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Posts posted by Hooliganzone

  1. 2 hours ago, Darcula said:

    Why do bad things happen in such nice places?





    Bad things happen in bad areas : This is Soi 6, what do you expect its a dirt hole area the pits of the Pattaya...my advise is to stay clear of this place there are many better places in Pattaya.


    About 10 years ago I was attacked in the middle of the street while just walking up Soi 6, (not in any bar) and hit on my forehead with a beer bottle by a working girl from a bar in the end it came out that SHE HAD MISTAKEN ME FOR SOMEONE ELSE from the previous night.

    I had to have 15 stitches done in Memorial hospital, I paid my own bill no apologies or even sorry from anyone  for the attack, I didn't bother getting the police involved I JUST DON'T GO THERE ANYMORE.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Air Smiles said:

    Even if bike driving the wrong way up the hill(perfectly normal in thailand) he couldn't have been travelling that quickly, the truck driver might not be entirely blameless, that looks like a straight piece of road in the picture and early hours so low traffic,  ...the truck may have been speeding and not paying attention to what was in front.

    It might be normal here but it doesn't change the fact that it's against the the law and dangerous to everybody.

    I don't have any remorse for these people who die driving dangerously they know and still take the risks so (Som nom na) to him, but at least he's no longer a danger to others.

    I do feel very sorry for the innocent people who do get hurt or worse by these low lives who think the road belongs to them.

    I hope the lady fully recovers from her injuries.

    • Like 2
  3.  Police turned up at one bar demanding to see their “dartboard license”.


    When asked how to apply for such license, bar staff were told that the license doesn’t actually exist but will be a requirement imminently.


    Smoking on the beach and playing darts could could get you life imprisonment :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


     What a load of Bullocks, this place is turning into a bigger dirt hole than it already is.


    I don't play darts or smoke by the way but that doesn't my feelings.

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  4. If the girl would have had the hemet properly fastened it would not have come off and saved her to somewhat.

    Usual brake failure excuse because they are so dumb that they don't know cars have 2 braking systems and if the brakes did fail what was all that screeching noise and how did she did she suddenly stop in the end.


    On the mobile looking at Facebook properly I never get in a car with women drivers the men are bad enough.


    Poor girl hope she gets well soon and paid a good compensation, best of luck. 

  5. 44 minutes ago, Misterwhisper said:

    From the Thai Criminal Code:

    Section 295: Causing bodily injury

    the offender "...shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or fined not exceeding 4,000 Baht, or both."

    Section 299: Mob assault causing grievous bodily harm

    "...participants in such affray shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or fined not exceeding 2,000 Baht, or both.

    Section 300:  Causing bodily Harm as a result of negligence

    the offender "...shall be imprisoned 3 years or fined not more than 6,000 Baht, or both."

    Section 278: Rape of a person over 15 years old

    the offender "...shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years or fined not more than 20,000 Baht, or both."

    Section 279: Indecent act with a person under 15 years old

    if committed with or without consent from the victim, the offender "...shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or fined not exceeding 20,000 Baht, or both."


    Now... as the hardened criminal that you are, drop a cigarette butt on a not-so-pristine beach and go to prison for not exceeding 1 year and be fined not exceeding 100,000 Baht, or both. Meanwhile, drop other garbage - including plastic bags, empty bottles and softdrink cans,  styrofoam containers and pretty much anything else (empty cigarette packs?), you apparently go scot-free. 

    500 THB fine for speeding 135km in a 90km limit area...NO NO NO smoking on the beach is far more dangerous.....I love living here life is so interesting its a laugh a day, not like the boring life back home.


    Come on Thailand cant wait for tomorrow to see whats in store for us.

  6. 14 hours ago, ezflip said:

    “I don’t understand. Who started this? Take advantage of them? Foreigners pay one price. Thais pay another price. We’re their hosts. We should impress them so they can tell their friends about the good experience in Thailand. The government should look into this,” user Boy Neverdies said.


    Finally, a few Thais agree with the rest of the world. But I doubt it will change anything.

    Dual pricing is nothinhg less than Total Racism and should be abolished but evening tbe authoritues are same charging 10 times the Thai price fot national parks i used to often visit them now I don't go anymore.

    But Thais are so thick they don't see charging a reasonable price would attract more custom.

    I wish they would charge 10 times more for Thais in the UK, i would love to here what they got to say.

  7. On 07/01/2018 at 1:32 PM, Happy enough said:

    did mine at Trendy in March 2016 and had it back in less than 2 weeks

    **i reckon you can be sure to have it back in less than 3 weeks. Most friends that have done it recently have all said about 2 weeks but see what others say who've done it more recently themselves to be sure

    Just collected mine last week they told me "a month but will be before that" I got an email from Trendy that my passport was ready for collection only 2 weeks after my application.

  8. On 03/01/2018 at 10:33 AM, steven100 said:

    Quality tourist i guess ...  :whistling:

    Quality eastern block tourists, no need for a kicking just throw them in the monkey house for 48 hours and a hefty fine for being drunk and disorderly they will soon cool off.


    On 03/01/2018 at 10:33 AM, steven100 said:

    Quality tourist i guess ...  :whistling:

    throw them in  

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, Dibbler said:

    Thailand treats its captive wildlife with complete disregard for national laws.  The monks at the Tiger Temple who had 149 tigers confiscated from them including many that were like this tiger drugged and forced to perform in front of tourists, were never charged with any offence, and now are preparing to open a new tiger facility under a different business name, possibly with some of the same confiscated tigers, that will be returned to them by the DNP. Members of the public should be posting more to social media as that seems the only way to force the government to take action. It should be Thai and not foreign wildlife activists leading the protests to have these shocking facilities shut down. 

    I totally agree with you I have been many times to the river Kwai area and passed the no longer thank god Tiger temple I never stopped didn't. fancy it and I was right in the end.

    I have been to the Pattaya Tiger park and restaurant 7-8 times I have never seen any bad treatment thet keepers play with the tigers and it all seems a nice and very clean place. 

  10. 3 hours ago, moonseeker said:

    Just back from a fee days Singapore. Amazing how tourists getting treated there. Respectful, friendly, helpful and welcoming people from the moment you step on their soil. Thailand is getting more and more aggressive and rude. Only in rural areas can still find the good old ??. What a shame... MS>

    Wont be long and there will be only Chinese tourists coming here and even their numbers will start going down if they don't change their attitudes to tourists.

    Farlang numbers have gone well down compared to when I first came here 25 years ago,  bad treatment in all manners, beatings of young and elderly, pollution and filth everywhere, most dangerous place in the world to drive and other not.

    I Thai people love there country so why don't they take care of it theres only one answer to that....A Total Lack of Education.


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