreamed BG too.


  8. so you come to LOS to play pocker on internet!!!!

    Weird, with so many fantastic things to do here, wonderful beaches, seafood, girls, shopping, fun, pubs, friends ...... and you stuck 20 hours on a plane to gamble inside your dusty dirt bedroom with a computer!!!

    Why don't you buy a big carrot and sit on it?? At least you get some fun in your gray life :o

  9. Ginseng and other stuff? What the he11 for?

    TRY TO have sex twice a day for 30 days and you'll see what Ging seng and other stuff (the stuff for which Colombia is very famous ..... got it??) are necessary!!!

  10. THAN WE SHOULD THINK TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT 50 YEARS OLD ENGLISH w a n k e r s using the Nick name like "ThaigirlTeen" in order to Beg some attention.

    Sounds like fighting talk to me.

    Do you have no sense of humour at all?

    sorry no!! I was born like that.

    But you can teach me some, indeed from your nick you should be THE ONE for teaching humor to everybody.

    Finally we've got also the CLOWN in this ZOO :o

  11. THAN WE SHOULD THINK TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT 50 YEARS OLD ENGLISH w a n k e r s using the Nick name like "ThaigirlTeen" in order to Beg some attention.

    But this is more difficoult, since apart of the stink of cheap beer, it's very difficoult to detect them all

  12. I KNOW IT'S SILLY .......

    DO you want to know how to reduce the number of posts and increase the quality of the Forum???

    JUST DELETE THE N. OF MESSAGES NEAR THE NICK NAME you can leave the "senior member" or other definition, BUT WIPE OFF THE COUNTER, and you will see less people writing useless posts only to gain positions.

  13. a 2 way ticket costs less than a 1 way.

    650 Euro are more than enough to get a return ticket.

    Otherwise buy on the Web a ticket to Malaysia (in this case you will loose just 50 Euros) and tell the Thai police that in 2 weeks time you will go to Malaysia to live (they will never care about your return ticket from Malaysia to Europe).

    go to airasia.com if you want to buy this ticket and not use it.

    .... but again, 1 way ticket and return ticket are both below 650 Euros (in low season).

  14. Everyone plays its role, it's like a movie.

    The "client" always promises to these BGs a future in Europe, always tries not to pay them, just "small gifts" are enough because they think to give these BG big sex with their "big penis".

    Same for the BGs, they act knowing that 99% of the Falangs are liars, the make promises and than the piss off back in Europe (may be with their wifes), so they have to keep as many open relationships as they can.

    May be in the bedroom drawer she had photos of 5-6 clients, and everytime there is a "visit" she uses the right one!!

    As long as you understand this, welcome to Thailand.

    Your competitor in Europe just apparently won against you, at the end you will realize that you are the lucky winner: she will go to Europe, deliver the baby, marry him, after 1 year she will have the citizenship and passport ...... than she will act very upset, sad, and one day she will piss off back to Thailand and the only letter he'll get will be from a lawyer.

    She will end up having (according to European Law) a monthly check for the baby, she will leave the baby with her parents in the village and she will go back to Pattaya looking for a new chicken (having assured 18 years of checks from the former husband).

    always the same sorry story .......

  15. I've a friend 35 years old. Every year comes from Europe to Thailand or Philippines (alternate).

    30 days having sex twice a day. Drinks loads of GinSeng and other stuff.

    Never used a condom.

    Every day a different girl or ladyboy

    Yes people like him are not so uncommon.

    When I asked him about infections he told me: you smoke, you have more chances than me to die!!!


    Can you publish your friend's photo, so that I can pass it round the bars of Pattaya and warn the girls?

    I am really surprised (unless he is telling porkies). All the girls I know would insist on rubbers. And that covers a lot of territory. :D

    And katoeys as well? Then he has a death wish.

    FOR 1000 baht the say NO!!! For 3000 Baht they say YES

    3000=60 Euro, less than a 10 minutes prostitute inside your car in Europe.

    For him is a bargain.

    When back to Europe, you can see him every Sunday in Church with his parents.

    His brother is one of my best friends, married, 2 kids. This guy has something wrong in his brain, when in Europe seldom goes out from home, only office, home and church

    I'm not joking!!!

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