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Posts posted by FarangBha

  1. Online you can only see transactions going back 6 months. So I went to get a printed statement going back a year, waited the week and more they said it would take. ....

    But the printout doesn't say, for example, who you transferred to. Online you can usually press a little 'plus' sign which will (eventually) reveal who you transferred the funds to and any notes you made at the time. This print-out doesnt have those, despite the clerk saying it would.

    Does anybody know a way of getting access to those details for transactions more than 6 months old?? (Phone center was no help either)

  2. So many torrents, so little time!

    Sour note: NONE of these suggestions seems to me nearly as good as demonoid was.

    May I have an invite??

    You're a little late.

    Oooops, quoted the wrong'un, shoulda been this:

    extratorrent.com is very good. iptorrents.com is one of the best, but an invite is needed to join, plus you will need to seed back what you download.

  3. Null, I getcha. But Im talking about two dodgy machines. The first took a year to get rectified... only when the HD and batt died in the same week. Replacement machine has similar bugs... and Im not resource heavy like,... but an i7 with 8gb ...and iphoto needs to spin the wheel for many mins just to boot .... .... chrome lags, bla bla bla .... jeez I dont even use anything resource heavy ...

    Maybe mac just hasnt enrolled me in the fanboy program yet ... but Im disappointed, twice over.

    So give me that PR mailbox, ...

  4. I'm on a replacement mac as the first one had so many probs ... is it possible that the Gods at Apple gave me two Lemons on the trott? I installed ML hoping to fix a few issues, now my Finder has no icons, sometimes I cant navigate, wheel of death rolls on whenever I click something, apps freeze, ... my 'ForceQuit' even freezes...

    What's Tim's email? Or should I try Steve?

  5. Speaking of delectables, I need some earthworms for a treat I;m cooking up. My local gardener, I was surprised to hear says he dont have em, and the nearest supply is out at Mae Jo .... come on, there's gotta be worms somewhere in town (excluding LK)...


  6. I did exactly this move after 9 years on Phuket about 18 months ago..

    I dont regret it for a minute, the people are the difference, on Phuket I was becoming one of those expats, the kind that dislikes the locals of the country they are living in.. I guess I just couldnt stand being preyed apon, ripped off, cheated, and talked to like dirt over and over.. That made me defensive and you end up walling yourself off from the Thais as a defence mechanism. I never felt I could integrate there and attempts to befriend locals were always paid back by scams or requests to loan money.

    Up here people treat you like a normal person, they are decent folks who live in a normal society, its not a place everyone has just moved to to get rich quick by fair means or foul from farang money. Its a normal area where people have normal hopes and aspirations for their kids, beyond wanting them to 'work bar' or wind an old guy to take care of them. For me the people here makes the place.

    Other aspects are I drink less, I ride my bikes, I have other hobbys and interests.. every once in a while I need to go charge my beach battery, but after my last visit to Phuket which did nothing other than remind me why I left, theres other places on my list to do this task. I love the climate, the Nov to Feb is just superb.. Instead of beach and island I explore the north, the mekhong, over to Laos, the mountains and forests.. Everything I need for a modern western lifestyle is readily available. It doesnt hurt that its a fair bit cheaper also but that wasnt my main motivation. Phuket had burnt me out ready to go back to the west, and CM has really restored my faith in Thais and Thailand. I think expats up here that grumble should have a good look at how it is in other more tourist biased parts of the country.

    After 9 years of swearing I would never buy property in Thailand CM changed that, I have bought land and will build a home.. CM is home.

    Jeez, it wont be much of a home for long if you keep spreading praize like that.

  7. Complete imbeciles as opposed to the Geniuses they're supposed to be. I'm normally restrained in posting complaints, but these guys are just way beyond it for a company that is supposed to be the front of the Great Apple. My worse case was a HD replacement ... I went to pick it up, checked the specs and they put the new HD in another machine and tried to return that machine to me. When I told AppleCare about it they were flabbergasted.

    ... This was the end of a long line of grievances.

    They would be too incompetent to do anything deliberate to your system, but accidents, your assured of something going wrong.

    There's a farang who lingers in the back room, dont know if hes a manager or what...

  8. Evening all.

    GFs iP4 is on the blink. Been dying a slow death since warrantee finished (AIS dragged out the excuses till then anyway ...).

    So she can get at replacement if she pays 7k.

    Or she can sell it for 14k, quoted and buy fresh.

    A quick search of the rumour mill suggests possible Sep-Oct release of iP5 ... and with these things we should always wait for the new one, right.

    Whats the way to go here??

  9. There is a group of westerners in and out of one of the Hillside buildings, can often be seen having a smoke-o. Always well-ish dressed, but on the cheap (slacks, polos, mis-matching shirts-ties, etc). Anyway, there's a few trading houses in there, but the ones viewable to the public aren't farang staffed.

    Poker game perhaps?

  10. Mmmm, I missed Google because my broker said I already had tech in a fund. Aren't all the shares tied up to institutional investors?? How are you guys buying?

    It is indeed a fad, but one thats taken hold and they now pretty much have a monopoly. They've gone past that saturation point it takes to win this race. Good for another 5 years before an equivalent fad comes along I'd say.

  11. I heard a rumour that the old Platinum gym, which was located inconveniently along the Mae Rim road, will reopen next to Big C Extra on the superhighway. This time Khun Watchara, who is the owner of all the land and businesses in and around Big C Extra, will be an investor. If true, I will be very happy. I loved that gym. It had great facilities and a very reasonable annual fee. The new location will be very convenient for me. My fingers are crossed the rumour is true.

    Can you keep us updated on that Loaded

    I drove into Platinum yesterday to see what was going on. Nothing. So much for their 2 month renovations, its been 3 now, the place looks like they just packed up and left.

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