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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 1 hour ago, sirineou said:

    I understand , and share your frustrations, I live in the same world you live in, and I know where the money is, and also know that it is guarded wll and will not be given up easily. But those who you blame for your problem are not the disease they are the symptom. The disease is what is going to kill you.  

    I am sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful, I really don't , but the above sounds like a defeatist attitude. Just because something has existed for a long time, it does not mean it must always exist. Many things existed for a long time and we changed them, why not this? 


    They are not the symptom. They are if fact the disease that is already present, it actually arrived years ago and that disease has killed people just as it is destroying our country. In fact I could have been killed by that disease when I was mugged and on 7.7.


    England was a lovely country to live in till our politicians opened the floodgates and turned the UK into a scrounger's, a criminal's and a terrorist's paradise.


    Those circumstances existed for along time and the politicians changed them for the worse.


    But again who do you consider to be our actual enemy and why. You haven't said as yet except to allude to some mysterious elite community whose names you have not mentioned.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, micmichd said:

    Remember the so-called "German re-unification in 1989 when milions of East Germans threatened to occupy West Germany if they don't get Deutsche Mark? 

    That's where big parts of West German pensions went - just to make Germany Great again.


    And then came millions of Germans from Russia. Most of them could not speak a word of German. But they called themselves Germans, so they had not to claim asylum to get pampered by the German nanny state.  


    The Arabian and African immigrants came much later so they can't be the reason why the German pensions are so low. 

    You see we in the UK we don't hear too much about that.


    According to the BBC the 'new Germans' are integrating nicely and their eagerness to fit in and work are the reason why the country and its economy is prospering.


    However we did hear Merkel say back in 2010 that the multicultural experiment in Germany has been a massive failure. But we naturally assumed that she must have been on the schnapps to come out with such obvious nonsense.

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  3. 5 hours ago, balo said:

    This is the video, do not post fake ones. 

    I have never met him but he looks like any old, out of shape farang in Pattaya. Wearing a cap does not help.  Let's hope they catch the <deleted>.  

    It is the one.




    It depicts and old bloke in a baseball cap picking up a phone from the seat next to him in what appears to be some sort of salon.

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  4. 16 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    I would like to know how many of the bleeding hearts on here have taught kids. The great problem is that the only thing that the kids react to is the threat.  A teacher can not throws student out or give them detention or extra homework the kids don't care.  Schools can not suspend a student and they can not fail. 


    My question to the bleeding hearts is what would you do if a student told you to <deleted>off.

    Bang on the nail.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Surasak said:

    I understand where you are coming from and discipline is the main problem in UK schools and homes. However, to use a stick to beat a child is never the answer. "There are other means of punishment which can be much more effective."

     Like what? Stopping their pocket money?

    They'd just go out and start shop lifting or selling drugs.


    Ground them?

    They'll just climb out the window or go out the back door.


    Take their TV or phone away?

    They'll just scream and holler and shout till you relent and let them have them back because you want a bit of peace.


    There's little or no discipline in the home nor the schools any more because some kids know they can get away with murder, in some cases literally.


    A lot of the fatal stabbings in London remain unsolved. Even the cops are wary of getting too enthusiastic in their investigations just in case there's another riot!


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  6. 2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    I have never hit my son to discipline him and never would to any child of mine (or anyone actually).  There are plenty of ways to discipline children other than hitting them.


    By trying to suggest that a lack of beating your children leads them to become "uncontrollable rabble" shows just how ridiculous that statement really is.

    Do you not consider the young men who take to the streets looting and starting fires when we have riots in London are not an 'uncontrollable rabble'. That's exactly what they are IMO. Perhaps you consider them to be members of a wronged minority giving air to justifiable grievances.


    Have you any idea what level of discipline those rioters were subjected to when they were younger. They even laughed at the police and after the first day or two the police just stood back and left them to it. If they'd have brought in armed troops it would have been over in hours.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    It used to be Carrefour supermarket, French owned and sold to a Thai company so I'm led to believe.


    Airing ones views/gossiping, I'm a little misty on the difference, particularly when it takes place in a hairdressers.


    'See United won last night. Any plans for a holiday this year, see the bar girl trade is dropping away. They cant get off their backs to come for a 'do'......'

    You're talking about Big C Extra up on Central Rd near Foodland. That used to be Carrefour.

    The Big C on second Rd was always called Big C.


    Gossip is meaningless tittle tattle and the spreading of rumours.


    That's not quite the same thing as airing views on a nation's economy or it's political situation and how it affects your livelihood.


    Would you describe discussing the ins and outs of Brexit or the question of immigration as 'gossiping'?

  8. 13 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    A woman in the hairdressers gossiping? Well that's a new first.......

    She was not 'gossiping' she was airing her views on the economy and the government and those of herself her friends and her family. And those views were extremely negative.


    After my haircut I went to the strangely named  Big C supermarket on Second Rd and it was like a morgue between 12.30 and 13.30. Very few shoppers and even fewer Westerners. If you doubt me take a trip up there one day and see for yourself.


    When businesses are slack in the Los of Smiles they lay staff off. There are few regulations concerning shop workers' rights here and AFAIK no effective trade unions. Fewer people shopping in stores spending money equals less need for employees. The hairdresser told a similar story about the factories outside of Pattaya.


    I had trouble finding an employee to tell me where the black bags.

    were. That's how bad it was.


    When I did find eventually find someone I got the usual "No hab". However not to be thwarted I had a scout around and in the end found them myself.


    A lot of bars have closed in recent months and if the staff have found new employment it definitely won't be in Big C.

  9. 8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    But I am not the member making false assertions about Thailand's official unemployment rate and how much prostitution with foreigners contributes to Isaan's GDP. Far be it from me to break sweat trying to dispel the incorrect and outdated notions of a fellow member.


    ... like yourself.




    I spoke to a Thai woman today who's a hairdresser in Pattaya. She mainly gets her living doing the girls hair who work the bars. It's the worst high season she's ever known it and she's been in the same salon for nearly 20 years.


    She also said factories are laying off people all over Thailand. They can't sell their products because the Baht is too expensive.


    So who knows what are false assertions about Thailand's official unemployment rate and what is the true rate. I'd take the word of a lady who works at the sharp end rather than the word of some politician who claims that the economy is booming because he wants to 'save face'.


    She's got a mobile phone and keeps in touch with her friends and family who tell her what the situation is in their parts of Thailand

  10. 45 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    No short time hotels involved and neither of us are low enough to knock a girl for her money. Nice mates you have.


    Wouldn't dream of asking the girls for money, just not the style of us looky likey film stars.


    You seem to doubt me, I can assure you that everything I said is true (well maybe my mate isn't a ringer for Clooney but never has a problem pulling in the UK)

    "Nice mates you have."


    Where did I say he was a 'mate'.  I simply said "I knew a bloke who liked to brag about getting it free".


    It was you who jumped to the conclusion that he was a 'mate'.

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Well, speak for yourself. I first came to Pattaya on my 2nd one month tour of SE Asia. The only reason I came was to hang with a couple of mates who have Condos here and were here at the time. I came for 4 days, during that time I discovered why they were so in love with Thailand and Pattaya in particular. It was the GT stripes.


    Have you ever noticed how all Thai women have a black GT stripe running down the crack of their backsides? Sooo sexy! I quickly became addicted to them and felt the need to do a survey to ascertain whether it was all Thai women that have a GT stripe or just some of them. The survey continues and I have yet to find a Thai woman with no GT stripe although I did find a girl in Pattaya who was half Chinese/half Cambodian without a GT stripe. My closest friend is also facinated by GT stripes and is back again on Saturday (last here in December) to help me with my survey.


    As for "getting it for free", yes I've had that more than once but have been told that I have more than a passing resemblance to Brad Pitt. My mate has had it for free at least once on every visit he's made here and is on a promise of a freebie when he arrives on Saturday. However, he is a ringer for George Clooney.

    Heard it all before. I knew a bloke who liked to brag about getting it free and he also reckoned it was because he looked like George Clooney or Brad Pitt.


    When I asked his crowd what his secret was they said he simply took 'em to a short time room, did the business, knocked them for their money and scarpered on his M/C. Because of this they would not go out with him of a night because he was such an embarrassment.


    Now don't start telling us next that the girls pay you and your mate if you both look like handsome film stars cos that will be pushing the envelope just a bit too far.

    • Haha 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Petew said:

    Something should be done about all the street dogs that are breeding so prolifically around the residential areas and beaches. It is a rabies outbreak waiting to happen. When it does, and a tourist is bitten, that will be the end of Pattaya. 

    Not being able to get a decent sleep because of the barking and howling is one thing, but rabies is a killer and this issue needs action of some sort. 


    I dunno about dogs but where I stay in Soi Bhukaow it's the lack of pavements and loonies tearing about on motor bikes that scare me.


    They even weave in and out of the pedestrians in Soi LK Metro. There used to be speed bumps in LKM but the M/C taxi boys tore them up.


    I've seen two falangs knocked down by Thai blokes on M/Cs in Sois Bhukaow and Diana and that's when it hits home.


    It's none of my business but I can't believe the people in the Town Hall don't regard this as a priority.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, URMySunshine said:

    The look on many a girl's face as they accompany some fat, leering socially inept farang back to their grubby lair often says it all. Most are only doing it for the money and if they find a nice one a ticket out of dodge. 

    'Most are only doing it for the money'.


    They're all doing it for the money. They are prostitutes and it's how prostitutes get a living.


    You're hardly gonna get handsome coves like Brad Pitt or George Clooney having to pay for sex now are you!


    I even get told I'm handsome in spite of me seeing an ugly old goat when I look in the mirror but I've always had to pay. It's why nearly of us including probably yourself came to Pattaya in the first place. What other reason could there possibly be.


    No one with half a brain travels thousands of miles to visit a resort if he does not know what to expect. I knew what to expect when I first came and that was back in 1984!

  14. 5 hours ago, Dont confuse me said:

    This may come as a shock but 99% of Thailand is a rip off. I lived there for 6 years so glad I got out when I did.

    Came back for a couple of months with the wife .....NEVER AGAIN far nicer cleaner cheaper places in Europe. 

    A middle aged chum of mine took his wife on holiday to Pattaya.

    As soon as she took stock of the place she said, "Oh, this is where you <deleted> well go for those <deleted> 'golfing holidays' is it".


    He's now divorced and lives in a second hand caravan in Kent in England and when the site closes down for the winter he has stay with his daughter, but she's getting browned off with him. His wife got the house that he'd spent his working life paying for.


    And to rub salt into the wound his ex wife has moved her fancy man into what used to be his house.


    The moral of this little tale is don't take your wife to Pattaya if you've been there before and she hasn't.

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