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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. On 5/1/2020 at 5:18 AM, hottrader77 said:

    yes and the poor woman who only wanted to earn some money in lockdown , probably argueing about the fee , it all comes down to the drugs and it probably would not have happened if he was not on drugs , the drugs that are sold openly on soi baokhao or even with police help in shape of backhanders , i regulary walk past them and they whisper ice or yaba , but police must see them but just ignore it , and dont forget these are dirty local thais selling it NOT CLEAN FARLANGS , there are a couple of drug dealers on beach road that ask me regular they have NEVER BEEN ARRESTED , but yet the police are quick to stop farlangs sunbathing or swimming in the sea .

    I have spent about 40% of my life over the last 17 years staying in Soi Bhukaow.


    I go out most evenings in that immediate area and have never ever been offered any kind of drugs nor witnessed any drug dealing. I don't know about Beach Rd.

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  2. 10 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    The sooner the US gets rid of this idiot, the better. His comments and actions during the almost 4 years he's been in office have ridiculed America as a nation and created havoc in the rest of the world yet he's still there.  It doesn't seem to matter what stupid statement he makes, what crazy law he passes or what world convention he pulls out of or criticises - he gets away with it. He calls criticism 'fake news' tells reporters they are liars, fires anyone who says something he doesn't like and insults world leaders and organisations - yet he's still there.


    I'd like to think that's simply because of loyalty but surely even that has a limit? Viruses can start anywhere - H1N1 started in the US but I don't remember anyone suing the US over it. A rational man would realise that China would not dare start this virus deliberately and put their own people or their economy at risk. They may have played it down in the early days and whilst, if correct, that's wrong, many countries would have done exactly the same until it was clearly a serious long term threat.


    Trump's latest war of words with China is nothing but a way to deflect media criticism about his lack of timely action and general playing down of the Corona Virus situation at the beginning, which it would appear, has lead to the deaths of thousands of Americans. The only thing he's interested in is getting re-elected, I think he'll take it very hard if he's kicked out.


    Its hard to try to understand the US people's mindset on Trump but in a reasonable country, he'd do far better with public opinion if he rolled up his sleeves and got stuck in to sorting his country's medical crisis out - almost 65,000 deaths at the time of writing and all he can do is engage in a verbal spat with China and suggest people inject disinfectant.


    I found it hard to believe that Trump was ever elected but it was explained to me that it had more to do with his opponent than his qualifications for the job. If he's returned to office in November - well, then the US will have completely lost the plot. What does he have to do, just how far does he have to go before his supporters see the light and desert him?

    A lot of people hate Trump because he's a relief from politically correctness. He tells things as they are and how many others see them especially immigration issues. Liberals hate that.


    I saw the 'disinfectant' speech and he did not simply suggest people inject it.


    He suggested scientists look at a way of enabling folk to absorb it into their systems in a similar way to how hospital air conditioning units use chemicals to purify the air they send out. People in hospitals then breath that air.


    That air reportedly then helps kill germs that may be present in the atmosphere.


    Any Americans who reckon they took him seriously and considered drinking it should be locked up immediately in the nearest institution for their own good. Not even British citizens are that stupid.





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  3. On 5/1/2020 at 3:49 AM, Tug said:

    Ahhhh you are assuming or perhaps stating that China let the virus out on purpose?that sir is an act of war the virus originated in the wuhan market it sucks it’s a bad thing but I don’t think it was done on purpose that beeing said working together to rid ourselves of this scourge is much more appropriate this accusation of China unleashing it is unconstructive to put it mildly and blindingly (unproductive)

    How do you know that the virus originated in the market?


    You do not know that any more than you don't know if it started in a laboratory in Wuhan.


    They have had food markets in China as long as we've had them in Europe. Why have they not had such viruses originating in their food markets before.


    It's all too convenient for the Chinese government to claim the source of the plague is a food market.


    And not the local laboratory that is involved in chemical warfare, the equivalent of the UK's Porton Down, a top secret research institution where scientists experiment with biological weapons that can kill millions of people if ever called upon to do so.






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  4. 9 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    Whether some like it or not there is a lot of suspicion directed towards China since this virus appeared.


    And a lot of anger. Ask working people back in the real world who have been affected by it and who have had their lives and plans disrupted and often ruined by what they recognise as the Wuhan Plague.


    Those who live a sheltered existence in the backwoods of Thailand are rarely affected by it.


    A friend of mine in London just lost his older brother to CV19 in a matter of weeks. He now hates the Chinese and anything to do with China.







    I'm glad four of you think it's funny. I'm not sure my bereaved friend would share your sense of humour.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Your comparisons make no sense. If you want to add any really helpful meaningful opinion learn American politics first.

    I know enough about American politics to have an opinion about the basic situation.


    Trump is a republican president and the rough equivalent of his party is our Conservative Party while the rough equivalent of Biden's party is the UK's Labour Party.


    Our Labour Party favoured Obama and Hillary while the Conservatives are more in line with the Republicans and to a limited degree with Trump.


    To be honest I'm more interested in UK and EU politics but if I want to express opinions on US politics I'll do so and if you don't like or agree with them then I'm sorry but just that's hard cheese as this is an open forum.

    • Thanks 2
  6. 5 hours ago, frenetic said:

    And you think it's relevant how your friend feels?

    And is it relevant how your friend feels about BJ's botched response to the pandemic? If he forgives him should we all do likewise?

    Do you not think it possible and relevant that many people will never forgive China for the consequences of their actions regarding CV19.


    Especially those who have lost loved ones and close friends. I think it's relevant.

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  7. 5 hours ago, pegman said:

    So the Chinese knew that Trump would so badly respond to the pandemic that it would cost him the election? Where do people come up with these gems? FOX NEWS, Breitbart, InfoWars....? Funny how this article hasn't a single reference about Chinese retaliation. What are the chances Trump's soy bean farmer base gets whacked again? 


    Electorate opinion on Trump's handling of the pandemic is running behind every single state governor. He needs a straw man fast to blame for his  administration's gross misconduct in responding to the virus. He has tried blaming Obama but few are buying that.  Yesterday he threatened to sue his pollster for his bad polls. . 

    Being an Englishman I know very little about Fox News and nothing at all about Breitbart, and InfoWars. Nor do I know about soy bean farmers getting whacked nor who's whacked them.


    I'm just looking at the tension that has arisen between Trump and China over recent developments. Which is what this topic is basically about.


    I blame China for CV19 not Trump. Even though some may claim it was Trump and the CIA who actually released the virus.

    • Sad 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Ventenio said:

    the only information we have is an article... we believe it 100% and we would actually sentence this guy to DEATH based on reading one article.


    This is why we are the biggest sheep ever.....


    This is why we always believe the media and never question anything...


    don't worry, i wouldn't defend this guy AT ALL....but i'm simply stating the fact that we don't think....we read, believe, and judge.  then get mad and say the media lies


    Note:  I understand the article says he confessed.  But, again, we know forced confessions happen and we know people say others confess and they don't.  maybe this is a bad example for my rant.....since he certainly seems guilty...but let's not condemn him to death until he sobers up and gets a lawyer and has a trial.   

    Could you possibly be a lawyer!

    • Haha 1
  9. 10 hours ago, pagallim said:

    Here's another snippet.   Those people in Phuket who wish to return home to Phang Nga, firstly Phuket needs to provide the names of these people.   They must also have a medical certificate (as not having the virus), then they must be quarantined for 14 days at one of the nominated hotels, for which they must pay for as well as their food.   People are leaving because they can't afford to stay in Phuket, so having to pay for a hotel in their home province is causing a lot of grief on social media.

    Going by the fancy looking cars in the queues they;ll probably be able to pay for hotel rooms without too much grief.


    It's the people who can't afford such transportation who'll really be in trouble.

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/29/2020 at 8:05 AM, Proboscis said:

    I grant you ALL of what you say (although the sexual assault stuff has not been tried in a court of law). And yet, give us Biden ANY DAY rather than Trump who simply makes any thinking American embarassed when they are abroad to say they are American. Even the backpackers sew a Canadian flag to their luggage so as not to be identified as from the USA!

    I've met several Americans in the LOS who are more than happy with having Trump as their leader.


    I've also met some who aren't just like we had the Johnson/Corbyn camps during the last election in the UK.


    But at the end of the day common sense prevailed and Johnson wound up in Number 10.


    After this CV19 crisis it'll be down to who the public will consider most capable of getting your country back on track.

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  11. 8 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Who do you blame for this?

    Politically correct politicians and their chums in businesses that profit from cheap labour.


    Were 'we' to object to such irresponsible and careless behaviour 'we' would be accused by folk such as yourself of being xenophobes, racists and bigots etc.

    In all likelihood regardless of the fact that there is currently a world wide health crisis.

  12. 6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    See post #7 from someone who supports your position.

    "Checks implented only this week....15,000 daily at Heathrow alone"


    What does this mean? It's rather vague!


    People are arriving at Britains airports daily and reporting that no checks are being made. The claims are back by the MSM.


    We may not trust the MSM but some of us might pay more heed to Joe Bloggs who has just got off a plane at LHR.

  13. 13 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    The PM introduced social distancing measures on 16th March. On March 17th the Treasury announced an unprecedented £330bn package of measures to ease the impact of the social distancing measures. The UK government closed schools, nurseries and colleges on 20th March, and also ordered pubs and restaurants to close. That doesn't strike me as a government wanting the virus to spread. To me this was a government monitoring an ever changing and unprecedented situation, and making huge decisions based on information received from experts. 

    Yes we were a few days behind France with the full lock down, but it was important to get the timing right. 


    The UK is now entering it's 6th week of lockdown, and vast numbers of the public and media are calling for lockdown measures to be eased. You start the lockdown too early and this 'lockdown fatigue' would also kick in too early. The timing has ensured we continue to have NHS capacity, and that was the main goal. 


    It's been on the LBC News yesterday that 10,000 people are still being allowed to enter the UK each day without being tested nor subjected to quarantine regulations. 


    It's not known if they are infected nor who they are now going to associate with in Britain!


    TB had been eradicated from the UK after WW2. It soon reappeared when politicians allowed wholesale immigration. 


    The 10,000 daily arrivals are mostly from the sub continent. Compare such hare brained measures with supposedly 'backward' countries like Thailand.

    • Like 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Right so you post something you say came from the Daily Telegraph and you think that absolves you of any responsibility for the veracity of what you post?!





    Which ever is the most densely populated the fact remains that England and Holland are vastly overcrowded and over crowding is a major factor when it comes to spreading contagious diseases like CV 19.

  15. 26 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:


    Where do you get this nonsense?


    "England has become the most crowded major nation in Europe, official figures have revealed. The number of people living in England has overtaken the population density of Holland, which has traditionally been the most densely-populated major nation on the continent"


    From your own link the population of the UK is 67,825,469, the area of England is 130,279Km2. 


    For England to get close to the population density of the Netherlands the whole population of the UK would have to move to England and even that would be short of your claimed population density. 


    Please at least check and understand the numbers you are re-posting from goodness knows where before reposting here. 



    Monaco Monaco 18,960 2.02 38,300
    Gibraltar Gibraltar (UK) 5,011 6.7 33,573
    Vatican City Vatican City 2,273 0.44 1,000
    Malta Malta 1,505 316 475,701
    Guernsey Guernsey (UK) 955 65 62,063
    Jersey Jersey (UK) 893 118.2 105,500
    San Marino San Marino 546 61.2 33,403
    Netherlands Netherlands 521 33,481 17,424,978
    Turkey Turkey (European part) 473 23,764 11,241,000
    England England (UK) 424 130,279 55,619,400





    None of those countries apart from England can be considered among the 'major nations' mentioned in my link and Turkey is mainly in Asia.


    I got my info from the same source as you got yours. 

    • Like 1
  16. Lay a mask down on a flat clean surface.


    Sprinkle some dust or ash on it and then lift the mask up and see how much has penetrated through to the flat surface. There will be none or hardly any. 


    Then do the same with a spray of water from a trigger operated container such as the ones that contain kitchen cleaner. Again you will see that none or very little has penetrated through to the flat clean surface.


    Then decide for yourself whether they are effective or not.

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  17. 3 hours ago, anto said:

    I agree that Pattaya is now a new cleaned up City ,because of this Wuhan Chinese virus .One can now walk down Soi 6 ,without that rotten fishy smell .Less cats calls all round to the sound  of >come inside you handsome devil < .

    That rotten fishy smell was eliminated by the authorities last year.


    At the same time all bar girls and hostesses sitting outside their bars were told keep their legs closed at all times. And especially in the early afternoon when the noon day temperature is at its hottest.





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