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Posts posted by Credo

  1. The government is being more open with information and it seems that people are less hysterical. We ended up closed on 3 confirmed cases, but we re continuing to operate now and have 28 confirmed cases. The cases are isolated to several classes. The classroom was closed for cleaning and disinfecting and the remaining students were moved to a different room. All students who were in contact with the infected classes, including those students in the class that were at school were checked several times during the day for fever.

    It seems this bug is going to be around for a while and hope everyone can cope with it.

  2. My school was closed too. Many, many cases of flu and flu-like symptoms. At least 3 confirmed cases and 200+ students absent in the high school. I am sure at least 20% of it was hysteria by the parents. The thing was, many students were being sent home by the nurse, who was checking them for signs of the flu, such as high temperature.

    Of course there were students who were going to the nurse every period to see if they had a fever and could get sent home.

  3. This has to do with the state of the country in general and in education in particular. First, if you are going to force people to teach a subject which they are not qualified to teach, don't complain. If you don't like it, then start training them.

    They did the same with English years back. People were just assigned to teach English, even though they knew nothing about the language. I think this was when they first lowered the grade level from G. 6 to G. 1 (I think, or maybe G. 3), for starting English instruction.

  4. At our school there have been 3 confirmed cases of A(H1N1), with a lot of suspected cases. The administration tried to keep it quiet, but we have a good nurse, who refused. She's in a little trouble. Someone from the Public Health Ministry was called and showed up. One class has been shut down and all students in that class have been sent home for several days.

    We have teachers who are going on visa runs (Laos) and they were instructed not to return to the school for 7 days after returning from Laos. I don't know if this applies to Cambodia. As a matter of fact I don't know if this applies to other schools. Since these are new teachers, they don't sick leave yet, but the Dr. from the ministry instructed the Administration to pay them, which they said they would do.

    We also have several teachers out sick. They were told to stay home until fully recovered.

    I wish the government was more open and honest about where the virus is and how fast it is spreading. A lot of people I know are scared of it. More scared than they need to be and some are doing silly things that won't protect them while doing things that are dangerous.

  5. We had 11 students in the high school sent to the doctor today with Flu like symptoms. Five were in one class alone. This was just in the High School program. I have no idea if the other programs had any.

    We should find out tomorrow or Friday what it is. Up until today absences have run about a normal rate.

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