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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Hahaha, this is sooo funny. They are slowly destroying eachother. This proves that even when you are a billionaire with great propaganda skill you still can not fool your "loyal" followers.

    And Amsterdam is only there to fool the reds by saying he will put Abhisit and the army in jail.

    Why not put the red-shirt leaders in jail for leading there followers into a deadtrap? Apperantly they were ready to sacrifice there people to win the game for Thaksin. And this is how the western world and educated Thais see it.

    • Like 1
  2. The lawyer's speech.

    Robert Amsterdam Speech to Red Shirt Rally 19 May 2012


    Which reveals the epitome of the term, "fat cat lawyer"


    and includes, "I want to tell you, we will prosecute."

    (apparently he speaks for the ICC now)


    "We will never forget."

    (unlike Thaksin wants us to)

    "and never listen to any politician who tells you to forget"




    If you need a s..m bag like Amsterdam to help you, you know you have a serious problem.

    • Like 1
  3. The ban was of course shameless and politically motivated. The democrat Party could in the meantime shamelessly accept money from crooked businessmen, steal from funds but their cases were dismissed on technicalities. Only military and Asian judges will sentence groups of people collectively and ban their parties, that's easy and a form of injustice. Good that the constitution which is written on toilet paper anyhow will be rewritten again. Next attempt to rewrite it again is after the next coup of course.

    Propaganda 101:

    -it's the coup's fault

    -it's the democrat's fault

    -it's the contitution's fault

    -it's the court's fault

    Let me tell you a secret: If you buy votes you get banned..... (Don't tell anybody)

  4. I believe the image comes from the computer connected to the screen... Just follow the cable I would say... coffee1.gif

    You cannot just send and image to a TV screen from your phone or so...

    But it's funny to see how the PT party always manages to throw a conspiracy in the mix and then set up a committee (which works great for diverting attention).

  5. This is a joke and I knew this would happen from the first day PT took office. They will try all kind of amnesty tricks and if it doesn't work they will "simply" open all Thaksin's cases and give him a new trial.

    That is what I call some serious special treatment.

    Like Yingluck said during a CNN interview the first week she became PM, "we might have to look at my brothers cases again to see if he had recieved fair treatment". giggle.gif

  6. Like rubl stated correctly:

    "Mind you if it's a 'smear campaign' I would have expected legal advisor k. Noppadon, or some cabinet ministers, or some Pheu Thai MP's or the like to have filed a defamation case against some Democrats already".

    Or maybe they forgot.. Like they forget many things when they are spending time serving the pay-master.

    I'm sure rubl is good at his job but I don't think that includes being able to read minds. That includes Jaturporn and Noppadons.

    It's not just Abhisit, another one of his party MPs insists that there was a photograph of Thaksin embracing one of the Insurgent leaders on its web page - this has not been produced.

    Lets face it the democrats were trying to use the Yala bomb and the others to discredit Thaksin and the government by somehow trying to link him to private talks with the insurgents that had gone wrong and resulted in the bomb.

    Yes, the democrat party and its leader are capable of dirty politics.

    I believe most of the thai politicians are capable of dirty politics but (became a multi USD billionaire when in office) Thaksin is 1 of the best at it. But Thaksin could have been much better at dirty politics if he wouldn't have made (and is still making) the assupmtion that everybody is stupid and has an IQ and memory of a donut.

    There appears to be no real evidence that Thaksin met with the southern insurgents and no evidence of why the bombings took place when they did, other than the usual TVF fantasising.

    Talking of fantasising - you claim that Thaksin is a USD multi Billionaire. Where did you get that? Not from Buchholz's signature I trust

    I didn't say Thaksin met insurgents from the south. I only said that he knows dirty politics very well. Completely different story.

    Yes I claim that WHEN HE WAS IN OFFICE he became a multi USD billionaire. How much did he get for his AIS shares? And then he still has/had many other businesses.

    Or are you are trying to say that all the shares belonged to:

    his daughters?

    his son?

    his wife?

    his drivers?

    his maids?

    his cousins?

    his gardener?

    the massage girl who always comes on Sunday night?

    Instead of spending your time accusing me of fantasising, please spend your time learning how to read and do researchwai.gif.

  7. Like rubl stated correctly:

    "Mind you if it's a 'smear campaign' I would have expected legal advisor k. Noppadon, or some cabinet ministers, or some Pheu Thai MP's or the like to have filed a defamation case against some Democrats already".

    Or maybe they forgot.. Like they forget many things when they are spending time serving the pay-master.

    I'm sure rubl is good at his job but I don't think that includes being able to read minds. That includes Jaturporn and Noppadons.

    It's not just Abhisit, another one of his party MPs insists that there was a photograph of Thaksin embracing one of the Insurgent leaders on its web page - this has not been produced.

    Lets face it the democrats were trying to use the Yala bomb and the others to discredit Thaksin and the government by somehow trying to link him to private talks with the insurgents that had gone wrong and resulted in the bomb.

    Yes, the democrat party and its leader are capable of dirty politics.

    I believe most of the thai politicians are capable of dirty politics but (became a multi USD billionaire when in office) Thaksin is 1 of the best at it. But Thaksin could have been much better at dirty politics if he wouldn't have made (and is still making) the assupmtion that everybody is stupid and has an IQ and memory of a donut.

  8. No offence ment, no apology needed wai.gif

    Still you had to add the k. Jatuporn part, you really had to. Well personally I think that's a load of b... K. Jatuporn never delivers on accusations, whereas the "Thaksin alleged secret talks" start to get a clearer shape, or would if it wasn't for all smokescreens people like to throw up wink.png

    May I remind you that the opposition didn't deliver at his farewell speech and hasn't delivered here, except he will, he says, privately.

    Surely the existence of a photograph of Thaksin cozying up to an insurgent leader, which the democrats insist happened, can be published to the world and his dog and this wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to the fact that apparently Abhisit regards "this is an important matter and the existing problem is related to several ongoing matters." .Whatever that means.

    These accusations were made by the democrats on or around the 5th April and still nothing.

    May I remind you that these accusations already start to get a more distinct form even with a 4 day holiday period & mourning/cremation ceremony today. Songkhran is coming, Pheu Thai wants to push throughdiscuss some proposals which are already formulated but of course not decided.

    Expect some later next week. Either more info, or k. Noppadon finally filing a defamation case for k. Thaksin.

    BTW "opposition didn't deliver at his farewell speech" should probably be interpreted as "the government stepping down didn't deliver at the PM's farewell speech", whatever that means huh.png

    It's been over two weeks now, any photos appeared? Other earth shattering truth? Or just another democrat smear campaign?

    Like rubl stated correctly:

    "Mind you if it's a 'smear campaign' I would have expected legal advisor k. Noppadon, or some cabinet ministers, or some Pheu Thai MP's or the like to have filed a defamation case against some Democrats already".

    Or maybe they forgot.. Like they forget many things when they are spending time serving the pay-master.

  9. I showed this video to my partner, she did not find it offensive, rather she said he seemed sad and wanted to come home. i asked did it insult Thais or Thailand, she said no. So I am left perplexed do I believe Bucholtz and company or Geriatrickid? Not speaking Thai I have to assume both put their own slant on it and so cancel each other out.

    So my only comment is Thaksin cannot sing.

    I showed to 7 Thai people in my office and they all told me that this is bad, dirty, shameless and low standard talking...

    That makes perfect sense, office people are hardly the types to favour Thaksin, they probably voted Dem. Now go and grab a few people off the street and see what they think.

    Take it easy man! Don't assume so many things. That could be dangerous.rolleyes.gif

    I am not talking about who voted who. And yes, some of my office staff voted PT but that doesn't mean that whatever Taksin says is fine..

    I was just checking on the words he used.

  10. I showed this video to my partner, she did not find it offensive, rather she said he seemed sad and wanted to come home. i asked did it insult Thais or Thailand, she said no. So I am left perplexed do I believe Bucholtz and company or Geriatrickid? Not speaking Thai I have to assume both put their own slant on it and so cancel each other out.

    So my only comment is Thaksin cannot sing.

    I showed to 7 Thai people in my office and they all told me that this is bad, dirty, shameless and low standard talking...

  11. "..................................during a red shirt anti-government protest..................."

    It is these seemingly innocuous, off-the-cuff references to R'song stated as fact, are 'in fact' misleadingly designed, historically revisionist statements............. R'song was not an anti-govt. protest.....it was an anti-coup protest. This kind of revisionism is simply Coupists trying to hide behind anti-Govt. rhetoric...... What protesting taxpayers fought and died for, was not against any Govt., but against the theft of their political rights - the right to be governed by those they select..........Hence their mantra about early elections, that were violently suppressed and denied by those who feared losing them, as indeed happened last year...........To this Opposition who will be faced with the truth of what they did, as described above, any progress to that objective would be a 'rushed". They want to drown this thing in interminable processes until it fails just by the sheer weight of itself.

    What a nonsense. Educated people don't fall for this crap. Your "it's the coup's fault strategy" is outdated. I suggest you find a new strategy because you are more and more a laughing-stock.

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  12. One can make unsubstantiated and agenized innuendo about funding all one likes, and denigrate those participating, but one cannot avoid the fact this is going to be a massive citizen movement corroberating electoral results, and repudiating the coupists. If this doesn't give some people pause, they are living in La La land, or ostriching to the extreme.

    Just have your coffee and your pay check. Don't waste your time convincing educated people that an elected government is above the law.

    A convicted billionaire criminal acting as the Mandela of Thailand. Really sickening. I wish more people in Thailand were educated. THAT would solve many problems. Hitler was elected too.

  13. I regard the commemoration of peoples lives being lost and keeping it the Public and Political consciousness (lest we forget) as important.

    But it is not a commemoration of peoples lives being lost, it is a political point scoring game with the intention of using those lives as a symbol of a fallacy being perpetuated by the UDD (and people like you), that they are oppressed victims that bear no culpability for the death and destruction that occured in Bangkok in 2010.

    Spot on!

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