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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 15 hours ago, Jim1000 said:

    Perhaps we shouldn't take these things too  seriously , after all , in a decade or two the US will probably be selling covert Tomahawk missiles to Iran , to encourage the moderates in the regime and  to skim  off the profits  ( unbeknown to congress ) to build a Mexican wall or whatever is the really important priority at that moment in time  .


    It couldn't possibly happen of course and I am probably dreaming !

    " what we lost in the fire we found in the ashes" 

  2. 42 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    The Death of the U.S.-Iraqi Relationship


    • Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mehdi to push forward legislation to evict U.S. forces from Iraq. Mehdi has since denounced the U.S. air strikes on KH and condemned the assassinations of Soleimani and al-Muhandis, who died alongside him in the U.S. drone strike, calling them a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and of the terms under which U.S. forces operate in the country.

    Part of the agreement says the US will NOT use its bases in Iraq to launch attacks against nations in the Middle East region. The ISIS caliphate was not considered a nation but obviously Iran and Iraq are.

    From your shared link above, this Killing with this timing might finally leave Iraq under Iran influence, not US, despite years of cash spent : For their part, Iranian leaders see control over Iraq as essential to their political survival, an economic “lung” to alleviate the crush of sanctions, and a crucial overland logistical supply link to the Syrian regime and Lebanese Hezbollah. Iran remains the most influential external actor in Iraq, with deep ties to Iraqi politicians and Shiite militias. "


    • Sad 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    As an American..... I AM PROUD OF MY COUNTRY........

    Where ever you are from, I doub't you can be as proud as I am to be an American......... America has always been a place that 'Doesn't swat the mosquito until we feel the sting'.... 

    I personally have travelled to over 80 countries in the world and I would not give up my USA citizenship for any other....

    Being American, I DIDN'T LIKE TRUMP,   but I don't like muslims either after seeing muslim immigrant populated areas of European and Scandanavian countries.... I DON'T want that in the USA.... So I must join with TRUMP on that.... These IRANIANS (muslims) are out to conquer the world and 'steal' everything we have and give it as an offering to 'allah'.... I am with TRUMP on this one issue.... 'allah' isn't getting anything of mine, IF I CAN HELP IT.....

    Note:  I have PURPOSLEY NOT CAPITALIZED muslim and allah for my own reasons.....

    Saudi soldier training in the USA voluntarily killed American soldiers on American soil in one of their military bases last month, and yet absolutely no reaction, business must go on. As a non American I can't understand the hipocrisy

    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

    Trump has put all his family in the crosshairs for the rest of their naturals , though given their wealth there is probably very little risk there. The Iranians will bide their time and any revenge will probably be proxied in some form. 

    i'm not quite sure Trump and family would be interesting targets for Iran in search of retaliation, for they are just individuals, not that emblematic.  

  5. 12 minutes ago, riclag said:

    State sponsor of terror has just tapped a American citizen(contractor) ,invaded America's (sovereign territory (US Embassy  ) again and the Gen was reported to be responsible for many acts of aggression which resulted in the loss of  millions of dollars and  deaths of Americans. This could very well be the POTUS greatest moment.Your country needs your support!!!!!!! 

    Jr, Eric, Jared and friends can't wait to enlist.. think "great" 

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, jany123 said:

    Mmm... or so the liars in the White House claim, and yet it seems that the only attack that was carried out, was the one that was plotted by the generals of those divided states.... logically then , in retaliation for assassinating the man seen as the number two in Iran, Iranian forces should now seek to assasinate the Vice President. Would american citizens see such an attack worthy of a call to war? And would they then blame Iran for causing the war?

    Too cheap

    By Dexter FilkinsSeptember 23, 2013 Qassem Suleimani is the Iranian operative who has been reshaping the Middle East.

    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    I suggest there are quite a few attracted to all religions. The US has no shortage of nutters and the muslim variety doing it is quite scarce there.

    i wonder if some muslims distance themselves from this religion of peace that attracts mentally ill frustrated outlaws to engage in hainous crimes carried out in its name, let alone the préjudices they all endure, being seen like potential terrorists or backward people.  

  8. 11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    What I think is irrelevant. Only the evidence can be considered, not "what she could or should have done"

    So far, I could not convict the guys based on proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Perhaps there are some who would convict just because she said so. That's not me though.

    I asked you in return of your own quote "Did any of them have scratches on their faces, or anything indicating she fought back?" 

    Some people ask themselves "why" or "how" after "what"... but as you say it could be irrelevant..

  9. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    Consistent with, but he didn't say they were definitely caused by rape according to what I read. "Injuries" could be caused by rough sex, which is what I already said a while back.

    Perhaps if the injuries were specified it might change my mind.

    OK, so, :

    - how do you think a sole woman confronted to several men can physically respond?

    - if she manages to somehow injure them, do you believe they will calm down or is there any possibility it could turn out worse, just in case? 

    • Like 1
  10. From the OP: " The individuals she had accused were not summoned to court because prosecutors considered the case one of public mischief, not rape."

    - 12 men free to fly back home 10 days after

    - 1 woman facing fine and up to 1 year in jail or both

    From Alden Solovy: 

    Disgusting. Religious boys being portrayed as heroes by religious men because they got away with the sexual mistreatment of a young woman. Disgusting. Singing an anthem of the Jewish people to celebrate the humiliation of a teenager.



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