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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. I use to record movies on a taperecorder,but since mine "died",I have not been able to find a good new one.Guess they don`t make them anymore. True has a PVB for rent or sell,don`t know which,but if I understand it correctly,that one can only record for one hour,which is meaningless for what I need it for.So,can anyone tell me if there is a recorder in the Thai market,that can record many hours from,f.ex. True Vision? Either on CD:s or harddisk Or both.I know very little about modern days machines,so please keep it simple if you care to help me,which would be very appreciated! BTW;I know that I can ask for information in the shops,but from experience, either they do not know more than I do or,if they do,they are not able to explain it to somebody like me.(Probably my fault...) Thanks beforehand!

  2. Type PRAVIT ROJANAPHRUK into a google search and some fascinating reading comes up in Wikipedia, although I have to say I can access it whilst here in Australia. After reading what he has done and said I can only commend his clarity of thought, sharp reflections on Thai culture and his courage. All is not lost in Thailand whilst people like him are around and I am sure there are many more like him.


    Interesting indeed!

  3. One farmer said,that her family was in the red because their 2 year old rubbertrees had been damaged. Sorry to hear what has happened to the trees,but I can not see the connection between this and beeing in the red.What did they get out of these trees? Or expected to get NOW? It takes at least 6-7 years before they start to produce!

  4. Some years ago,I was in Don Muang to pick up my son,coming to visit. Suddenly he cried out;he had lost his wallet with all his money and some other things.Whoa,I thought,that`s that.But,sekunds later it came over the loudspeakers that a wallet was found!!His wallet! It turned out that he had lost it in the cafeteria,foolishly keeping it in his backpocket,from where it had slid out.

  5. I am not a violent person.I am 72 years old and has never hit anybody in my life,not even had the urge to do it.I have lived here more than twenty years and know about policecorruption.I also know,that the police can easily fabricate some reason to put me away for a long time.So,I have decided to go along with their demands and give them the money they ask for.BUT,everytime,when they accuse me of something I am not guilty of,my temper just flairs up like crazy and I screem to them,hitting my fist in my other hand and,I guess,look absolutely crazy.By the time I start to cool down a little bit,up till now,they say" Go,go!".Once I told the cop"If you want me to give you money,just say so.Do not accuse me of something I am innocent of"! Well,as I said,I have been lucky,and I promise myself to keep my cool next time.Which I know I will not....

  6. The story reminds me of something that happened to me the first year in Thailand.I bought a washingmachine with "garantie" in a big store in Pattaya. Something was wrong with the machine so I went back to the store and asked for the person who sold it to me."He is not here" they said."Ok,I will come back tomorrow" I replied.Next day,and the following two days;the same scenario.Finally,I had to ask why he never seemed to be there."He does not work here anymore" was the answer!

  7. I became curious from IMHO`s statement that my pool is not a pool but a pond,so I consulted Cambridge Dictionaries.Answer: "A swimmingpool is an artificial area of water for swimming". Other dictionaries have answers along the same line.Most mention concreat.So,if I can belive these dictionaries,I actually have a swimminpool!!! Although,pond would be good enough for me;I`m no snobb..

  8. Well,it might be correct to call it a "pond",but that is nothing I reflect on when swimming in it...Admittedly,it would not have the style to live up to expectations in OP`s case.Must add,though,that it takes me just a couple of days to empty,clean and refill the pool,eh..,sorry,pond.

  9. samuibruno: If your question is for me: It is inground ("digged a hole...."). For watercirculation: I have a pump,don`t remember the name,but the long body sort,at one end of the pool.It stays inside a small "room" with waterintake at the top.Lead the water through PVC to the other end,where it sprouts out. To be honest,this pool is not of the touristtype,so to speak;wouldn`t win any competision in beaty,but it serves it`s purpose,which is giving me a place to cool down and exercise by swimming. The net I mentioned,is all around the sides as well,so it is free from various animals,leafs and so on. It has one more thing,that can`t be bought;my satisfaction of having build it myself,without any special knowledge of this kind of work!

  10. He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....

  11. When it is about taking care of your helth,don`t think about what is fun/boring; just do it !! Likewise, regarding time and oppotunity;let it be among the first on your "must do" list.My father often told me,"if you want something extra,you also have to put in an extra effort"! Sorry if I sound highstrung,but these are the facts.Beeing fat and suffer from poor helth is not so fun either,rather boring I would say....

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  12. The reason stated for the warning against trafficing: Can have consequenses for the economi !!!! Disgusting!! And as others already have pointed out;officials needs to be reminded of this?! Do not ask me why I stay in this country;i have my reasons.One of them is not that I admire the so called culture of egotismen and "me first".

    Not because of your spelling either.

    Sounds a little harsh. Bosse is probably here on a ED Visawhistling.gif

    retarius:That`s correct,I`m not here because of my spelling.Are you? Lupatria:No,I`m not here on a ED Visa.Wouldn`t have helped me with my English spelling anyway,would it? I am a bit flattered,that I am the object for your interest in this thred about human trafficing...Please let me know what I spell wrong;always open for learning!

  13. Why is it these rubber tree farmers can't be encouraged to put some land aside for cash crops. They could grow vegetables to sell in the market and that would provide cash flow. I am guessing most would have a rai they could use.

    What kind of crop do you suggest?Do you have some experience to tell us about? I mean,it is easy to say,and sounds smart;"plant anothet crop".I have personally tried different vegetables and other crops,but let me tell you,it is difficult at best! Most of them seems to be seasonal and even so,lots of problems.It is to much rain,they rotten,to much hot and dry weather,lots of crawling and flying things that love to eat the crop.You have to use tons of perticides,fertilisers and so on.Then,how much do you get when you try to sell it? The best I managed is to get some to use for our selves at some time of the year.But,wellcome to teach me something I don`t know! We have our living from rubber and I agree with all of them who says,that we have to take it as it comes,the bad with the good.It doesn`t work to manipulate the market.What I am opposed to though,is that IF the goverment subsidies,it should do so to ALL rubberfarmers;not only to landowners!
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