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Posts posted by taff33

  1. ...there is no legal basis...obviously....

    ...causing others to commit murder....???...nobody...nowhere..ever..gave an order.....'shoot to kill'....

    ...the police...or the soldiers....were simply doing their jobs......

    ...they were fired upon...and returned fire...they acted according to the situation...

    ...this is insane....while murder and corruption run rampant.....

    ...not to mention countless fugitives that have run from the law....

    Simply doing their, job a lot people were hanged at the end of the second world war,and that was their answer.

    I don't think that the nurse in the temple was shooting at any one when she was shot and killed.

    I find very strange that this report is about Abisit and Suthep yet Taksin is drawn into it,may be these pages should be painted yellow.

    • Like 1
  2. Glad the topic reopened.

    The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

    I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

    I find your post highly interesting being you have been a member for 6 years. You all of a sudden come up with an opinion like that on a man who has been here and posted for several years.

    Have you ever ate there I have many times and find the man to be a very easy man to get along with.

    Of course I doubt people talk to him face to face and say things like you have just said face to face with him.

    Well when you sit back and look at the whole picture you have to laugh. Some of these posters put up posts that would make you think they walk on water and had never got upset or if they had they didn't have the gut's to say any thing about it. Dave is not exactly an unknown face to posters here. He is not hiding behind a key board like most of us are.

    I say more power to him for speaking his mind even if some people condemn him for it or disagree.

    I have found that if I mention a preference for some thing he will go out of his way to supply it.

    Well, Mr. 9440 posts. Never been afraid of speaking my mind in person. But I refuse to take anyone seriously from some brain farted post written at 2 am.

    I am sure he is/was a nice guy before 1:59 am today. But the stink he started by a holier-than-though attitude was undeserved and only woke his apologists. (Phew, glad I have posted for 6 years. If I had posted only 10 times, you would have shot me dead).

    2 am, I would have thought that was the end of his working day.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 dollar for 1 baht is something out of my wettest dreams.. Man.. I'd be rich. Everyone in Thailand would be.

    I'd go buy a supercar for the same money I get a Honda Jazz for now.

    Better hope that European car dealers would deal in dollars in your scenario, you sure won't find any American super cars.

    This one will do, even though we're talking Camry money now. smile.png



    How do you get a motocy and half a tonne rice in the back of that?.

    • Like 2
  4. Farang are the worst. They have been instrumental in ruining a once civilised festival.

    I don't think that farangs were the ones that turned the holidays into a big water battle. The Thais were doing it long before mass tourism hit these shores. However, I do agree that too many Westerners are just out to ANNOY people. They purposely shoot water straight in people's eyes and faces with powerful water guns and keep it up - following them down the street doing it over and over again. I see very few Thais purposely going out of their way to piss people off.

    Only a minority of foreigners have a nasty attitude, but they really stand out. These obnoxious creeps give us all a bad name.


    I suppose he thinks he's Rambo,it must be the only time in his life that he's shot his gun. Big gun small penis cheesy.gif

  5. Margret Thatcher the 'milk snatcher',I hope you rot in hell,she did nothing for the working class except let them buy their councill houses and then take them off them when she put them out of work.The Tory party was never any good,take a look at those that are in power now.

    • Like 1
  6. EX-Fugitive politician, residing in Dubai EX-cellently EX-ploits the country of Thailand, and with the Baht getting stronger, of course his Pheu Thai henchmen want to IM-port, aka reep, reep, and reep, the foreign goods which from their side aka receiving end are getting cheaper.

    So the EX-port business is gonna be EX-terminated

    EX-port=doomed to EX-pire thanks to the EX-fugitive and his henchmen from Pheu Thai who are EX-ploiting the ordinary people and international businesses in Thailand

    Add more water to it.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  7. Naam likes to think everyone in England is desperate to bring back the empire...

    incorrect assumption! the overwhelming majority of Brits are not stupid to crave for something that is impossible. but quite a percentage of them would like the United Kingdom to be more "isle"solated and cook their own soup without foreign cooks advising them what ingredients to use.

    that's in my view a rather unwise attitude in a globalised environment. but then... to each his own, respectively chacun à son goût. perhaps i'd have similar thoughts if i lived in my home country and see my tax-€URos wasted on asylum seekers, bailing out ClubMed/Dolce Vita countries or wasting them in Afghanistan achieving zero positive results.


  8. Don't worry check out the Thai News forum,


    "The rice scam is big enough to break Thailand. So is a couple of tril

    for a high speed rail, most of which money would be siphoned off due to

    corruption but the country would still owe it.

    Thailand is like a rocket going straight up, about to run out of fuel."

    Don't worry the Chinese economy has crashed and Thailand is only minutes away from financial disaster.

    The South. No not the South, the West will rise again. Ya that's it.

    There is nothing wrong with owing money that is used for investment purposes. Most people in places like the UK owe money to banks for their mortgages. But this is a much better option than owing nothing and paying rent. Some people seem to have the mistaken opinion that all debt is bad. Some types of debt are good. It remains to be seen, but I think debt for investment in a high speed rail link will be very good indeed. It will attract more tourists, and will boost investment when it eventually links to China and other countries nearby. Infrastructure investment is usually a good thing, though it depends on teh exact investment. I think many on here (TV) don't like to see Thailand developing and moving forward.

    I wish they woujd invest in electricity, water, telecom., and the internet first. If I have three out of four it's a good day for me.

    We don't all live in the city.

    A telephone line would be nice sad.png

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  9. Is that you in the picture?,listen to me now get to Cardiff ( I'm sure you know where that is because you'r drinking cheap cider) and get a few pints of BRAINS S.A.(known as skull attack) down your neck, necter of the welsh gods.Do you know the difference between CIDER and BEER

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