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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. well, in all honesty, this is the best solution of the millions of soi dogs

    "well, in all honesty" the best solution is to round up all the sick, perverted, inhumane bastards that enjoy torturing small animals (a trait often found in serial killers) and turn them into dog food.

    On a more serious note; I have personally communicated with several of the wonderful and unselfish people who have been rescuing these dogs and they are doing a brilliant job in finding them good homes with people who do not turn them into a "delicacy" entree for their dinner table.

    ...and before anyone questions me with "What have you done to help the problem besides running your mouth on Thai Visa?" Here is my answer: I have adopted a dog and am in the process of adopting another who was saved from becoming dinner; I have adopted two cats and rescued another seven (all whom live with me); and nursed back to health five pigeons.

    Now I have a question: "What have all the people who agree with "belg" done lately?"

    I have a street dog and cat. The dog I found when he was a puppy and the cat was an injured kitten lying next to the highway. Both have cost me many trips to the vet but are 100% ok now. cool.png

    I will take more when the situation calls for it.

    (I am not saying I agree with Belg)

  2. "Thirayuth biased against Thaksin, lawyer claims", #1^

    A lawyer for former premier Thaksin Shinawatra claims that Thammasat University sociologist Thirayuth Boonmi's criticism of the fugitive ex-PM is biased.
    • It is unlikely Thaksin's lawyer used the word 'fugitive', as this quote suggests.
    • That characterization is a favorite of the Opposition in advancing their criminalization campaign against their political nemesis, now a political exile.
    • Attributing criminal terminology to their Political opposite, is an attempt to validate their power-grab.

    "The military was focused on helping people dredge water channels and solve the haze problem (in the North) while also working hard against drug problems. Thai people should listen to the military and look at its work"
    • Unfortunately this sector of society is completely compromised, given their vengeful and vicious support of the coupists at R'song. A protest easily solved politically.
    • To suggest 'helpfullness' now, falls flat with a huge political and societal block within the country.
    • Paid and pensionable service could be construed as 'helpfullness, but not in the way it is hoped, with a 'volunteerism, good guy', spin.

    "A protest easily solved politically"

    Yes you are right. The solution was in the hands of 1 person. But....... he prefered to lead his supporters into a dead trap for personal gain.

    I can't imagine people spending so much time writing crap for free.

    You are so over the top that nobody believes you. It reminds me of someone.

    • Like 1
  3. "Can the PM win over a foreign audience?" #1^

    No problem, in spite of the opposition's hopes otherwise.

    She is where she is legitimately as a democratically elected PM.

    Her ability to calm the political waters in Thailand after her election, keeping her electoral base in tack and the Opposition nuetralized, is significant political achievement.

    As for the charge she is a proxy for someone else, this doersn't fly either. All circumstances were fully declared and understood by the voters.

    As a result she has no difficulties with Foreign audiences. I have seen many instances where significant international figures were only too happy to be photo-opped with the well respected and photogenic Thai Prime Minister.

    "Doubts expressed over Yingluck's ability to 'think on her feet'

    Only by those who would be advantaged, if such a perception found traction.

    Her politiocal support has no such concerns, in fact they don't even think about it.

    This is pure Opposition agenda.

    "Top bureaucrats are going through some nail-biting moments as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra contemplates an invitation to attend an upcoming summit, the UN Conference on Trade and Development"

    Says who?

    The bureaucracy better be in line, recognizing their place vis-a-vis the political leadership.

    Why not mention a name?....Who is biting his/her nails?

    "Some bureaucrats fluent in English went as far as describing the performance as a "disaster".


    Should this be true, this is more an indication of the PTP not cleaning house well enough after their electoral victory.

    I have often heard accusations of the PTP electoral victory being followed by the installation of their "cronies'.

    Should the above be true, obviously they didn't do enough, leaving some of Mr. Abhisit's cronies in place.

    "Some think the invitation from Supachai was a trap so Yingluck can give the same mediocre performance as in Davos"

    I have seen this frequently mentioned by the Oppositiuon media. This opinion stated as fact.

    A little bit like saying the flood disaster management was not up to par. Another statement projected as fact, with no supporting data.

    When compared to other Nations handling similar disasters of similar magnitude, Thailand's handling of it may be deemed exemplary.

    When opposition accusations are expressed as fact, raises many red flags.

    The same messages again....

    -She is democratically elected so whatever she does is good.

    -It's the opposition's fault

    -It's the court's fault

    -It's the military's fault

    -It's .......fault

    You talk like a red shirt leader.

  4. Really, the production line of articles on reconciliation go on and on and on. Worthless every one. It was never ever intended as anything other than an attempt to by-pass the law and bring Thakisin back to Thailand as a 'clean' man. Everything else just window dressing.

    If reconciliation "was never ever intended as anything other than an attempt to by-pass the law and bring Thakisin back to Thailand as a 'clean' man" can you please explain why it was Abhisit who set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?

    How the Democrats responded to the calls for 'reconciliation' may be seen as naive or taking the red call at face value and responding accordingly, but the reality of what Thaksin and his supporters mean by 'reconciliation' has become hardly an issue of rocket science. Thaksin's return is the price of 'reconciliation'. Oh, and a whitewash for the red thuggery of 2010. Some will remember that sometime in 2010 both sides did reach what was thought to be an agreement to hold an election ahead of schedule. Maybe this was going to be an opportunity to row back the endless confrontation and a 'reconciliation'. Thaksin deliberately broke that up through Seh Daeng who caught a bullet for his troubles. Post- the red riots both sides have again gone through the motions but nobody believes they are intended other than a weapon which the reds think they can use to advance interests. Even the forum cheerleaders don't think otherwise.

    If Thaksin would have agreed on holding the elections at the end of 2010, a lot less people would have died. But... it was worth the risk for Thaksin. He needed the DEM government to be out before budget allocation. If he would have been human, he would have agreed on Abhisit's election proposal.

  5. Push to bring Thaksin back is my idea, Chalerm says", #1^

    "She also denied the government's support for constitutional changes was aimed at ensuring any one person's return to Thailand"

    But it can certainly appear to be so.

    When one considers that it was anti-Thaksin motives for coupists when they tampered with the constitution.

    Because their revisions were done with him in mind, to have legitimate electoral based corrections made now, can seem to be pro-Thaksin, when all they are doing, is undoing coup sourced damage.

    "In 2008, Thaksin was sentenced to two years in jail for abuse of power, in a case based on an inquiry by the post-coup Assets Examination Committee. He left Thailand shortly before the court read its verdict and has been living in self-exile, mostly in Dubai"

    An unqualified statement such as this can be very misleading without contextualizing it.

    The context being that this was part of the self-serving crminalization campaign of their electoral nemesis by coupists, to justify their power-grab.

    It is what the UDD/Red Shirts characterized as the 'judicial coup" which followed the original one.

    Unless one contextualizes it, can seem to be different than it is.

    "Abhisit, also the Democrat Party leader, said the conflict was now between the country's legal system and Thaksin, who was trying to avoid judicial power over him."

    The conflict is not that.

    It is a conflict between coupist remnants and those who subsequently voted this Government into power, with fully declared Thaksin association.

    To equate the country's legal system to coup machinations does not fly, and is denigrating to the legal system. It only resonates with the various elements and motives of the Opposition.

    Chalerm said he had no need to whitewash Thaksin's wrongdoing "because he never committed any. There is no need for him to get an amnesty or pardon."

    This statement by Chalerm reflects above perspective, and is shared by the electoral majority.

    As much as the Opposition would love the country to get behind their anti-Thaksin campaign, and to share their spin that constitution reforms are singularly motivated, it doesn't resonate beyond their own circles.

    "This statement by Chalerm reflects above perspective, and is shared by the electoral majority."

    This proves that you have no idea what democracy means. In your "democracy" we don't need courts. Just let the people decide right?

    • Like 1
  6. "I have my own way of getting back home without having to rewrite the charter to favour me," - Give some credit for the man for being honest. He is openly admitting that he will break the law to come back without having to serve his term. Or does this mean abolishing the courts will do the trick for him?

    Two days after Yingluck became PM she was talking to CNN and told the interviewer that her government would re-open Thaksin's cases and "look" at them again to see whether or not he was falsely accused.....

    Was he not found guilty by the courts? And judges are appointed by HM, not the governement.

    yes you are right but not all judges might "see" it the same way ...

  7. "I have my own way of getting back home without having to rewrite the charter to favour me," - Give some credit for the man for being honest. He is openly admitting that he will break the law to come back without having to serve his term. Or does this mean abolishing the courts will do the trick for him?

    Two days after Yingluck became PM she was talking to CNN and told the interviewer that her government would re-open Thaksin's cases and "look" at them again to see whether or not he was falsely accused.....

  8. That's when Jatuporn spoke up, saying the people who died did not hold any weapons

    Yet another lie from Jatuporn.

    If that is so; I challenge you to post a photo of a red shirt who has been shot dead with a weapon in their hands. There are hundreds of photos of red shirts shot dead unarmed.

    I challenge you to explain how the 20 or so soldiers and officials died.

  9. Perhaps, once there is enough Red Villages on board, they can all secede from The Kingdom and form a breakaway state, 'The People's Village of Issan'?

    Yes you are right.

    Looking at the map of who voted which party we can see that Thailand is cut in half (by region). North and South. This country is completely divided and it wouldn't suprise me if one day we would have North Thailand and South Thailand. 2 Countries.


  10. Don't laugh...the photos tell the story of my 17 year association with Thailand.

    Yes, I am now officially Thai doing this to my pride and joy!

    My excuse is safety 1st.

    Oh yes I I changed the oil and topped up the coolant while the lads were glueing on the White LEDs smile.png

    Getting there Norman but you also need to get some neon in order to blend in kap! wai.gif

  11. No, the point of this whole "scheme" is to profit the people who will provide the tablets, infrastructure, wi-fi access, upgrades and before this is all said and done they will decide that while this scheme failed we owe it to the students to do it right the next time. and off we will go with another round of spending for no real return for the students only profits and payoffs for those involved in the procurement process.


  12. Pics of the bike yesterday at Bira. Took them early morning while waiting for the lads to come round the bend - 555.







    Hi Norman bike is looking goodies (as usual)!. After riding it the other day, I found the seating position just a little too comfy (cruisy) for sporting purpose. I would change the handlebars to create a more sporty position. I think the bike would feel "faster" when riding it, especially on the track, but still comfortable enough for everyday use.

    Just a thought.

    Will most probably pass by tomorrow late afternoon to swap the tyres.

    See ya!

  13. Thaksin is pathologically set on taking full control partly because that was his original aim before being deposed, after his term expired, but also because of the revenge motive. No revenge is complete unless you take MORE than they took from you. He sees them as having taken what he hadn't yet gotten control of.

    So he has a war room to track coup makers. This is just claptrap to keep pushing the 'eminent coup button' in his Red Followers. Preaching to the choir. Things have slowed to a crawl for Thaksins personal plans, the Red Troupes are getting restless, and he needs to keep feeding them red meat to make them stay on point till his next move. It also explains the Amsterdam-lead online Perception Management moves we can see lately.

    Clearly they are moving to make a bundle on Water Retention and Spillway purchases through their friends, shills and proxies, hence the meeting with real-estate moguls, in secret last week. But before this cash cow of kick-backs can be spread around, he must still keep his street branch placated, and angry. Letting them become complacent isn't an option. Letting them imagine they will be the front line defense against a coup, makes them imagine they are empowered and important.

    Nice comment. Soooo true!!


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