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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. To ease the situation I would ask her in a nice way if she would like to go back home on a holiday , and then if she accepts send her off ring after about a week and tell her your finished and you never want to see her again because she is to unstable for you tell her you have found some one else.

    Of course she will take care of the baby and you will need to send some money for support.

    What a lot of people do is that they try and try to save a relationship and then find out everything is gone including the house.

    These girls don't take long to find ways to screw you and manipulate you in a big way especially if they have other friends with farangs.

    Go buy her an air ticket today you will be much happier.

  2. I dont beleive it,.someone trying it on for 30.000 baht id say, and may be closer to home than you think, wink.gif have you seen this in black and white ? dry.gif

    That was my first thought,too.

    Have you been with her when she applied for her passport? How good is your Thai?

    How long are you married?

    In my guess it is a very rare occasion that BIB take a bribe and file the misdoing.

    And then send the file to BKK by post? I haven´t seen the BIB using internet in the villages and surrounded towns where my wifes come from.

    You guys must be wearing rose colured glasses it does happen.

  3. I am obviously a beginner at this. I want to install some memory on my PC. I checked a web site that told me I had

    "4 slots. 256mb. 256mb, empty, empty". Does that mean I have 512mb?

    When I check properties on my computer it said I have 256mb

    If I add another 256mb, What should it say in properties.

    Also if you follow me so far, where is a good place to get it in Phuket?

    Do I need to tell them anything specifically, and about how much would it be

    Than you for your input

    yes it says you have 512 and if you add one more it would 256 x 3 , my suggestion would be remove the two 256 and put in two 512s at least or even better put in two 1 gb

    not sure where you get it in Phuket but most pc shops keep it get a few quotes on supply and install if you dont feel confident instaalling it.

  4. Before I handed over one cetang, I would have a chat with the embassy. Is gambling illegal in the US? In my experience she was unlucky to get caught, in my 6 years here I only heard about 2 raids. In both instances the whistle blowers had a problem with one person who was playing cards. The 1st one caught the MIL which I did find amusing.

    Have to agree. If she was involved in a gambling operation then it would probably be a more serious offense that you would want expunged.

    In our state the law has been amended to allow friendly card games even if money is involved. It becomes illegal if the house takes its cut.

    It doesn't matter about if its legal or illegal in another country it is what shows on the police report included with the application and in this case she is listed as a criminal just for playing cards.

  5. My wife just went to the Bangkok police to get the required police record for her visa to the U.S., but they told her she needs to pay 30,000 baht to get a clean record. Evidently she got a mark on her record for gambling a few months ago while playing cards in her village. She thought it wasn't on her record since she paid the local police 1,200 baht, but evidently it is. Are there any other options that anyone knows of to clear this other than paying the bribe or is that the only thing to do? I was thinking that dealing with her village police might be cheaper, but don't know if that is feasible or not. Appreciate any help.

    This hapenned a long time back also but it was only 10 thousand baht that an official wanted in his hand before the application could be moved from the bottom of the pile which would take a very long time to clear.

    Once again corruption at all levels in thailand.

  6. Where can I buy some ?? There was a man from Belgium in Chiang Rai that was selling pickled Bismark herring (half fillet ) but he went bust , then there was a German in Phuket that was making them so I hear but no longer.

    Also jars of Cockles would be nice, not thai but british ones.

    Selling a product like that no wonder he went bust :)

  7. My back scratcher is getting a bit old and worn out now.

    Does anyone know where I can buy a new one here in Bangkok , I need one that will bend a bit but it also it needs to be strong .

  8. This thread is hilarious - it seems everyone has the same plan to play lottery online while living/being in Thailand until they strike it lucky! I love the comment from the moderator with 7000+ posts about getting his Mum to play for him! Bless his cotton socks - reading that gem made my day!

    Any nationalized lottery company can ONLY pay out to residents of that country, who are actually in the country whilst buying the ticket.

    Do people really think they are just going to swan back home to collect when they win? C'mon, grow up!

    If that is your home country of course you should be able to go back home and get your winnings

  9. Now that the Thailand online Lottery has been ruled lawful by the Council of State as printed in the Bangkok Post today, will that now allow expats to play online lotto for Australian and UK lotterys etc.

    I like to buy lotto online but in the regulations of one lotto provider it states purchasing online lotto from a country that rules online gambling illegal can deem the ticket purchase not legal and payment can be stopped " not the exact words but thats what it is basically saying".

    Hopefully this new ruling will now let us buy our tickets without the worry of not getting paid if our numbers come up.

  10. Living in 2009

    YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2009 when...

    1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

    2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

    3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.

    4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

    5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

    6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your mobile phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries..

    7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.

    8. Leaving the house without your mobile phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

    10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

    11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile : )

    12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

    13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

    14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.

    15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list

    AND NOW YOU ARE LAUGHING at yourself.

    Go on, forward this to your friends. You know you want to.

  11. Hey guys,

    I was just wondering if the new Apple iPhone 3Gs made it to Thailand yet. If it did, does True (or whatever iPhone carrier in Thailand) has it available unlocked also? If it didn't, anyone knows when will it be available?



    True have announced that they are going to sell the iphone 3gs in August. They are selling the 3g for Bt28,500 so the 3gs will be more expensive. They are available at MBK fully unlocked for Bt42k or software unlocked for about Bt35k - 32GB. You probably get most of the difference back - between a 16GB 3G and a 3GS when you sell it second hand now.

    I guess the price will come down.

    Prices have come down at MBK today I was quoted 33000 for a 32gb factory unlocked 3gs

    If that is the case I would be a bit surprised. Factory unlocked 32GB GS is not available for under US$1000 on Ebay so it is unlikely to be cheaper than that. Maybe I am cynical but at that price it sounds like software unlocked rather than factory unlocked. Prices do look to have come down a bit - maybe Bt2000.

    If true it looks a great deal.

    It is definitely factory unlocked i was also offered software unlocked but wasn't interested not sure of the price they told me but they had both.

  12. Hey guys,

    I was just wondering if the new Apple iPhone 3Gs made it to Thailand yet. If it did, does True (or whatever iPhone carrier in Thailand) has it available unlocked also? If it didn't, anyone knows when will it be available?



    True have announced that they are going to sell the iphone 3gs in August. They are selling the 3g for Bt28,500 so the 3gs will be more expensive. They are available at MBK fully unlocked for Bt42k or software unlocked for about Bt35k - 32GB. You probably get most of the difference back - between a 16GB 3G and a 3GS when you sell it second hand now.

    I guess the price will come down.

    Prices have come down at MBK today I was quoted 33000 for a 32gb factory unlocked 3gs

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