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Posts posted by duke69

  1. open an HSBC account in Singapore and keep US$.

    Change into Baht only when you need.

    The baht is forecasted to weaker in the next couple of years against the US$ (mainly because the US$ will recover against Yen and Euro).

    Than you can call HSBC with almost same time zone, perfect english speaking (not like in a Thai Bank) and get some money transferred to your HSBC account in Bangkok (in Thai baht by law).

    Hopefully one day the law will change and allow us to keep accounts in foreign currency.


    Regarding the shipment, use a professional shipping company and be prepared to TIP the custom about 200/300 US$ (the ship agent will inform you), 99% you'll be the first one to open the container. If they are going to open the container and inspect (pissed off for not having got any tip), be sure that something will get broken!!!


    Dual citizenship, as far as I know, is allowed in USA.


    For sure your wife can own apartments in Thailand, not totally sure about land (90% also land without problem).


    Good international schools will kill your cash flow (if you're retired)


    enjoy :o

  2. Having lost a leg or an arm doesn't give you the right to slide on sidewalks and beg. So many people are disabled and still working somewhere. Even if its just making pottery or whatever. I knew a guy many years ago who was a good friend of my parents. He was from South Africa and lost one leg after being attacked by a lion on a hunting trip. The guy still went skiing every winter in Switzerland and even played tennis (and slept with my sister, but that's another story). Yes, he may have more money than the guy begging on the streets. But no work - no money. I understand begging may be a good source of income, though. This may sound a little harsh, but think about it.

    oh Yes silly guy

    also ALEX ZANARDI lost 2 legs in a Indi Car racing and is not begging!! He is already walking on 2 new legs, working, making money.

    The worm man is so lazy, instead of begging should be broker in Wall Street.

    some people should connect the single brain cell before saying something :o

  3. "Up to you"

    A girl can be either forced (by the poor life) or decide by herself .....

    what about the "clients"???

    Most of the times they are the really weak part. In some western countries you can find men pissed off by their life, no friends, no girls, living alone watching TV, depressed, scammed by the society.

    So, who is weaker? The prostitute or the client?? They offer a service to people who need this service.

    So far the girls (bar girls) I met in Thailand are more worried about buying clothes and new Hp rather than food or sending money to the village..

    I'm against any kind of morality (of course girls have to be not underaged), a let's enjoy life, because it's short.

  4. In Europe I share with my brother:

    1) CBR600 Honda, no registration nor plate, we use it only on tracks for pure fun. Cheap bike in term of parts and maintenance

    2) Ducati 998 biposto year 2001 / red for everyday use

    Here in Asia I'm looking for a Monster 900 Ducati, but prices for a 6-7 years old bike are like a new one in Europe!!!

    ..... so now you understand where is my nick coming from...... :o

  5. In BKK 90% of the taylors are good.

    There are only 2 rules to follow (may be 3):

    1) give them at least 3 days for a suit (24 hours is not enough)

    2) you get what you pay: good fabric is expensive. You save on workmanship in Thailand, so get the best fabric and you will be happy. With the 99$ offer you get just crap. A very good quality suit will cost you about 180$, a good shirt about 13$.

    3) bring along with you either photos or an old suit.

    4) when you collect your item, check all the "particulars" which make a good suit different from a cheap one.


  6. Philippines has the following pros (missing in Thailand):

    1) almost everyone speaks a very good english

    2) good girls are much more family oriented (chatolic)

    3) much easier to translate laws and documents and most of them also in English

    4) business opportunities since it's still 4th world country

    .... 5) farang friendly

    ;; ..... 6) bar girls much better, different kinds, even if more expensive

    .... but Thailand is much better

  7. She claimed she wanted to show me that inside the hole at the end of my penis, are 2 other holes - one for urine and the other for sperm. I took a look and sure enough she was right! :D These girls sure know their stuff.

    may be to the next client she will tell him that she is studying to be a doctor .....

    ..... and soneone falling in love for her saying "she is a good nice girl, hard student, just met in a go go bar, but she was there to meet a girlfriend, normally she is always home cooking and in church parying ...... what should I do folks, should I give her the money she requested for the church restoration? ..... she is not like the others (sluts) she is different"


  8. The Treaty of Amity, which you are referring to, had nothing to do with communism, in fact, there was no such things as communism when the treaty was signed in 1833...


    you're right, but what stated in 1833 wasn't changed and may be updated because the US protected Thailand during the 1950s and 1960s from a possible threat from China and Vietnam.

    In theory you are correct in saying that when all the documents are OK you have the same rights of a Thai company/worker.

    The problem is that if something is incorrect or missing, the price a foreign has to pay (in terms of risk, bribes, ....) is much higher.

    .... and from my personal experience I can also add that if you're Thai with Thai company and you have 1-2 years with profit and than 1-2 years with loss, nothing happens, if the company has foreign shareholding there is an immediate Tax Investigation (and brown envelopes to buy and fill with baht or US$) .......

    in any case I just wanted to give a guidance, free of charge, for a deeper FB there are companies like PWC, KPMG (but usually they don't give free advices on this forum) :o

  9. they don't lie, they simply act.

    we like to be addressed as handsome, big dick, ...... we like to believe that they are victims, ..... and they let us have this movie.

    Personally 10 years ago in Cuba I was in a disco with some friends (to celebrate our Uni degree we all went to Cuba .....), all the girls in this disco were alike, and all of them were answering to my question about what they are doing for living:

    " I dance in the disco" or "student" or "work in travel agency/restaurant", than I found 2 sisters, really beautiful and I asked:

    -- "What do you do for living" the answer : "PUTA, te interessa??" (prostitute, are you interested in??

    Big smile from me and 9 days with her enjoing lobsters, white sand beaches and wild sex :o

  10. you're German, so a 100% foreign.

    If you're from USA you can register a company in Thai, like a local Thai (the US citized have a different legislation).

    In your case you have to register a company and find nominees to have at least 51% of the shares.

    Everywhere in Thailand you can find these nominal shareholders (in total including you must be 7), the problem is that you have to pay a fee to those suckers.

    After that you apply the work permit with your company reg. number.

    All the major Audit companies give you this service, the problem is that is very expensive.

    Other alternative is to marry a Thai and register a company under her name (many do that).

    Or finding some friend to apply for a work permit, pretty messy since they will have to pay you a salary and probably you have to give them back this salary + tax. Only a very big friend can do that 4 you.

    If your working activity is performed in Thailand, you should be under Thai labour legislation, no matter if your employer is German and they pay you in Germany.

    This is the theory ....... and by the way the law.

    Than you can live in the gray area, but always with the limitation in not finding new clients, and the fear of getting problems with the police. Indeed you have also to get in/out from Thailand several times every year since I believe your Visa is Touristic.

    OK for short term, pretty unconfortable for a long term living.


    Have you dipped your cookie into her cappuccino????

    ..... if yes count the times you did = A

    A times 1000 Baht = the amount of money you can give her in full trust

    If you get cheated, at least you paid what you got from what she is, if she is a good girl no problem marry her.


  12. if the story is true, may be you will need to fish why she speaks a good english, how she saved 100,000 Baht (very strange that a Thai girl saves so much, they usually live day by day and spend whatever they have).

    Point out immediatly some rules in terms of money to the family (your money) and pray she is not smart enough to consider you as a LONG TERM INVESTMENT.

    In that case she will cash her full investment lately, but for you will be much more expensive!!!

    Good luck and remember that will be very difficoult for a Thai girl to move overseas one day, they tend to run off (job, boyfriend, family, ....) every time they have even a small problem. It's their culture, they use to quit a job without having found a new one and with zero money in the bank, just very very emotional, no problem solving (Buddism is s religion based on accepting your destiny),


  13. Duke, now you did not finish your statement with this quote----->SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME, THE POLICEMAN TOOK ME OFF FROM MY TAXI IN A VERY RUDE WAY AND ASKED FOR THE 2000 Baht .....

    What were you doing at the time that caused the Chocolate Boys attention. Merely being in a Cab does not get such attention.


    I quoted the message I was referring to, I was smoking ..... than I saw a taxi coming and left my Marlboro falling from my fingers, jump into the taxi and the choccolate man started to hit the roof of the taxi, screaming that I had to get off .... and I was also a little bit scared since I didn't realize my crime!!!

  14. you should apply for a work permit or create a company VAT position in Thailand.

    Being US citizen you have by Thai Law almost the same rights as a Thai (US protected Thailand from Comunist invasion and therefore there are laws where an US citizen is granted full rights).

    What you pay in Thai Taxation will than be offset in the USA with the double taxation deduction law, better not to live in your actual gray area, since you might probably have problem if someone finds you.

  15. I was in Bangkok on holiday recently. I was with a friend walking down Silom when a policeman approached us. My (Irish) friend had thrown a cigarette on the floor. The cops took him off the main street, down some little shopping arcade and fined him 2,000 Baht. One of the two stayed outside the arcade, obviously making sure that nobody saw what was going on. No receipt was given for the 2,000 Baht.

    I imagine that the 91 arrests were of people who could not afford to pay the police a sufficient bribe.


    I was lucky to be together with our Financial Manager (chinese) and we left the 2 policemen happy with 400 Baht, after almost 1 hour discussion .....

    Police is Thailand is more corrupted than the one in Indonesia, and they are also very rude .... a very bad "business card" for this wonderful country :o

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