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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. So that means.... that all those millions of THB that was spend in sourcing a manufacture from China, signing a deal with then, and the use of all the government funds to create software for the tablets and the teachers, are now wasted? Private companies can offer their version of software, hardware and so forth?

    Sounds like they are looking to get more money for the funding besides the billion+ that they already got approved? (can't remember the exact number)


    "Private companies will be allowed to bid for sale of the tablets," he added.

    the government already awarded the contract for the tablet sales to ShenZhen Scope... now they speak of opening a yet another new round of bidding?


    Could this whole tablet scam scheme get any more convoluted?




    The politicians need more money for the safe room in the house. To hold the money for the doughters wedding.
  2. The 1932 coup was started by Thai elit which had been educted in France. If you look into histrory 1932 was the era of the great depression, and the Siamese in France had the allowance, given to them by the king cut. So even in France K. Perdi worked with others to over throw the monarchy. When he and his fellow Thai's came back to Siam they worked togeater with oter rich people to overthrow the King. All the government agencies had cuts in sprnding, exports dropped, large layoffs and the rich wanted to live like they did before.

    So is this what the Red Shirts want to be. Supporters of Perdi, and the socialist movement? Or is it that they want more money?

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  3. Don't blame Thailand Customs Department. The rules are simple. If you don't have the proper permit and paperwork in place to import the product, then don't expect to be able to import the product. Nice and simple policy.

    I have worked with the Customs Department for over 25 years. If the documentation is correct and you have an approved quota, no problem. Documents not correct, no quota, no way.

  4. The 1932 coup led by Pridi, was hatched in France when a group of Siamese rick school kids and members of the royal family got the allowance cut by the ambassador. They did not take into considerat the world wide recession, they only wanted money. they came back to Siam an started a clandestin political party called The People Party.

    During that time the budget had been cut for all government offices, and the military. These elite were use to the dole passed out and did not want it to stop, when it was cut back they revolted and declared a constitutional democracy. That was 80 years ago and we still do not have a democracy.

  5. "For the measures to succeed laws must be passed and taxes imposed on unhealthy products, like cigarettes and alcoholic drinks; standards for food and health products set; and products that promote health such as organic vegetables and gyms must be encouraged..."

    The manufacture of cigaretts and sone alcoholic driks in Thailand are by the government. We all know about the Thai Tobacco Manopoly, which is the only manufacturer of cigaretts.

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