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Posts posted by captnhoy

  1. It seems that some of the replies here are a bit smug with a "you should have known" flavor to them. Those who truly know just what is needed would have to be psychic because there is no telling what that official will require of you. I've extended my retirement stay 6 times now and it has never been exactly the same requirement on any of those occasions. My branch of the bank even tries to tell me incorrectly what Immigration wants. "They no need letter - just book" . Riiiiight.

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  2. I have to wonder if it depends on where you are in Thailand as to what experience you have with FedEx. I ordered $1000 worth of marine canvas from the US knowing the retail price in Thailand would be $2000. I'm in Ranong and there was zero hassle, zero "extras" I paid 7% duty and 7% VAT. So all in including shipping I saved over $700. This experience suggests that the customs dept is fully in charge of your experience.

    Another time via USPS I received a gift of a custom made knife valued at $300. I had to pay another $100 in duties.

  3. I have no comments about the arranged marriage. As for walking into your house unannounced I've suffered the same experience. I thought this was the norm but have since learned that the norm is to call out from outside the house and wait to be invited in. Frequently they are not invited in and the conversation takes place outside the home. I've also seen signs on farang homes instruction Thais to not just walk in unannounced. I've also made it clear that I am polite and greet people and expect the same. This has mostly worked for me. You are most definitely a stranger in a strange land but you can ask for what you want.

  4. I have to wonder how long you've been here. You actually answered your own question but you don't want that answer - you cannot expect them to know everything. You were lucky to get a straight answer when she said she did not know. It's far more common for a local to make up an answer than to say "I don't know." And if you have trouble with those staples in your passport I also have to wonder how long you'll last here. I mean no disrespect - it's just my opinion.

  5. Any attempt to improve safety must be viewed as a step in the right direction however I have to ask once again.

    Would you send a Sea Captain to supervise a murder enquiry ?

    Then why send a land based policeman to inspect a boat ?

    Why have we not seen any articles pertaining to increased activity from the Marine dept. ?

    Exactly. I was under the impression that the Marine Police were the closest to a Coast Guard that Thailand has. I am a boat owner here for the past 7 years. My boat was safety inspected and I was asked for my Captain's license one time in those years. The boat is inspected each year at license renewal but it's not as thorough as you'd see the US Coast Guard doing. Still, I'm in favor of accountability - I just don't understand where the Marine Police fit into this.

  6. Is the OP topic similar to telling people you are in Thailand?

    Most definitely. I was not shy about revealing my retirement plans to coworkers a few years back. I said in all honesty "Thailand, to build my liveaboard boat". Reactions at best were "riiiight" and 1 or 2 even accused me of being a pedophile. THAT is the reputation.

  7. Great thread! Since moving here I have learned to make my own bread, pizza, corn tortillas, pita bread, and ham. I miss good IPA but still drink too much Chang. I refused to pay 2000 baht for a turkey at Tesco but did spend 1200 at Makro and was glad I did. I'm even more cut off than many because there is only Tesco where i live and not even that until 3 years ago. I miss salmon and good beef. When in BKK I've paid big money for imported salmon which I smoke. Don't bother with the Norwegian as it's farm raised and tasteless. For big money get NZ and it's good but not amazing. I eat good Thai food everyday but still miss my favs. I have some things sent to me from the US - walnuts, liquid smoke for bbq, masa corn flour for the tortillas.


    Riiiiiiiiiiight - I should have known that.

    Well it seems that Google doesn't know what you mean EITHER.

    Some people seem to enjoy being abstruse.

    I suspect it means read the manual. Wish I could help, try google.

    Of course, TFM! That would be great if it was in TFM but it's all about the TV, Nothing about the smart ass pects. I was just hoping that with a group this large someone had already solved the question. I'll just add that before I bought the thing I asked in a couple of different shops what kind of video content i could expect when connected. I got the usual blank stare. I based that question on my web research which if on samsung.au or in the us, lists the content provider. That was a year ago - maybe Thailand DOES have some info now. Cheers.

  9. I bought a Samsung 42" Smart TV about a year ago and just recently connected to the web via LAN cable. About 2 weeks ago I clicked to a variety of movies and recorded tv listings. It was a very poor selection with the movies either being Korean or old, even silent, BW American movies. I sampled a bit here and there but soon left it. A couple of days ago I went back and there was a whole new interface in the My Video category. Some recent movies that I would actually watch. It seems that all I can do with them is select them and see info on them, "Like" them if I wish too, but NOT watch them. Anybody know what's the secret?

    I do see a very small link at the bottom of the screen to "Log In". Is that what this is about? Do I need to create an account with Samsung and then pay to view? That's my best guess.

  10. when thais realize that cheap is not good we might see some advances in their building. My wife asked me to build a fence at the new units on thew weekend so I measured them up and worked out what it would cost, she complained it was too much for a fence and that it didnt matter if it was not solid, I should use cheap materials. How in the hell can there be any safety when this is how all thais think, I ended up telling her I would not touch it if it was not to be done properly, she hasnt spoken to me since.

    OOOO - Good Job! I'm gonna try that!

  11. Well; I must say: this is really great for the Yachting Business in Thailand . . . . . .

    Not long ago, the current government did utter words like "Thailand; the Yachting-Hub of SEA" . . . .

    When a (local) government rents-out anchoring-spots to yacht-owners, they have the responsibility to

    ensure a certain degree of security.

    It is unbelievable that this French yacht-owner got attacked on his own boat and almost got cut to ribbons !

    And all this is happening in Phuket ? ? ? ?

    Cudos to Capt Bruce Issell for his quick thinking & clever actions !


    Luctor@Emergo !


    I've not had my boat there for 2 years now but used to be there frequently. At that time there was no fee to anchor. It seems like response time wasn't all that bad all things considered.

  12. The elephant is the symbol of Thailand , years ago the flag was red with an elephant in the middle. Most Thai people rape their land and kill the wildlife, how can a country do this in this modern age . How can a government still let this happen.

    My thoughts exactly. Where is the protection of the animal from the criminals? Leading to WHO are the criminals? The previous slaughter only happened a month ago - why is it so easy to steal the valuables here? Truly a disgrace. ZERO accountability.

  13. 146,000 THB - 8,000 more than the "L" down here. Kind of pricey, what do the extra 8K get you? A bigger front disc and no gold fork legs!

    CaptnHoy - if you have 140K to spend, get a CRF250L, discussion over!

    Well I do have that and the price is 135k + accessories + 2000 shipping - price confirmed today by Jrmotor.com in Petchabun

  14. Again i appreciate all of the input on my inquiry. Some people seem to think the KLX 150 is small like the 125. It is not - it has 19" wheels or 19 &16, not sure. I would like to test ride one but have my doubts about getting a yes on that in this small city - Ranong. I also appreciate the other bikes mentioned for consideration. I might do some more research but if it's true, the Honda CRF 250L is listed brand new on one web site for 135,000. That choice has moved into my number one spot. As for the young hot dogs who ride 400 Yamahas in the dirt, I'm genuinely happy for you - but that's not me. I'm sure I'm older than all of you but not dead yet. Some people complain that a 250 doesn't have enough performance. True for them but I doubt it's true for me. Long ago I rode a YZ 175 and that was all the thrill I could handle.

    Anyway, the 2nd hand KLX 250's don't look so appealing compared to a new Honda @135,000 so I'm now going to try to find out if that is BS or a real price. Cheers!

  15. You said you want to buy a KLX150 and I figured you must have your reasons. But if you are considering a used KLX250 it's a no-brainer - go for it!

    The reason why they sell fairly cheap these days is because of the CRF250L and the new CRF250M. People sell their used Kawas for 100 to 120K, get a new Honda for 140-150K!

    Also many owners sell their 250s now to buy one of the new 500cc Hondas, the CB500F is only 200K or so. The KLX250 is definitely not a bad bike.

    I've never ridden a KLX150 but when compared to a Wave 125i (I had one) it must have more power. It's got 144cc, five gears and clutch and may be even lighter.

    The Wave may have a higher top speed because it is geared for the street, the KLX is for the dirt. But acceleration should be better on the KLX.

    Hey RT - thanks for the post that pulls it all together. I did not know that Honda had a competitive product until your post. I just spent an hour on the Honda website and watching a bunch of youtube. I think you are so right and the real no brainer is a new CRF250L. I was only interested in the 150 because I was uniformed about it's lack of performance. If it would go better it would be a hell of a buy at 78,000 new.

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