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Posts posted by JulesMad

  1. Can't we just stop reporting about Phuket??? It is all BS anyway: talk, talk, talk, pay, pay, pay and ABSOLUTELY nothing changes in Phuket. Oeps sorry, not true..... Different hands (once in a while) to collect the tea-money and other bribes...

    Phuket!?! sick.gifbah.gif

    Can't we just stop reporting about Phuket?

    Ahhhmmm this is Phuket Forum...what on earth do you expect?

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Sorry, was not aware of that! I just get the TV News daily, and read the interesting topics... Never really look in what forum it is posted... (my mistake giggle.gif )

    Of course TV could close the Phuket forum, but that would not be fair to the Phuket guys, would it?!? tongue.png

  2. Another reason to RENT and not BUY...

    You always get this advice from people who can't afford to buy a place. Then smugly wait for someone to have a problem and claim it is the very reason they don't buy, and won't admit its cos they don't have the money to buy anyway.

    YOU make the assumption that I cannot afford to buy... Very wrong assumption, mate!

    Personally I do NOT want to own a house, because I do not want to get stuck in the wrong place and are unable to move out, because I live alone and do not buy a house for my tilac, because I rather spend the money on other things.

    And if you really think I am smugly waiting to comment on people who buy houses... As if I have nothing better to do than giving stupid comments on TV...

    Have a nice life, mate.

    • Like 1
  3. I am not surprised at this story.

    My neighbor said he was being attacked by ghosts in his house at night. His family decided to take him to the local witch doctor who specializes in performing magic clearing out the ghosts and evil spirits from the body. Her other specialty is giving out lottery numbers. Being a curious type of guy I wanted to see this. Five people held this poor old man down on the floor while the witch doctor continually poured buckets of water in his face. He almost drowned. I though he did. They revived him. She declared he is free of ghosts and evil spirits. They took him in the house where he changed all his clothes then they burned the ones he had on during the ceremony while the witch doctor chanted. He came back home and three local monks arrived. They encompassed the entire outside of the house with white strings. Ghosts don't like white strings. The monks asked for candles, water and some kind of food. They stayed up all night expellng all the ghosts from the house. The next morning they declared the house would be free of ghose for five years.

    Just curious... How much had your neighbor to pay for this "service"? Only for a 5 year guarantee? Did it come with a receipt and warranty?

    'Religion' is very good business tongue.png

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  4. Corruption is endemic in the Asian blood.

    It is American blood, mate! Asia has nothing to do with it wink.png The fact that one of these guys is born in Cambodia is completely irrelevant; Almost all Americans are originally from other places (except the Native Americans)

    You really think corruption is an Asian thing?!?!? It is 'invented' in America cheesy.gif

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