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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Years ago an American businessman fell in love (heat) with a lady boy, and never did realize he/she was a lady boy until he took her to the American Embassy to fill out Marriage papers! he was told that in the U.S. a man could not marry a Man! kind of ruined his whole day! kept looking in the post to see what hotel he jumped off of! often wondered what took him so long to figure it out!

    often wondered what took him so long to figure it out!

    Ladyboy or transsexual? Ladyboy he should have known. Transsexual can be difficult to know (I have been told...whistling.gif )

    Maybe it was a virgin with a no-sexual-activity-before-marriage policy giggle.gif

  2. Watch any of these silly comedy shows or series and you'll see ladyboys being mocked.

    Correct. But now it's IKEA and the Transgender alliance will certainly eplore this opportunity to show that they have the balls to pressure this large organisation into an apology or else.... I guess they will not shop at IKEA anymore..

    The letter from Thai Transgender Alliance demands that IKEA Global issue an official public statement about the advert.

    as reported by Gay-star news (interesting name).

  3. Very appropriate photo there, Hun Sen during his friendly football match with Red Shirts. No sir, we don't want any meddling with internal politics, giving safe haven to wanted political criminals (Arisman for example) doesn't count apparently.

    But no one can dispute his prowess and astounding football abilities.

    The fleet-footed Hun Sen scored FIVE goals in that match... ohmy.png


    The guy in the Blue shirt is telling Hun Sen where the ball is. thumbsup.gif

  4. Could a statement like that coming out of nowhere without any real justification point to the oppisite being true.


    So Robby nz, you have missed the last oh, 2 years (or is it 7?) and the ongoing Prear ViharTemple dispute?? You have a lot of reading to catch up on this, make it so biggrin.png

    You sir appear to have missed Thaksins several visits to Cambodia (well publicised) in the last two or three years.

    Perhaps they were just social visits to see old friends, but then again?

    You also have to take this news and its timing in the context of what is going on at present, the BKK elections.

    Could it just be another way to try to discredit Khun A and the Dems?

    Correct. BTW, is that Hun Sen in the picture playing soccer with Red shirt leader Nathawut?

  5. Why does anyone care about this? The Thais on my street are drunk every day, every night.

    They only care if they dislike the person who is drunk.

    Are all the drunk Thais you are refering to in charge of trying to stop the killings of thousands of their citizens?

    Nobody is surprised that Chalerm is drunk because that's what alcoholics are..often. But during a visit which seemed to be sooo important. Finally… this government was taking the issue in the south serious. Well that's what we thought..

  6. Chalerm is a perfect representative for the electorate.

    As was alluded to earlier, he's risen to a position of power that he's absolutely unqualified to hold.

    So many of these gangster type politicians do so well in Thailand, as it's what the Thais seem to respect and aspire to.

    It's just another minor embarrassment for Thailand and it's government, but surely no-one takes them seriously anymore?

    "So many of these gangster type politicians do so well in Thailand, as it's what the Thais seem to respect and aspire to"

    Sad but true.

  7. Extending scheme until March? They really want to sink Thailand in a debt crisis much like Greece. Then, Thaksin family can takeover thailand at a bargain price!

    Bit emotional aren't we, not to mention plain wrong;

    Greece National Debt to GDP Ratio = 170.6% (end of 2012)

    Thailand National Debt to GDP Ratio = 43.6% (mid 2012 - may reach 50% when flood loans counted in, Capped by Law to 60%)

    May reach more if the rice will be sold and the loss will be accounted for. Now the government is still "assuming" that the rice can be sold competitively (in other words, close to the buying price..)

    The only cost they count at the monent is the interest expense on the money borrowed to finance this scheme.

    This is the reason they are not selling (much) rice.

  8. What makes it worse is when you look around you there is one person in every car , car pools do not exist here. In my soi I see several family members going to the family business in separate vehicles , this is happening all throughout Bangkok.

    You are correct but this problem exists in most part of the world.

  9. In a year's time all these rebated cars will be causing gridlock in the second hand car yards along with loss of face!

    I just wonder how many bought these cars on finance and once the 100k rebate runs out won't be able to make the payments

    Most people have bought these cars on credit and they can't sell the car within 5 years.

    This scheme is going to put many of those greedy car buyers into trouble.

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  10. Coup d'etats aren't pretty the same way surgery isn't. No one wants to be cut open by a knife and have some malignency removed, but sometimes extreme measures are needed to save the patient.

    I would suggest that if the patient needs 19 of those 'extreme measure removals' in 75 years the problem isn't with the governing bodies being removed in this fashion but somewhere else.

    Wouldn't you agree?

    Well if you only remove half of the cancer, the rest will continue to grow and mutate - perhaps total removal of the offending infection would be a better approach?

    So you'd prefer a one party state? The Thai people have made their choice at the ballot box, why should the army feel that they know better? Or the people behind the army coups for that matter?

    This is answered very well in post nr 101.

  11. That would be like the police getting drug traffickers to lecture recruits.

    Sent from my HTC phone.

    Uhh, they do that.

    In any case, the former PM understands the election process in Thailand, and his party did win a landslide mandate to govern, which is something the Democrats never achieved.

    That must be the reason the former PM became a criminal on the run.

    The internaional foreign affairs community doesn't share your view. Have ytou informed them?

    I believe the common position was that the man did not have a fair trial. This is why he was given unfettered access to many countries subsequent to the illegal military coup and Abhisit's appointment as PM.

    Had the former PM's conviction been perceived as the product of a fair judicial process, he would have been blocked from entering Switerland, France and Germany.

    "The internaional foreign affairs community doesn't share your view. Have ytou informed them?"

    If you tell me who the spokesperson is for the foreign affairs community I will tell him/her....

    "I believe the common position was that the man did not have a fair trial. This is why he was given unfettered access to many countries subsequent to the illegal military coup and Abhisit's appointment as PM."

    Wrong. Many countries think Thaksin is a very corrupt criminal. Please do some research.

    "Had the former PM's conviction been perceived as the product of a fair judicial process, he would have been blocked from entering Switerland, France and Germany."

    I know that the Thai foreign minister is telling countries to accept Thaksin from visiting them. Gross abuse of power from the Thai foreign ministry to say the least. Luckily the general public can deal with these criminals as we have witnessed when criminal Thaksin wanted to make a road show in the US. He left the country with his tail between his legs.

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