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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


    Correct. Best handling of a pandemic EVER. That's what people are telling me.


    potus said it was "under tremendous control".



    “In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.  Two-thirds of Trump officials who were briefed on the matter are no longer in the administration, which is likely one reason why the president has managed this current crisis so badly.


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  2. 14 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Now this is interesting. It was mere hours ago leftists were lambasting Trump for trying to get the US sole ownership of a vaccine. Now the Germans are trying to prevent the US from even being involved at all. Why am I not seeing these people so concerned about cornering and manipulating the market lambasting the Germans for trying to shut out America?


    Yeah, like we don't all know the answer to that. The reality? Everyone is going to act in their own best interests. The only difference is, it's been decades since Americans have had a president who doesn't bend over and surrender to every foreign interest that comes along. Who cares if Trump tries? Who cares if Germany tries? That's what countries should do: look out for their citizens first and foremost.

    So Trump would have 1Bn USD - freshly printed - to lure CureVac, make sure only the US can benefit of it and de facto secure his re-election. Who cares?

    Too bad , the " chinese virus" did not stay within China's borders, the ban was'nt the panacea he tought it would be.   

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  3. 15 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    Also there's a reason the US CEO got sacked and the german founder is the CEO now again, that obviously didn't happen for no reason.

    the former CEO was personally invited by Trump on March 3 to the White House to discuss "strategies and opportunities aimed at the rapid development of a vaccine against the coronavirus", according to a press release from this laboratory.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Letseng said:

    In Austria the Tobacconist also sells phone top ups, newspapers, tickets for public transport, lottery tickets. May be same in France.

    Btw, in Austria shops but for food, banks, petropl stations, are closed. Certain areas are under quarantine, tourists have to leave, skiing season was cut short.

    same for France + sale of fiscal stamps, Western Union services, Nickel Bank accounts and soon to come... pay your taxes at the tobacconist !

  5. 10 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    The craziest thing about this all is, that nature is offering a gift wrapped on a silver platter and we are doing all we can to fight it. Look at a country such as Japan they should welcome this. They have way too many old people as a percentage of their population. So many it is a crisis. 


    Let this thing run it's course. If it was killing people in their 20's maybe it would be a problem. It is only killing the most aged and sickly of the population and usually that's nature's way of doing population control. 


    The climate change crowd should be celebrating. Emissions are so low in Italy you can see the reduction from space. Hopefully working remotely from home becomes much more widely adapted. You could eliminate a lot of second cars that way. My Husband works and I work from home. We need two cars as we live in the country. If he did most of his work from home we could get rid of the second car.


    People not taking unneeded vacations, going to movies, and restaurants. If you have been put out of work it's a problem. However if you still are working your savings account should be getting higher everyday. Hopefully some of these habits will translate into some fiscal discipline in the long term.


    I hope there isn't an immediate "bounce back" as this is a sign that people have learned nothing from this. Somethings will have to as they are necessities, however all those baseball tickets you didn't buy, those restaurant meals you didn't eat, that trip to Mexico you didn't take, don't need to be donated once this is over. And for the love of God quit hoarding toilet paper. What's that all about?

    in a few words ... "it's better to be wealthy and healthy than poor and ill " 

  6. "France's health minister Olivier Véran warned the public on Saturday that anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen and cortisone could be an aggravating factor in coronavirus infections." (By attenuating the immune system's response, taking an anti-inflammatory can therefore not only hinder the body's reaction to the entry of pathogens, but above all mask the signs of seriousness, thus delaying diagnosis. The same process is observed with cortisone)

    "In case of fever take paracetamol. If you are already on a course of anti-inflammatories or if you are in doubt then consult your doctor,"


    considered "fake" by german press

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Ah yes, another leftist who cares so much about the poor, he's willing to see to it some other guy pays whatever it takes to make the poor person's life better. Mark me down as unimpressed. And I'll mark you down as unable to rebut the moral aspects of knowingly infecting others out of selfishness and irresponsibility. But hey, it's those damn companies that don't offer sick leave!

    so you'll more probably be infected by a poor.. who does'nt deserve your solidarity

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  8. 6 minutes ago, amykat said:

    I would flip your paragraph around ....many Trump supporters are about hate and rage ...many folks cheering to support Trump as the President are haters (of many various things ....make list here)  and are actively acting against the interests of the country.


    That makes more sense!  You’re welcome ????.

    Scholars who study modern disinformation tactics have identified this approach as “censorship through noise.” (Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist, has described the strategy in blunter terms: “Flood the zone with <deleted>.”)

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. 

    Haters gonna hate. 

    ???? Sad... 



    Had'nt the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic, yesterday's Trump would damn today's Trump and vice versa. 

    Typical of Trump ambivalent statements when under pressure. 

    But most importantly to Trump.. "there is no financial crisis"

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  10. 10 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    I think you're going to be very disappointed. But thanks for at least making it clear why leftists are cheering for coronavirus to spread in the US. Believe me, we're not surprised.

    spreading misinformations is the danger actually ..


    "“A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

    The CDC advises people with COVID-19: “Do not go to work, school or public areas. Avoid using public transportation, ride-sharing or taxis.”

    but also …

    "During a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta Friday, President Donald Trump stated his preference that passengers on a cruise ship in the waters off of California remain on the boat because their entry onto U.S. soil could make the country's coronavirus statistics increase."


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  11. 46 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Specifically, how does that photograph indicate Trump says the coronavirus itself is partisan?

    So the KAG red cap means nothing to you?  Looks like an opportunity to politicize an health emergency issue not to be missed by Trump seeking reelection.

    Specifically, scientists should not be used to serve a political aim.   

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