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Posts posted by Presto

  1. 15 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    I think the combination of people coming to terms with "convicted felon", the chance he will be convicted of yet more, plus RFK,Jr, is going to swing the election in favor of Biden.


    Biden won't lose any votes to RFK, Jr. He'll siphon off the felon. Biden will end with a plurality, rather than a majority, and for 4 years we'll have to listen to the far right saying "How is <50% a mandate?" (forgetting the felon never had a majority, except in the EC)


    This is really the last shot the felon has of NOT dying behind bars. If he loses, the other indictments come to trial, and those are slam dunks, especially the stolen documents case. Prison will be unavoidable, and no matter the sentence, he will not survive it. Take away his control and his megaphone, he will die.


    That ^ will make him especially desperate. Obviously he will show up at the Inauguration win or lose. He will also foment another insurrection when VP Harris is in the Capitol to certify the vote. I'm willing to bet he will even call for civil war.


    He's attacking Biden, the DoJ, the jurors, Judge Merchan, etc. now, but as summer fades and his poll numbers show him losing supporters to RFK, Jr., he will direct most of his attacks against RFK, Jr.


    If late October comes and all the polls really look like he'll lose, he'll start his civil war calls then. It's going to be an ugly Autumn in America.

    That could be true. I still think voter turnout will be lower than in 2020. Despite all the talk about this being an essential election for American democracy. I think people are tired of that argument, however correct it might be.

    Biden is an uninspiring candidate, basically forced upon Americans. I don't think they like that, just like they don't like the economic circumstances they're in. And Biden will lose votes due to his abhorrent Israel Gaza policies.

    I'm not optimistic.

    I also sense complacency from Biden's surrogates that appear on cable tv news 

    • Confused 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    Nothing has changed. In fact, it has gotten even worse. Hillary was too kind.


    Polls show more than half of his supporters think the 2020 election was 'stolen'.  That is idiocy. Some still think Hugo Chavez rose from the grave and programmed an Italian satellite to alter Dominion Voting Systems. That makes Flat Earthers sound reasonable. 23% of Americans believe in QAnon, and 100% of them are felon supporters. Since the felon polls at about 46%, that means more than half of his supporters are QAnon. They sell merchandise at all his rallies and wave Q flags. How do you reach people that naive, gullible and downright stupid? You cannot. You accept that they are always going to follow the felon.


    More than half of MAGAs agree the 'hostages' (terrorists) who attacked the Capitol should be pardoned.  What do you call people who excuse attacking the very seat of democracy, beating and bear spraying police, sh!tting on the floor and rubbing it on the walls, seeking out the Vice President to hang him on gallows they had erected outside, and looking for the Speaker to likely kill her? Deplorables is way too polite. Treasonous scum is more appropriate.


    The felon owns the QAnons. He owns the white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke. He owns the antisemites like Nick Fuentes. He owns the people who want to assassinate jurors, prosecutors and judges. He owns those calling for civil war.


    People like that cannot be reached. It doesn't matter if you call them the absolute most derogatory names possible. They are never going to understand American ideals and principles like democracy, rule of law, and equality under the law. They are "outraged" that a former President could be convicted of felonies, as if the US is based on monarchs and the Magna Carta, not the US Constitution. If they fail to understand the most basic principle the Founding Fathers intended---that ALL are equal under the law---they are hopeless.


    The election will be won or lost based on the independents and undecideds. Calling scum scum isn't going to lose any votes. Calling them manna from heaven would not win their vote back.

    Voter turnout will decide the election. Biden has already lost voters, I don't think many will come back just by his words, the endless referring to his achievements or new promises. They won't vote for Trump, they just won't vote for Biden.

    I'm not sure what the effect will be of Trump being a convicted felon. Not much is my impression. His supporters will vote, and not just his supporters.

    • Haha 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, freeworld said:

    Was just reading on yahoo news that Donald Trump is barred from 37 countries due to his conviction unless he seeks and is granted special permissions to enter.



    ''Donald Trump Is Banned from 37 Countries as Convicted Felon, Including Major Allies Like Canada and U.K''



    No worries. When in need he'll buy his way out. He still has all those classified, essential to national security, documents, remember?

    Money will be no problem.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, fact check.

    I remember the press briefings where Trump uttered those words, almost yelling at the press. And always insulting them, they just took it.

    It's a pity the White House press corps didn't have the guts to follow up and push Trump to explain what exactly did he mean.

  5. 1 hour ago, G_Money said:

    I’m sure you can provide evidence of your claim, correct?


    Nothing and I mean nothing works harder than a BUTTON on Alvin Braggs suit or Leticia James pantsuit.

    I haven’t even gotten around to Biden’s hair plugs yet!


    Proof provided!






    Just as an aside, responding to your whataboutism: Biden doesn't lie about his height or his weight. I don't think it matters to him, it matters to Trump.

    I'm 10 years younger than Biden, and I'm glad my hair doesn't look like that. I'm happy to keep it at 2 mm. No implants necessary, though balding since 35.

    Some say: look at Biden, he rides a bicycle! Regularly!

    I think it looks embarrassing. I've (of course) been riding bicycles my whole life, 15 years serious racing. 

    When I get to the point of riding a bike like Biden, I'll just stop.

    I'm not a fan of Biden at all.

    • Confused 1
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  6. 19 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    Got the sheepskin, got the accent, but am still at my university playing weight. Not bulbous, nor rotund, nor portly. I know what 6'3" and 235 lbs is supposed to look like, and it sure as hell isn't the felon. Not that it matters, as prison cell beds can accommodate a range of body shapes and sizes, but he's a lot closer to 6' 1/2" and 325 lbs. I know Obama is 6'1" and Michelle Obama is that when she's in heels, and when they all took a pic together before the poorly attended Inauguration in 2016, the three of them were about the same, with Barack slightly taller.


    By the way, had I known that my jersey number was the cause of so much teeth gnashing, I would have not only changed it, but advised Lynn Swann to do the same.

    Trump wears lifts in his shoes, wears a girdle when not on the golf course, spray paints his face and plasticizes his hair to keep it from flapping around every which way.

    I saw an explanation not long ago, by a surgeon, how that weird hair came to look that way.

    It must have been a succession of scalp flap hair restoration procedures. That's why his hair seems to grow in unnatural directions, and has to be kept in place by plasticizer.

    It's also an explanation for the way it looks he had a facelift.

    • Like 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, 0james0 said:

    The post was edited replacing protest with riot. The answer is no, anyone being a US citizen or not can protest against the US government without fear of detained. Rioting, well that’s not a protest unless you’re unwittingly and willfully heading down the path of authoritarianism.

    Id like to know who changed my text of 'protesting' to 'rioting'.  


  8. 22 minutes ago, 0james0 said:

    Go live there for a couple years and spend time outside of the cities, and while you’re at it try protesting against the government and report back and let us know about the experience. It’s a horrendous place for the commoners there. It most certainly is a communist state. 

    Protesting against Biden's Israel policies at American universities leads to police violence against the protesters. Is America a communist state?

  9. 1 hour ago, Yagoda said:

    Does that include the Big Guys piece of Hunters thriving business of selling out the USA to the Ukrainians and the Chinese?


    Hey how about that Laptop where the Big Guy looked the American people in the face and lied about it. Got his bros in the Intelligence community to lie about it too.


    Give me a sleazy whoremaster like Trump in a party that stands for American values anyday over a corrupt racist panderer like Afghan Joe. 


    The MAGA crowd may be deplorable, stupid, cultish, etc, but they dont hate the USA unlike the TDS crowd who seek to destroy it.

    The MAGA crowd either has no understanding of America's core values, or they truly hate it. Or I have a completely wrong understanding of America's core values.

    Looking at Biden's foreign policies I could very well be wrong.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    May HAVE, not may of. Geez.


    Perhaps you did not notice the silly post you responded to was removed.  That guy thinks he has profiled me by making assumptions based on the number on my university football shirt. That is simply bizarre. He doesn't even know my ethnic makeup, and he puts me out as some white supremacist. THAT is funny.


    As for you, you seem to make up stuff as you go along, like "legend" "dismissed" "desk jockey" '"boast" etc. None came from me, either express or implied.


    In a long ago thread I first noted my former association as an agency case officer, also sometimes called field officer or ops officer. It was pertinent to that thread, and as I am totally anonymous, plus resigned not undercover, I am free to mention it as I please.


    I did my job. Out there. Against the terror target primarily. I was not dismissed, but chose to leave to pursue another career, and because my position put family at risk. I lost friends to terror while we were both in the field. That happens, no boo hoo, but I cannot stomach a never served draft dodger who calls such people "suckers and losers", as Gen Kelly has attested.


    Point out a single boast I made. Point out ANYTHING that suggests I think I'm sort sort of legend. You cannot. That's your attempt at trolling. Your reasons for doing that are yours, but they do not say much good about your level of personal confidence or the level of your insecurity.


    Yes, I do not like the convicted felon. I am an actual patriot, not someone who thinks humping the flag fools anyone other than fools. I don't like loser crybabies who tried to subvert democracy and the very ideals on which the US was founded. I don't like guys who are reckless and wildly cavalier with the nations secrets, and who risk exposure of the very people with whom I recruited and handled as a case officer in the agency. Those brave people are owed our total support, as their lives and the lives of their families are literally at risk.


    You wrote earlier about 'real men'. Do you even have the slightest clue what that means?


    To the Mods: I apologize if this goes against Forum rules. I would be grateful if you would allow it. I would hope I have the right to respond to such silliness. If not, I accept your decision.


    Its a little worrying you feel you have to go this far to explain or defend yourself, but I still appreciate it.

    • Like 1
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  11. 38 minutes ago, transam said:

    Yes, Trump had a skip load of classified documents when not even the Prezzy, just another side of his dodginess..........:whistling:

    Strange how the Trumpers never mention that here.......😉

    Trump's classified documents issues started somewhere in 2021, right?

    Yet it required a special counsel in 2022 (sorry, Jan 2023) to wake Biden up to the possibility of all those classified documents in his garage. He couldn't come to that conclusion by himself. Pure arrogance.

    • Confused 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:


    NOW you're just plain trolling. It's been pointed out again and again Biden and DOJ are completely separate. Biden does not direct their actions.

    I'm just being curious here. Not trolling.


    Biden handpicked Garland as AG, right? His choice probably even before the elections in November 2020 were finished. You prepare for the job, right?

    Garland was formally appointed in March 2021, right?

    Now I'm assuming that Biden considered Trump's presidency and the potential crimes committed by Trump as important. For instance the Mueller report was at hand, and all the info from the first impeachment, Trump's attempt to blackmail Zelenskyii. They must have talked about that, right?

    But nothing happened. At Biden's direction? Don't rock the boat?

    In March 2021 a lot was known about the Jan6 insurrection. Did Biden ever discuss that with Garland?

    The result was anyway, that only stone throwers and glass breakers were prosecuted. The plotters and instigators remained untouched. And that Garland waited a year and a half to hand the hot potato to someone else, probably because of public pressure and the select Jan6 committee.


    Do you really think that Biden, supposedly the savior of democracy, had absolutely nothing to do with it, never talked with Garland about these issues?

    • Confused 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    I don't know. Just know that when he found out he had them, he returned them. Unlike Trump. And, the special counsel didn't charge him. Makes sense

    Special counsel didn't charge him for many reasons.

    I just think that people like Biden feel entitled to do what they want with classified documents. And that's a bad attitude, in my book. His lame excuses about the Corvette and all that were so telling. The arrogance.

  14. 6 minutes ago, candide said:

    It says what I wrote:

    "Hur’s report says Biden saved notebooks from his time as vice president that contained classified information and used them to help Zwonitzer put together his memoir — sometimes reading from them verbatim for more than hour at a time."


    So where are there classified information in his book?

    I get it. I've read the whole AP article. It leaves me with the feeling that it's all quite murky.

    Above all, it leaves me with the feeling that Biden felt entitled. And that's not different today.

  15. 5 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    No, those are just lies to deflect from the convicted felon whole INTENTIONALLY stole dozens and dozens of boxes of highly classified documents then tried to cover up. We don't know why the convicted felon did this yet, but it is clear that he does everything with transactional motives. To say he was planning to sell them would not be a stretch of the imagination.

    'to say he was planning to sell them ...' 

    Yes, I know that. Apparently Garland didn't know it.

    I'm talking about Biden if you don't mind. As far as I know he took classified documents to his house, and used at least part of them to help the ghostwriter with the biography. You can correct me if I'm wrong.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    Completely different situations. Biden didn't lie about it and try to cover it up. Even getting employees involved and now in big trouble.




    Why Biden and Trump's classified documents cases aren't the same: Experts

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Biden take classified documents to his house to help write a biography, to make money?

    • Sad 1
  17. 29 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    I'm guessing you forgot Biden inherited that mess. Which was made worse due to Trump and his lies. Remember this? Such an ignorant person.




    US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body.

    National debt (America's national debt) always interests me. It's 130% of GDP now, I believe. You won't be allowed into the EU, where the limit is 60% of GDP. Not that you would want to, but that's not my point.

    Because of rising interest rates and another downgrade by Fitch (and S&P, many years ago), American taxpayers pay more interest on the national debt than most Western European countries/taxpayers.

    Actually the annual interest will soon rise to the amount of the annual defense budget.

    I'm not sure Americans are happy with that, once they find out.

    Your interest rates on mortgages are also higher, not good for the housing market, and understandably leading to unhappiness about the economy.

    Higher interest rates also has effects on the credit cards, that Americans are addicted to. More unhappiness.

    Btw, Trump added 7.8 trillion to the national debt, Biden will add 7.9 according to the CBO.



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