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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. I dont think cases like this should end up in court as the guy only had a couple of cuts and bruises, but as it was caught on CCTV it would have gone to court if it was someone famous or not.

    And fair play to Gerrard for doing whatever he can to get himself off, we all would in his situation.

    But after being in more then my fair share of rucks as a youngster, i do not believe in this situation Gerrard would have turned away for 1 second when they went to confront this man. And as he admitted to hitting him 3 times after his mate give him a sneaky elbow shows that he's a fcuken spineless coward .... he's similar to your average Thai male in this situation.

    But out of the 7 accused the one who seems to have been in the centre of everything that went on is the only one that isnt guilty!

    PS It would have only taken 1 jury member to say he wasnt guilty for him to get off, now for Liverpools greatest ever Scouse player there was always going to be one .... this and the fact there arent 12 honest people in all of Liverpool to form a Jury!

  2. How many people involved in a small scuffle even get arrested? The police are not even interested in these types of incidents and your average Joe is never going to see a day in court for this.

    I did, and many tens of thousands of average Joes are in court for this type of offence every year.

    In feb 09 i walked down a street of a quiet market town looking all scruffy in my gym gear ..... anyway the police stop me and ask me if im such and such a person who i wasnt ... so after a minute or so of this prick copper playing the tough guy i turned around and tried to walk away ....... within seconds im in handcuffs but they cant get me on the floor so one coward pigs punches me in the face a few times whilst im in handcuffs (he admits in his statement to hitting me once.)

    Anyway long story short, they offered to drop this to the lowest charge where the max i could get was a fine, i refused this and went to trial last week and was found guilty by the magistrate, in what could only be described as a kangaroo court where they were allowed to use my 1 past conviction as evidence (called a bad character reference). (Because the maximum sentence i could get was 6 months i am refused the right to a trial by Jury both these new aspects that stop a fair trial are Nulabour legislation, so i had some up her ass middle class female Magistrate)

    Its illegal for the police to stop and ask you for your name, and is perfectly legal to walk away if youve done nothing wrong, i had over 15 cuts and bruises on me, between the coppers they had none, CCTV footage shows me crouched over in handcuffs for 5 minutes, the coppers said i was on the floor.... complete fcuken joke.

    Harry Roberts is my friend!

  3. With rulings like this, it's no wonder the once great Country is in such a mess..

    Youre lucky not to be here, i will be leaving for ever hopefully never to return in the coming months, just sent off my letter to the tax man claiming tax exile status!

  4. Liverpool and England midfielder Steven Gerrard has been found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

    bent scouse judge.

    Its a jury that found him not guilty, but one law for the rich another for the poor, fair play to Gerrard though but he clearly joined in a fight 2 v 1 after his mate hit him, im sure many on here have had enough bar fights to know what goes on.

    The law is wonderful in this country if only you have money or influence, not that much different to Thailand really.

  5. :) it just gets better, its like the current owners are trying their best to make a laughing stock out of them. Being a sunderland fan, i've waited years for this to happen 1st relegation, now this , what next! :D

    Fortunately we dont usually have to wait to long for Sunderland to get relegated!

    But no matter how bad things get for Newcastle, they'll always be a superior club and city compared to Sunderland. :D

  6. I do know a guy that got a tattoo for his wife - "Property of Chris" tattooed on her ass. :) They have recently divorced, so I don't know what her next bloke will think when he sees that. :D

    In the now closed down Shearers bar on Soi Buckow in Pattaya, there was a girl in there with the Newcastle Utd badge tattoo'd slap bang in the middle of her arm, now this girl is really minimilising her chances should the relationship fail .... The partner whoever he maybe must be a complete tw4t to let his chick go through with this!

    Tattoo's on girls repulse me, it makes them look like scraggy sluts, though if she was fit i still would!

  7. Could be turned into a good thing if we can get some in. The majority of users we have in here are all good and we mostly get good, rational discussion..... :D

    Im quite looking forwarding to the bickering and arguing that will inevitably come once the season starts. :)

  8. Guaranteed, someone that comes to the gym, and wants to get "fit", who does the same light weight every other day, without effort or struggling, will never change his body, nor, will be become "fit". Why? Because hes doing the same thing he could do already.

    OK when you next go to the gym bench press whatever is your limit and do 10 reps, how you would normally do it.

    Then half this weight and do as many reps as you can, but count to 6 on your way up and 6 on your way down, you will struggle to get to 5.

    This without doubt is a far harder way to do any exercise ..... and i agree with you that whatever you find harder is better for you.

    Over time this will give a better shape then lifting weights you struggle to get to 8 reps with, and will give you a better kind of strength that wont be lost when you dont go to the gym for a month or 2 IMO.

  9. I think most serious guys just don't share the same views as sanmiguellight if its about gaining muscle. There is nothing wrong with his training to get in shape, but to gain muscle fast the other approaches mentioned are better.

    But i agree that to build muscle fast you should lift as much as possible and eat a hel_l of a lot, my point is this guy in the pic who the OP aspires to look like doesnt look as if he lifts extremely heavy weights more that he keeps himself all round fit over a long period of time, if the OP wishes to look like him he needs an all round workout not just pumping masses of iron.

    I am physically able to lift far more then these super fit boxers, but i'd much rather id spent the last 12 years training like they have as opposed to lifting heavy weights as i have been doing ... it does give you a buzz at the time and makes you fell good after lifting a lot of weight but its far easier getting strong this way then to do an all round workout where you are pushing your body in more ways then just lifting, hence the difficult way is the better way.

  10. An American assaulted a genuine massage-shop worker in Pattaya. According to Channel 7 television channel he violently seized her hand and thrust it up into his (own) rectum.

    The girl was shown on television holding her soiled hand on television, (as evidence) which really put me off my food.

    Oh how i wish we had such news items here in Blighty .... absolute class!

  11. GBP12 million Crouchy for Spurs, werent him and Defeo dreadful together?


    Sunderland fans must be over the moon his Miss's didnt fancy the shopping in Sunderland, Ol' Roy Keane had a few choice words to say about this breed of player last year.

    Good old Arry, always seems to go for Players he's signed before for some strange reason..

    Wonder why that could be ??? :)


    Old drinking buddies are hard to replace?

    Especially when they come with brown envelopes.

  12. Looks like it's the slingbox route for me then!... 8 )

    Then again, I'm not sure if I want to watch any more Middlesbrough games... Pah!

    BBC and Sky have got the rights for quite a few games if you can get them online.

    If not try www.myp2p.eu for a stream.

  13. Former England manager Sven-Goran Eriksson is in talks with Notts County about becoming director of football ...

    According to the BBC, that's actually been confirmed now. Ian McParland is also staying on as manager.


    Yes the Sun says he's going to be on 2 mill a year as director of football, this charlatan has an uncanny knack of landing on his feet no matter how many times he messes up, i genuinelly despise the man from his time in charge of England.

    Surely theyd be better off buying several players with this money, then give it to footballs greatest ever carpet bagger.

  14. Maybe he didn't think much about it, since Oman has no laws regulating the legal age of consent, but sex must be within the limits of marriage to be legal.

    And afterall this was only a massage.

    What do you mean.."after all this was only a massage"..what do you think that was leading to, at that time of night, with an obvious underage female with a middle aged foreign male in that area..are you so naive ?

    OR..do you think he negotiated with her just for therapeutic reasons !

    It was the Omanian who stated to the Newspaper the she was 15..so one would presume she told him so.

    He was obvious prepared to play with fire and got sprayed accordingly..probably with Rohypnol

    ..som nan nar farang.

    Thing is its one of the Pattaya newspapers reporting on it so you cant really rely on the girl actually being 15, they probably put this age in by using what is known in the trade as creative writing ....... these papers often make the victim look less then wholesome.

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