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Posts posted by YouYouYou

  1. Daah , daah ! Yes, Just 42 minutes until my internet is fixed :D ... I think NOT !!!

    I was told by a woman from the Phetchaburi branch (032 440013) at 12.46 today: "mii banhaa tuk tuk thii, ja gare banhaa ik song sapdaa"

    "There is a problem everywhere and the internet will be fixed in 2 weeks." :D

    Quote me ....eer 14 days ago ..err thats two weeks yeah! .... well, unless this happens in the next few minutes, MAXNET HAVE BROKEN THEIR PROMISE ...err again. Yep, it's been that 2 weeks now!!! LOL.

    Oh mann, what a garbage/rubbish/useless/incompetent service provider maxnet is ...sry feeling none too polite tonight. This is just gonna go on and on and on and on. I tried switching to TOT today and they have the infrastructure to my part of the 'amphur muang' where I live now ..but 'Dee saalam tem' ..no room on Dslam at mo' so I have 'jong laew' and hope to hear from them soon ...enough of Maxnet yeah, I've just had enough. I maybe jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, but hey I gotta take this chance as Maxnet is not worthy of a single Baht of my money anymore. I'll give TOT a go ... I just don't have anything to lose now, do I???.

    P.S. I only have two options where I live: Maxnet or TOT ...apparently next year sez Webfact, poss. True ..but not at mo'.

    So, now I am on my next months bill and thus technically paying again after my waiver for last month. Tomorrow, I'm going to my local office and tell them all again "I ain't paying till ya fix it" ...up to them <deleted> they do ! I don't care anymore.

    Again this is a Premier and Indy problem and I think I would be a fool to upgrade to Premier and give them another 500 baht + a bit of tax to have just another round of problems. They have until Aug 9th (my 1 year is up) to fix and then I'm gonna rip out the wiring, the router and throw it out on the street ...Jing, Jing!! ...If TOT ain't ready by then ..then well no internet at all.

    Ya know, even tonight, just logging in to TV to get to the post reply page took me around 6 minutes ....garbage Thai, useless International ...Why should i pay for this? I get better on my TOT dial up (3 baht 2 hours) LOL.

    On a final rant ..err sry note: Hey the winner of the 'That takes the biscuit award 2009' goes to OZZ1 in his post 175 today.

    Premier customer, 2200 PCM: Helsinki ....DL 30KBPS UL 20KBPS Ping 5569 MS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maaan! less than dial up ..wooow!

    Hey, I beat ya Ozz1 !!! ..never hit Finland before but absolute ligthening on my Indy LOL ..compared to your premier! ...66% more DL and 150% more UL ....get on! But any better than dial up! LOL.


    Maxnet: yer a disgrace to yer customers, both Indy and Premier. 'khon thamngaan thii maxnet: aan ruu ruang may? khit wa may ruu ruang loey' Duuuuhhhh Maxnet :D:D:D

    Good luck to you all, your bill waivers, your 1103 calls, and your general well being TY Triple You not Triple T :)

  2. ^ Oh blimey :) ...I dunno about you, but I 'firmly asked' them for a signed letter waiving my bill for the month. I did this because 'heresay' in Thailand and around the world means nothing in the long run/court of law. I suggest to all others you request this if your bill is an issue ....no signed letter ..just sit there patiently untill they give you what you request. At the end of the day, it's all about that scary word in Thailand ...."Responsibility" ...demand this, in a polite way, and wait, and be patient, it will be forthcoming !

    P.S.: sry for edit... In this particular scenario, if you cannot read Thai, take someone along who can assure you of the Thai content. Sry, I can read Thai so no prob for me.

  3. Yeah ....1 day and 1 hour and 37 minutes until my internet is amazingly fixed by the wave of a wand :D !!!

    Just lookingover today's posts, I just love that Indy 5MB figure from JetsetBKK to Frisco: 3.51 DL 0.39 UL ping 290MS ...pretty darned good. Gawd, woudln't it be nice if we could stabilise that kind of performance?

    Phil C: You were unhappy on your premier on 6th July ...any improvement? (I hope so for you)

    Now then, Yes, Yes, Yes ...I'm on Indy. I would generally agree that 'Biz' is better than 'Premier' and that 'Premier' is better than 'Indy'. It makes sense that the more you pay, the less contention and thus a better service. Agreed. (In general)

    However, (AND AS A NON-TECCY), Indy is 'restricted' Int. gate ..yes we all know that. But, restrcited essentially means 'reduced service/capability of connectivity (e.g P2P voip etc.)' ...It does not mean ZERO connectivity ...which is my case for ...let me think ...25 days now. I know this as I have one particular web in U.S that I use frequently which will NOT connect before around midnight. Before 25 days ago, I could connect, no problem. Also, my service to U.S. in particular is dire, that's all I can say. (I think I've pointed out enough already on this eh LOL)

    So, and to reiterate again: Maxnet have admitted they have a problem to me and to others,both Indy and Premier customers , So we can beat up the 'cheapskates', but we'll have to pick on premier customers too for being less than satisfied.

    Through this long thread so far, I have been gratful to the teccy's and their comments ...it gives food for thought. But, just as a non-teccy, I'd like to say that I believe Maxnet is in a big mess at the moment, and does have many issues, such as: the 'takeover problem' (there's a link on page one) and this is probably at the top of the stack. I think until this problem is resolved, all other problems and problems that the customers have are 'on hold' ...hence, '2 weeks', '1 week', 'gateway broken', 'upgrading' and any other excuses (as posted on this thread already) that have been forthcoming from Maxnet to its Indy and premier customers. So, we can all but wait.

    In the meantime, if you feel dissatisfied with your service: Go to your local branch with some evidence and refuse to pay the bill. I have, and this worked. I am bill free until midnight tonight, and for everyday I am 'dissatisfied' I will stop 19 Baht 40 Satang (+tax) from next months bill (the cost of Indy per day). Some of you may say, '20 baht a day, what's his problem?' ... It's not the amount, It's the principle ...why give anyone any money for anything if you are not satisifed with that service? That's where I'm coming from !

    Yes, Maxnet does have a problem at the moment, and we can mull over this thanks to Thai Visa ... I hope this thread will close soon because then we are all happy and content with our service from Maxnet ...but ....watch this space.

    Good luck to you all, and your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls :)

  4. ^ No resolution for me as yet ...but hey 2 days, 2 hours and 30 mins to go and my internet is good right? :D

    Just on that DNS issue ...even though I know it ain't gonna make a difference, I just went though it all again ..out of shear desperation to try and use the WWW.

    Dnsadvantage: No difference.

    True DNS's (picked this up on another thread): No difference.

    OpenDns: Big difference ...all pages blocked including google, hotmail, Thai visa etc. etc. . It does appear that this service is blocked on Indy but not on Premier ...why? Is that correct??

    Okay back to default ttt ..no difference :D

    Good luck to you all, and your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls :)

    P.S. sry Lordfoul, didn't mean to rock yer boat.

  5. Yippee 3 days and 3 hours until my internet is fixed

    Seems to be some bad vibe tension dudes on this page as to Indy versus Premier users. Yes, I would agree Premier is a better package, but ,but, but ...if you care to read over this long thread you will see that the lastest maxnet issues are affecting both indy and premier users.

    I am on Indy and would presume if I ugraded right this minute, mabye it would be better/resolved. However, there is also a chance that it would not give me any benefit at the moment ...and why should I give them more money when my internet was fine up until 20th June?

    To reiterate: my internet was fine till 20th June. Maxnet have admitted they have a problem (to me and to others), a problem big enough for them to agree to waiver my bill for the month and thus zero baht paid.

    Today’s Page (my responses in bold)

    Thaipwriter: Like I said earlier, I will know when this problem is fixed when i see the 58.xxx.xxx.xxx gateway ip address re-appears in my router. Now its 124.xxx.xxx.xxx which as far as I am aware is the failover address that appears when 58 range falls over.

    So …when my 117 and 222 comes back I should be Ok? Only 112 now for last 8/9 days and more garbage than before.

    Thaipwriter: …this problem is located at the Int gateway. All this chatter about changing dns server setting should stop becuase it is a waste of time.

    I agree: My speed to BKK is consistent and good …my speeds Inter. Are consistently garbage until apporx 1.30 AM …Makes sense ..BKK Good …Inter Bad …Mmm = rusty farmgate.

    Sungod: I had a sms from them yesterday saying that they were going to increase the international link, they said it should be ok by next week.

    Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah ….praise be ..but err, it’s supposed to fixed on the 16th at midnight? Boo hoo …please please Mr. Max gimme my www. sooner than later ....Please with sugar on top.

    Lordfoul: Why? International Bandwidth to Thailand has more Than Doubled in the last year and nearly tripled in the last 2.

    …and the amount of users? + Users wishing to use int. access?? . I don’t know, but is it keeping pace? A standalone statistic like this doesn’t really tell us that much ..sorry. (but be nice if someone can dig out a user stat. thou)

    Well, not long as Mr. Max has ordered some stainless bolts from China and they are on their way slowly to fix the rusty gateway that has been eroded by this rainy season ...just an idea.

    Good luck to you all, and your bill waivers, your gateway dreams, and your 1103 calls :)

  6. ^ Like I said: Not everyone: What does it tell you when 3 users hit the same site, the Newark one by example within minutes of eachother and get such wildly differing Pings ..just look at the range 316, 1148 and 2292 !

    But hey my BKK is always up there ....<deleted> is going on ?? Lol ... I don't reckon anyone knows :D

    Praise be when we are all resolved in the not too distant future ...nite nite, time for bed.

    Good luck to you all, your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls :)

  7. Ahh late at nitey nite again and off to beedy byez for me, but Rdokit in Isan and Me in west of Bkk a litten bit are really still having probs ...my Thai web loads are quicker now but still can't access many U.S. sites. Yes, good for some users though ..it isn't affecting everyone, just some folk eh !

    3 days, 23 hours 30 mins and counting till my internet is fixed. Lucky I'm bill free this month until the 15th ....let's see.

    Just for Rdokit and my BKK + E and W U.S. same servers (but without the ISP provided that has disappeared since last Sunday on 112IP Mmmm.)

    BKK ...as usual day and night, no worries (like this 98% of time)


    West coast ...none too shabby


    East coast ...OMG OMG Mmm me thinks there's a problem here ..don't you think?


    So, all you out there who are none to happy ..go argue polietly with your local office that there is a problem and get your free internet for the month ...many have been told there is a problem (just like me) and that it will be fixed in the future.

    Good luck to you all, your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls :)

  8. Just to along with Rdrokit ...Newark De....


    Even unluckier LOL ...nope I ain't in Korat ...I'm a litten bit west of Bangkok.

    And hey, why has the ISP disappeared on my speedtest pages? Mmm been like this since last Sunday, when they flicked a switch somewhere and decided to give me only 112 start IP's ....gone for me is 114, 117, and 222 ...Mmm. Yup, poor access to U.S. and slow in Thai sites ..same same, different day!

    Can't wait ...only 4 days, 2hrs 30 mins ..till my internet is fixed :)

    Good luck to you all, and your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls.

  9. Well sry all for the long post, but here it all is :D ... suddenly, again, my access to Thai webs and international webs is fine and has occured at exactly 00.38 AM ... Bang! the traffic has stopped yeah?? LOL :D

    5 days and counting: The martens are coming !!

    Speedtests to Frisco every 30 mins or so on 112 Ip (Thai time given on 11 and 12/07/09): In MB and MS ping (chart to save space on T-visa)

    DL UL Ping Time

    0.26 0.13 1307 8.47PM

    0.26 0.05 1480 9.15PM

    0.11 0.13 1182 9.47PM

    0.44 0.22 854 10.25PM

    0.26 0.10 854 10.47PM

    0.53 0.29 651 11.15PM

    0.31 0.19 464 11.46PM

    1.71 0.35 260 12.20AM

    0.55 0.30 271 12.44AM

    These figures are 100% truthful and if you want to be bored with the links, I have saved them all to my comp. if you really want me to fill out a page and bore you, then I can LOL. Furthermore, whilst conducting this test, I have made no changes to comp, router, or changed IP, or had any other windows running when conducting speedtest.

    P.S. Look at 9.47PM: Webfact (and I believe him as he knows what he is on about) says this is a problem when UL is higher than DL + look at the jump post midnight and the ever reducing ping…there it is … up to you teccy's: what do you make of all of this?

    My opinion (for what its worth), too much traffic/users for the infrastructure in peak times + a little bit of manipulation on top.

    Reading through the previous, I feel I must reply:

    Hardy 99: post 99 '1 week to fix' and Hardy is a premier customer. Again, not just Indies.

    Lordfoul: In reply …yes 'speedtest.net' is a 'point to point' test but I'm trying to offer some stats for the teccy's (and others) to mull over …the above are only stats at the end of the day and are open to interpretation and opined analysis.

    Tomo22: It ain't just Korat ..others have probs. too around Thailand.

    Rodrokit: Same as me , I have tried OpenDNS and DNSadvantage. For some ok, for me and Rodrokit no difference, for some: mixed bag+ probs., and no probs leading to solution.

    Gurney: same discussion 10 years ago though …I know where you are coming from!

    My opinion, for what it's worth as a non-teccy: this ain't the problem per-se, that is DNS … I suggest for the majority to stop messing around with your DNS settings as the problem lies within Maxnet as a whole (they have admitted to me and others they have a problem and will be fixed in 5 days from now) and is not a DNS issue that we can circumvent ourselves (sry teccy's, your advice is invaluable to us all and has/is appreciated by me, and keep it coming too, but this is just my observation).

    Sry for the long post ..and good luck to you all with your bill waivers and your 1103 calls :) Time 4 bed :D

  10. Hey, 6 more days and counting untill all our problems are solved :D

    Lol ...2 engineers came to my house last night about 7.00PM (a couple of hours after the manager waived my bill for the month). I said, "What are you doing here?" ..."No idea, but the manager said change the router". (the engineers last week already ascertained there was nothing wrong with my router). So they did, and LOL LOL ..the new router they gave me didn't work LOL ...Them and me had a real good laugh about this. So they called the manager: "Give the customer your router" (the one they use for testing). Engineers also kept muttering 'banhaa thii krungthep', and I reckon they're right. So I now have 'their router' and you guessed it ... no difference whatsoever, at all, nothing LOL. :D

    Classic kneejerk reaction to a problem ...Maxnet's head is spinning and I reckon between the lot of them outside the 'big power' Bangkok office, they have no idea what is actually going on ...thus how can you solve a problem if you don't know what the problem is?

    Ahh well, keep counting, 6 more days ...maybe marshons are arriving on the 16th at midnight and will zap the internet with thier ray guns to fix it ...just an idea.

    Good luck to you all, and your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls. :)

    P.S. this problem in sum is affecting some users in many parts of the country on inday and premier: e.g. Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Isan, and me West of BKK oh such a tiny bit ...must be BKK at the source of this all eh?

  11. Well, good news today for some of you out there, well sort of !

    I went to my local office again today and also talked to a Phetchaburi rep last night. They BOTH accept there is a problem and the problem is now in the hands of the Bangkok office (as I was told by both parties). What exactly the 'problem' is ...I still don't know, but then they honestly don't know either in my local office. '2 more weeks' is now (as of today) 'one more week' ...let's see !

    However, my good news :D :

    After and hour and 5 mins of waiting patiently and being oh so 'jai yen' about it, I walked out of the office with a signed document by the manager that my bill has been waived for the entire period of 16th June to 15th July (my billing dates). :D

    Yes, ZERO BAHT for the month. As I said, I had the documentation and proof etc., thus their only option was to back down, and yes they know there is a problem; they have admitted this. :D

    So, to all you out there, if you are unhappy and have some proof of phone calls, engineer visits etc. you really can argue the point not to pay. But my opinion: be 'jai yen' about it, that seems to have worked for me.

    Well, my contract with Maxnet is up on Aug 9th and so they still have some time to impress me (lol) and fix this mess ....if not, okay then I'm gone ...but hey I'll be gone with nearly 2 months of free 'garbage' internet, but then 'free is free' eh LOL.

    Good luck to you all and your 1103 calls. :)

  12. Firstly, to Brommers (and others) the last two lines in the last post are Brommers relpy, not my words. Please put outside the quotes if its your words TY

    Brommer: "Well, here we are on July 10 the there has been absolutely no improvement. For over a month mine has been going on & off like a whore's drawers. I went into a Maxnet store just for fun & was told they don't know about any problem or any solution. When are we going to start a picket?"

  13. AS to post this morning ....eer, eer ....nope no phone call back, thus the saga continues. Oh well onto tomorrow and let's see what happens ..going to their office at 4.00PM ..Mmmm.

    Thai webs slow at mo' (TV some pages over 1 min to load)

    3 speeds now (as Jubby is happy earlier) Mmm ...mine 8 in evening.

    BKK its usual (looks good 98% of the time but still Thai webs slow)


    West coast (seen worse, but ...mmm)


    East Coast (OMG ..NOW THIS AIN'T FIXED !! ...except maybe 'fixed' b4 1.30 am as usual ..if you catch me drift LOL)


    As a result, I'm shagged when it comes to int. access and 'patient' when using TV and other thai webs. :)

    P.s> Still those speednet pages for last 4 or 5 days not showing 'provider' Mmm why is that ..anybody else checking on a 112 IP start address ...112 is all I get now since around Sunday (used to get 4 options of start IP ..Mmm)

  14. Good luck Tom ...I think you can just stop paying. Give them their equipment back (router etc.) and say 'take me/gf to court. My opinion on this, but up to how you see it: 1. Taking you to court would be an embarassment for them when you started producing your evidence of correspondence and problems (I've kept most of mine over th last 11 months) 2. Time consuming for them (I'm sure your not the 1st Thai or Farang to give up paying them)

    Most probable outcome: they let it go.

    Good luck!

  15. Ty David ....I have 'jai yen' ed it this morning to try to get the bill waived from 20th June to 15th July (that is pay them for the 4 days of my period when the internet did work). The nice lady took down my details and assures me the manager will ring me back later this afternoon. Waiting with bated breath once more.

    But like I said, up to them .... accept it or not, I ain't paying. Will keep you posted on decision !

    Good luck to all and your 1103 calls. :)

    Any others with a latest or excuses, future dates?

    P.S.S: You sound as angry as me Ike ...GL but try Jai yen, I've done the Jai roon and get a blank on this LOL.

  16. ^Why thank you Jubby ...Like I said just a theory and seems to fit the rule, but 'it's just a theory ..no concrete evidence.

    Jubby ...I don't expect the truth to be forthcoming (hasn't really been the case so far) ...just seeing the manager to refuse to pay for this month ...up to them what they do with me ...accept this or cut me off ...but I WILL stand my ground on this. I have got to the point with our beloved provider ..enough is enough. :D

    Good luck everyone else and your wonderful experiences and good luck with your 1103 calls :)

  17. Well, as another user 'ikebukro5' kindly pointed out in a 'new thread on the same topic' "9.30 AM onwards".

    Everyday it is the same for me, and seems for others too. Now, today, it's the same case. Nope can't access my fave site in U.S. again but everynight 1.30 AM to 9.30 AM (if i'm awake) I check it and it's fine 100% + all the other stuff I normally use as in good speed opening pages/downloading etc. This condition appears now to have lasted about 19 days.

    West Coast today ...(Last night 1.50AM :1.81 DL 0.21 UL 255MS Ping)


    East Coast today (Oh dear ..Mmm what happen??)


    It seems to me that the International rusty farmgate is fine and that they are deliberately limiting use betwen 9.30am and 1.30am, 16 hours of 'garbage setting'. I've offered a theory to this previous.

    A message for David Brook from his recent post: 'Thai's DO complain' just as my neighbour did last week and yes he was quite angry with the Maxnet engineers ...a bit of 'jai roon' ness. Also David, your observations may have some base at to what Thai's are about, but please don't paint broad brushstrokes about what Thai culture is or not (your paras 3 and 4). I believe this is in the 'forum rules' TY.

    Good luck to all ...I'm off to see the manager tomorrow ...let's see what happens LOL ...I'll try to be 'jai yen' this time LOL

  18. Like clockwork Maxcrement sabotages the speed from 9:30 am onwards...this is a fact.

    I will go to Carrefour today to try to get a confirmation that there REALLY IS a problem and they are working on it.

    Anybody has any latest information on this fiasco of biblical proportions?

    Good luck LOL ...'confirm' Mmm lol. :D

    Err 'any info' ? Try reading my post that has been set up for 6 days and maybe comment there? :)

    'Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer ... 2more weeks !

    Love those tellytubbies, so cute LOL. :D

  19. They're we go Dave ....2 weeks ..that's the magic number.

    Forget yer DNS's ...

    Stop messing around with it

    Read my post through and Webfacts contributions


  20. Well ..It's that post 1.30 am time again !

    San Fran 1.50am thai time


    Like I said before: Switch off 1.30 am ...switch on to 'garbage setting' 9.30 am. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES.

    "Do you ever get the feeling you're being cheated?" Johnny Rotten, early 80's.

    Yup quick, wonderful, U.S. good good good ....Lol and now I'm off to bed most like other users.

    Stop changing yer DNS's and stop messing around with yer comp ...best advice: SWITCH ISP PROVIDERS

  21. Check out the Line quality reports teccy's ....seems to be getting worse not better over last 2-3 days.



    Plus West coast


    East coast




    Note also: why had the 'provider' dissappeared in window? This happened just yesterday and also can only get 112 IP's now ...nothing else. Also, even though the BKK fig is spot on ..Thai websites also V.Slow.

  22. ^Hey webfact ..while you are here ..check this out ..what do you make of this?

    http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/nil/2539377 about 10 mins ago.

    I'll go on and read your links too, thx.

    P.s what about my theory to it all ...plain mad? or some sense to it???

    ooh Blimey WF, those links ! ...I will go through it as a learning experience but I'm tired aftet the all nighter last night ...will absord it and understand it tommorow LOL.

    P.S. WF ..I have no splitter and line is for internet only ...house telephone seperate and TOT.

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