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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. But if you take your own camera you can get photo's for free , and 500 baht is not expensive , can you imagine their operating costs.

    You are being a bit unreasonable it seems.

  2. Well there will always be some one who will opose it same as they did to the American President for hitting a fly

    President Barack Obama reflected on what fatherhood means to him and wrote down his thoughts. Read his original piece at Parade.com.

    On Tuesday, a fly intruded during Obama’s interview with CNBC correspondent John Harwood at the White House. Obama swatted the fly and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is not happy, so they sent him a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.

    “We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals,” PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. “We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals.”


  3. Bird Feeding


    Let Me Out


    Beautiful Birds


    Camel Feeding


    please excuse my mistake re camel feeding I was not paying attention to what i was doing I do know the difference between a giraffe and a camel :)

  4. Great shots man. How much is the cost and where is it located?

    The tiger pic is my favorite. :)

    Thanks for the comments Pooklook hope you enjoy your trip there

  5. Great shots man. How much is the cost and where is it located?

    The tiger pic is my favorite. :D

    Safari World is at 99 Panyaintra Rd , Samwatawantok, Klongsamwa , Bangkok

    About 40 minutes to get there in a taxi from On Nut

    Cost is 740 baht for Farang and 450 for Thai well worth it

    Saw the signs on my way to Pattaya once and wondered what it was? Good to know for future reference. I don't know if you're aware of this or if it applies with this particular attraction but many attractions here will give farangs the Thai rate if you provide identification of residence like a Thai drivers license for example..

    Been to many attractions and just produced the info. and got the Thai rate.. AT the Phuket aquarium a couple of Indians watched us do it and followed suit. You should give them a call first though so they can't pull a fast one on you at the entrance.. :)

    I never asked about the price for resident farangs but i will give it a go next time thanks

  6. Happy Orangatangs they even have there own band

    So did you witness the training methods used to make these animals behave like that, or do you believe juvenile orangutans form a musical band and wear costumes whenever they are happy?

    Are you suggesting that Orangatangs are not musical gifted ?

  7. It could be a leaky injector which is letting excess diesel into the cylinder and this is causing the knock when it starts up until it clears,.

    Is there excessive smoke when you start up ?

    No there is no smoke.Also if that was the reason I guess the knocking would not disappear after a few seconds.

    Also the major reason for this topic is that I try to find out which valve they're talking about,I believe if their computer reports the error that there is one,and how serious this problem is.

    this still sounds like a faulty injector which is probably due to wear and the reason the knock goes is that rpms increase and burn the excess fuel.

    Does it seem as if its missing one cylinder until the noise goes.

    Note : an injector is a valve

  8. there is a bus,that leaves london to australia,twice a week,dont no how long it takes

    There used to be a boat that left every 3 months from Southampton. Took ages but was free, all you had to do was steal an apple from the local magistrates orchard :)

    thats right it's an Airbus 380

  9. this only a guess for me but i had something similar and i had to reset the bios by taking a small cable of and then putting on two different pins and then re settin it. also removed and replace small battery

    if you have it check your mother board manual for reset bios

  10. I never saw no mad hippo or monkey cannon , also you dont need to own a car to go there a taxi is about 250 to 300 baht from sukhumvit and then there is a bus that will take you around the safari park after that you can walk everywhere.

    Thats right, i remember now, there are/were micro buses to take you around the safari part. is that still the case?

    Forget these people with animal causes pulling your chain...

    its one of those fantastic day outs in Thailand that is truly amazing...

    I love the james bond big fight show...are the explosions and fireballs still big enough to feel the heat?

    Even if another farang never goes to this place because of their idealogical belief the place will never close because the Thais love it...

    yes they have micro buses to take you around its about a 30 minute trip around the park in the bus and then you can go see all the shows by walking , I was there from 9.00 till 4.30 and still missed a couple of things.

    I will definetly go again.

  11. You are being very harsh Patrick , millions of people around the world enjoy seeing animals act on tv or in shows , I guess you dont like dolphins or elephants performing either .

    Why don't you go look at the show yourself before being so judgemental, these Orangatangs are probably more happy and safer than the ones being tracked down in the jungles and killed.

    You really have no conception of the harm you are contributing to do you?

    A main reason Orangutans, Chimpanzees etc. are being “tracked down in the jungles and killed” is so that their young can be captured alive.

    They are then sold to places like Safari World where they are beaten and mistreated until their natural instincts are destroyed and they submit to being dressed up to “perform” for the amusement of people such as you.

    If people shunned such “entertainment” there would be no market for the young and much less hunting and killing in the wild.


    Do you have evidence of this that they are beaten and mistreated , I would think that if they were beaten they would be unhappy these were not unhappy.

  12. "The gadget will do no more than a mid priced phone. Buy a phone with EDGE capability and you can connect with Bluetooth or a data cable. . . . I have a 4,800 baht Nokia 5130c EpressMusic;"

    You can do the same with a Nokia 3110 Classic -- I bought one for 3900 Baht 8 months ago, but heard that you can get one for B2500 or less today.


    I Agree with you I bought one of those edge usb modems a couple of years ago about 7000 baht , complete waste of money i exchanged it for a secondhand nokia phone 1500 baht.

    I use the nokia mobile a lot when hi speed wireless is not available and the phone work perfect for internet.

  13. Safari world is a great day out..

    Do they still have the mad hippo running around the ring and a somersaulting monkey from a sea saw onto his back !

    now that was cruel the monkey would fire up in the air about 15ft to land on the hippo's back!

    cruel but still funny....

    i love the end show and you can feel the heat from the explosions and fire.... a real dramtic show...

    its been over 5 years since i went but i had photos taken holding a baby tiger and hugging an oranguatan ....

    where else can you do this...?

    anybody who has a car and doesn't have a farang cause to worry about will enjoy this day out.

    I never saw no mad hippo or monkey cannon , also you dont need to own a car to go there a taxi is about 250 to 300 baht from sukhumvit and then there is a bus that will take you around the safari park after that you can walk everywhere.

  14. The w8nkers that run that place are money-grabbing torturers.

    Do you really think orang0utans should be boxing? They are an endangered species and Safari World had dozens, yes dozens, of them a few years ago and were busted for it.

    In addition, farangs pay a load more than Thais, but only rich Thais can afford to go anyway.

    Bad place, bad people. Good shows (for the spectator), good photos.

    Please do NOT promote them.

    That's not correct what you say you make it sound like they are full on professional boxers.

    I saw no harm done to the Oranagatangs when they were boxing , infact they looked quite happy .

    Its not actually boxing just a bit of friendly pushing and shoving .

    Have you actually been and watched it ?

    Absolutely agree with 2long.

    Anyone who enjoys watching wild animals dressed up and forced to perform in ANY way is a pathetic excuse for a human being.

    I have only seen this "show" on the TV Series "Monkey World" which highlights the exploitation of Monkeys and Apes around the world - under no circumstances would I pay money to see animals mis-treated like this.

    "They looked quite happy" - what a load of tosh!


    You are being very harsh Patrick , millions of people around the world enjoy seeing animals act on tv or in shows , I guess you dont like dolphins or elephants performing either .

    Why don't you go look at the show yourself before being so judgemental, these Orangatangs are probably more happy and safer than the ones being tracked down in the jungles and killed.

  15. The w8nkers that run that place are money-grabbing torturers.

    Do you really think orang0utans should be boxing? They are an endangered species and Safari World had dozens, yes dozens, of them a few years ago and were busted for it.

    In addition, farangs pay a load more than Thais, but only rich Thais can afford to go anyway.

    Bad place, bad people. Good shows (for the spectator), good photos.

    Please do NOT promote them.

    That's not correct what you say you make it sound like they are full on professional boxers.

    I saw no harm done to the Oranagatangs when they were boxing , infact they looked quite happy .

    Its not actually boxing just a bit of friendly pushing and shoving .

    Have you actually been and watched it ?

  16. Great shots man. How much is the cost and where is it located?

    The tiger pic is my favorite. :)

    Safari World is at 99 Panyaintra Rd , Samwatawantok, Klongsamwa , Bangkok

    About 40 minutes to get there in a taxi from On Nut

    Cost is 740 baht for Farang and 450 for Thai well worth it

  17. Went to Safari World yesterday had a really good day it is worth going to see for anyone who hasn't been there. I arrived there a 9pm until 4.30 pm and there was plenty to see including :

    Dolphin Show , Orangatang Boxing , Safari Park , Bird Show ,Spy Show , Seal Show and more.

    here's a few pics.







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