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Posts posted by jpolten

  1. I heard all these stories about special forces,CIA,DEA..ect

    My family don't even know what i do now!

    heh, i see what you did there.


    When i'm on holiday, i'm on holiday no need to talk or think about work......so when people ask what i do..i lie..people ask too many Q's sometime's!

    Not telling the family.....parent's are old...no need to worry them!

  2. Very interesting topic. On my various excursions to Thailand I have seen more odd farangs than Thais and particularly in the Pattaya area.

    However, I'd have to say the oddest thing I'd seen was in Chiang Mai. 2 a.m. in the morning and an elderly, overweight Caucasian woman on a wildly decorated Harley adorned in neon lights with a small dog on the handlebars cruising up and down bar the lined strip. Who is this woman?

    Is this her in the vid.....are you sure it's not HIM!

  3. Maybe your genuine....but think about what your asking!!

    Your asking complete stranger's for a favor which involves the transport of good's on a plane!

    These people don't know you and don't know what they would be transporting for you!

    Would you carry something on a plane for someone else???

  4. Although I've met more farang ex special forces than I believe have ever been recruited to all the special forces in all the armies in the world, there was one guy who stood out.

    He was an Australian who I used to meet in Bangkok and sometimes Chiang Mai back in the early 90s. Said he was special forces seconded to the CIA and DEA and working in Burma, Cambodia and Laos.

    What made him unusual was that he'd disappear for a while and then whenever he came back he'd show all these photos of naked Asian women in hotel rooms he'd claimed he'd slept with. Nothing remarkable out that, except, all the girls would be photoed holding heavy firearms, and not the same guns with each woman, but different weapons in each set of photos.

    I know nothing about guns but even I could tell there were several varieties of automatic rifles and pistols.

    So for some reason he had easy access to powerful firearms and a fetish for showing people he barely knew pictures of naked women holding them

    I heard all these stories about special forces,CIA,DEA..ect

    It can be a dangerous thing for them to say this..imagine what would happen if an isreali (not knowing there was some dodgy muslims there) telling

    them he was MOSSAD or a brit in a bar in N.ireland saying he was SAS!!

    All CIA,DEA agents wouldn't say who they are or what they do!

    I spent 12 years in the military(not special forces) and still do security work in the middle east,if someone ask's me what i do for a living i lie to them!

    My family don't even know what i do now!

  5. why have so many black male athlete for model in nike stores and half naked? the thai women must like or they would not display these photos everywhere.

    I think you feel very proud of yourself :) don't you?

    I know what you are, a big TROLL, sensation seekers. Get off this forum.

    Sorry,after reading some of your comments i don't believe anything your saying!

    With some of your comments i don't believe your even afro-american!

    One way ticket...don't believe!

    Your latest topic....at that hour i wouldn't be tapping a key board.....i would be tapping on something else!!! :D

    I don't believe someone on holiday in thailand would be wasting so much time on a forum......i don't think your even in thailand!

    With a record for narcotic's i don't believe you even have a passport never mind a visa for thailand......but maybe you have, being your

    crime was long ago and your government thought of it as time spent!

  6. That example is just one of a thousand where the police used the war on drugs as an excuse to murder and then steal peoples wealth.

    Another story was about a magazine editor up north,who was put on the list of drug dealers buy someone who had a grudge!

    When he asked officials how can he resolve this he was told....there is only 3 way's you can...

    *you admit your guilt and face your punishment

    *you die of natural causes

    *you are killed for your crime :)

  7. people with dark skin are just as beautiful as those with white skin and they should not feel like they must change themselves to look better. most thai people are dark skin so we must stop this crazy rumor about white skin being better and saying that thais hate dark skin as that is silly cause like i tell you most thais have dark skin. i am african america and have had no problems. the thai people have only shown me the most kindness imaginable.

    It's hard for someone from the west to understand this but most thai people do not like their skin being dark!

    It's something to do with their culture,(light skin=hi-so,office job,money) (dark skin=low-so,manual labour,poor)

    I'm white and i think some african and other dark skin women are beautiful!

    Thai's admire the korean and japanese people's skin!

    A lot of thai women use skin whitening creams on their bodies to make them look lighter!

    I find it hard to understand this too.....!

    If you are thinking that thai people don't dark skin people like yourself...that's not true!...its their own skin they dont like!

  8. Surely "We won the lottery" is the first line of excuse for any (legal or illegal) excessive income?

    Its not like there isn't any paperwork involved with claiming a lottery win, besides - why would you keep it a secret, but still be seen spending loads of money.

    Check it out on utube(think it was one of journeymanpictures)..think it was a genuine story by their parents!

    I know if i won the lottery i'd keep it quiet..BIG LOTTERY WIN=LOTS OF "NEW FRIENDS"...someone will always want something from you......

    so why tell everyone!

  9. Tired of reading and hearing about the stressful and disturbing events that farangs experience everyday here in Thailand so I thought that we should share moments and events which bring a smile to our face and laughter in our hearts. I'll start by sharing some things that brighten my day.

    • Children playing
    • Parents or grandparents sharing tender moments with their child or grandchild
    • Children practicing their english as they see you and then giving you a big grin and giggle

    There are more but these come to mind at the moment. Put a :) on.

    Remember my first time in thailand,this may sound a bit corny...but i felt some kind of peace that made me smile!

    *yes children playing without a care in the world made me smile too...but the smile faded a bit thinking what there in for in the future!

    *simple thing's like people genuinely questioning how was your day!

    *Friendly people

    *even some of the scammers made me smile and laugh

    *beautiful ladies and cheap beer

    *just being in thailand

  10. I've heard some stories about the BIB in thailand,corruption,incompetence,ect..ect.

    I know they have a tough job and are paid little for it....but do you think some serious crimes are investigated fully?

    I know most are how you see them and are straight forward cases....but what if you were set up?

    One story in particular come's to mind with Taksin's war on drugs i saw on utube....a young couple left their home

    in the country to work in bkk....had a bit of luck on the lottery...returned home spending money on a home,shop,car...

    both were killed for suspect drug dealing because they didn't tell anyone about their win..without evidence or investigation!

    I know there are thousands of these killing's with the war on drugs as i'm sure you all know!

    So my question is what would/could you do to prove your innocence if set up for drugs,murder, ect and the police could

    care less if you did it or not?

    Would you hire a p.i?

    Would you take a polygraph?...are polygraph's available in thailand?....are they accepted in a thai court?

  11. I understand why your wife said nothing for fear of her and her family's safety but someone has to let this guy know!

    Like someone said above,maybe it's to late...(maybe it's not)!!

    Remember reading something like this not so long ago..think he was canadian and she was thai...she was convicted for murder!

    If you have any way to contact this guy...let him know!

  12. Thanks for that, sometimes i do need a gentle reminder as to why I do not frequent those parts of town you describe.


    I didn't make a big deal about it, i just kind of sniggered and told him to f'off under my breath just to give him the hint!!

    If someone can do something like this over a small thing,i can only imagine what they could do if they really wanted to have you done!

    Like i said to one of the girls(why don't he go to a place where he can get what he is looking for)

    I know that many men go to nana looking for girls so why else did he think i was there?

    I tend to believe this as the description EXACTLY fits a long term expat resident of Chiang Mai who sometimes transits through Bangkok without his wife.

    He is the sort who can be quite humorous and good company - up to a certain number of beers. After that, the hidden switch goes 'click' and he becomes difficult and aggressive. Speaks just enough Thai to get himself - or you - into trouble.

    I think this warning is well intentioned and should be taken seriously.

    He seemed like a nice guy,joking,funny....but when i turned down his offer...his face changed to phyco, wide eyed,ugly smile..it was a bit scary!

    If this is the same guy your thinking of,be careful!

  13. ""Besides, what middle aged guy in Thailand goes for other farangs in a bargirl bar? Just doesn't sound right to me. Sorry.""

    That's what i couldn't understand..that's why i asked the girls"why don't he go somewhere to get what he's looking for"

    I'm not phobic, i'm comfortable with who i am,i just didn't expect that when i was in a bargirl bar and said i was waiting for

    the girl to come to work! As for why the police didn't take his details..i don't know

  14. Almost all of the western women I know with "beach boys" in Thailand are of a similar age to the guy. IE, young and looking for a holiday romance. While there are a few older than the guy, its a very very small percentage.

    and as for why they aren't any labels for the women, I think we have plenty of derogatory labels for women in use as it is, do men really need to create yet another one in order to denigrate women?

    Frankly, I seriously doubt this thread can go very far without the usual haters making nasty comments or trolls posting to stir things up.

    I'm not labeling anyone or having a go at older ladies enjoy themselfs! like you said in thailand most western ladies and thai men seem to be of similar age's!

    I'm all for men/women enjoying their life's and holiday's no matter what they do and no matter what their age's!

    Back home i know of two older men with much younger ladies(one is thai and the other is eastern euro) and those men are labeled as

    dirty old men,talked about a lot(by the local women). where as there's an older woman here too with a much younger man and the local ladies

    Say good for her(i must find one for myself)!!**?? :)

    If i gave the impression of knocking what older ladies do with there life's,i'm sorry,i didn't mean it to sound like this!

  15. Thailand is quite known for western ladies picking up beach boys. :)

    I've never seen this in asia....just wondering...maybe i wasn't looking hard enough!

    I agree..what's good for the goose....

    But i cant understand why the men are clearly labeled and nothing said about the ladies...again maybe i wasn't listening!

  16. You alway's hear the stories that thailand and asia is a place for (dirty old men) looking for young girls...bla..bla..bla

    and it always seems to come from western ladies (mostly jealousy)

    I saw a program on tv not so long ago where middle aged/older women were going to place's like

    central and south america ,caribbean Islands ect to pick up young men..yet they still call the men perv's!

    I dont think i've ever seen a middle aged/older women in asia with a young man...anyone seen this?

    And why do they say these thing's about the men and nothing ever said about the ladies??? :)

  17. It sounds like this Irish guy has had a couple of beatings before.

    Hopefully the next time someone will do it properly.

    How dare he make peoples evenings uncomfortable.

    Only visited Nana one time before and tought it was kind of wierd.

    Make my evening uncomfortable??

    Lucky i got a couple of honest cops or it could have been many uncomfortable years!!

    Dont worry, i'm sure that guy will meet a nasty end someday....and if i see him again :)

  18. Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

    dont worry i have read stickmanbangkok and i am definitely not a guy who is going to be tricked into sick buffalo stories.

    Ahhh....there's more than those old buffalo stories...they're very smart be on your toe's at all time's!!

    You say that you have little money and no work lined up....ok here's what i would do...

    Go home work and save as much money as possible for a few years...plan...do your research...plan some more...

    ..know what you want and how your going to do it....Dont just jump into something(it's very likely you'll fail in thailand)

    I plan on living in thailand too..some day! But i'm still young,not married and don't have kid's,and in my line of work

    i'm not even going to think about this until my contract is up and i have enough money to make a final move to thailand!

    Just my thought's but as they say in thailand "up to you" good look mate!! :)

  19. are there any specific meeting places and hangouts or clubs for us here? i have seen some brothers here and there and it appears there are enough of us around.


    Like what i said in your other post and some others said too....be careful who you mix with!

    There's some Nigerian scammers who will gladly take your money...and some of them are into nasty things!

    be careful!

  20. Hello mike

    listen to the posts above,take your time,get your head sorted,and then make up your mind!

    I've been holidaying in thailand for 6-7 years now,it's a nice place to be!

    Never had any big problems there except for the one i posted a few days ago!

    I've never lived there but seen a lot of thailand and there's a lot better places than PATTAYA!!

    As said above,be careful who you mix with there!

    Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

    Hope you make the right choice and things work out for you! good luck :)

  21. Not only in Thailand. I had an unpleasant experience along similar lines in the UK many years ago. A mate and I were invited by a few girls to join them for a drink in a hotel bar. There was a Scottish guy with them at the time.

    A short while later the girl I was chatting with suggested we leave together and we headed to my hotel room. Not long after that I had a knock on the hotel door with a request to open the door for the police. The police talked to the girl and I in separate areas and established nothing was amiss.

    It turned out this Scottish guy had reported me to the police for kidnapping and raping the girl. They were apologizing to me for the inconvenience when they had a radio message saying a guy was trying to jump off a road overpass. It was the Scottish guy.

    Some people can call me a troll,some can call you a troll..but until some thing like this happens to them they'll probably never understand

    that there is some nasty people out there that will do anything to try and make life difficult for you,for little or no reason!!

    I had to look up the troll thing.. :)...i always thought it was the green monster thing under the bridge in the childrens stories.. :D

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