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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. My vote is for light skin. I think wonen also look better as they age with light skin.

    I don't usually associate beauty with dark skin, perhaps sexy, but rarely beauty.

    My wife has caramel colored skin and a lightish face. She does not use lighteners and we soend lots of time outdoors and especially the beach. I have no gripes if she browns up like a cockroach, love to be outdoors with her.

    If everything was the same when we met (her looks, weight, disposition), I would have fallen for her the same - even with darker skin.

    I think when men arrive in Asia, they see these women in the bars and whatnot, they ate looking sexy and EXOTIC. I know this true of European men. Im from California we have a 20% + Asian population. Asian women might be more attractive than white women argueably but for me, they are not any more exotic than anyone else. So, for me the desire based on the my bullshit perception of exotic is non existant. Add to this being in Asia for 20 years.

    Tired subject.

  2. Seems to me to be your computer. Try my last advice at bottom.

    Find your routers manual online and make sure its all are to default settings. Recheck the settings, try and ping something.

    Run all tests via cable LAN as this will remove any variables of wifi. When you are up and running, go to wifi.

    DNS, Mac settings might be stuck on stupid. Can other people STILL connect or is everyone down?

    ★★ Remove all the adapters (incl hidden adapters, google for that) and remove the connections. Do a cold boot. I think this will work!

  3. I like FF as a company and have used the browser on our laptops for years but I just can't get my head around for me as a wholly inorganic and counterintuitive experience on my tablet. I simply hate the way one must pull down and click over bookmarks, history...Even pulling down to view hot sites is annoying as opposed to say Dolphin. I keep hoping they will change it but looks like I need to give up on this pig.

    Dolphin is faster, cleaner more intuitive experience. Ironically, it basically works like FF on desktop.

  4. I'd say the barrier is that she is just going to stay on. But she could just as much go home so I think it could go either way.

    Having property and vehicles in her name would help imo. A return ticket w/scheduled date out I think is a must. Former take to interview, latter upon landing.

    Married and Pops staying behind Id think a huge plus.

    I guess a nice bank book would help rather hurt, but of course everyone pays for their mothers visits.

    Seems to me as worthwhile, as good a chance as any.

  5. Yeah, you can check all those online websites. Not only hookers that are playing farang.

    If you want to marry, you must be together prior - in Thsilsnd, for years. After 4 years if you want to go back snd try it at home - good luck.

    Lending/giving money to Thais - well, we all know how that ends.

    You are an absolute fool to develop a relationship with a person, esp a Thai woman yhat lives thousands of km/mi from you.

  6. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    (Nice) Southern beach city that supports employment, not easy...Krabi city is notbing special, either.

    BTW not saying you cant find work, esp a pretty female but south id not known as a place with boatloads of teaching jobs outside Hat Yai.

    Songkla...all in one package.....also sports a staggering three higher learning institutions...Taksin,Rajamangala,Rajabhat...

    Well, the universites would be good start for her. Ive never glomed on to the place, visited a few times. City center is quaint albeit scruffy in the cbd. Definately no beaches by any proper standard.

    Its not a bad choice, just not the best. Id love to love it more, wifes best friend is builder/developer we could get a place or custom cheap.

    One thing sure, it is stable. My wifes friend says she cant build homes fast enough to cover the outflow of buddhists moving oit of the border provs.

  7. Yup, defamation lawsuit. His word against a Thai govt official (who will gladly pay out part of settlement to cronies).

    They will find against RB, then the govt will not renew visa based on the defamation.

    Really quite stupid.

    Defamation laws were set up to protect thieves, murders and scoundrals - why does this person think he can buck these laws?

  8. Hands down my least favorite city and people. Unfriendly, dishonest. Id rather live in Yala. Not to mention it is inland and I can tell you that the OP is dreaming of island beaches and gonna have to setyle for Kanom. Kanom would be a great place to live, a great compromise. As for a holiday beach it is wholly unspecial.

    Why rush into living anywhere? Travel the region and surely travel Thailand first. Youv'e already made one bad decision by making it from afar. What happens when you did in, rent a flat, buy some stuff and find out you hate it?

    Do not try Phuket or Samui either. Youv'e been warned.

    (Nice) Southern beach city that supports employment, not easy...Krabi city is notbing special, either.

    BTW not saying you cant find work, esp a pretty female but south id not known as a place with boatloads of teaching jobs outside Hat Yai.

  9. Yes - it's not easy when ordering specific foods that are not the menu. I don't eat pork or beef (or horse as far as I know) ... but sometimes eat fish/chicken (animal welfare reasons and some subjective views on how smart an animal needs to be to suffer). I've been using "mai gin moo/mai gin nua" but I recently discovered that some items like shrimp dim sum can contain pork and fish balls are a bit of an adventure.

    Dim sum on top of being totally unhealthy is loaded with pork. If you dont eant to eat pork, dont order dim sum. Pork is the cheap, flavorful filler meat and of course, Chinese loooooooove them pigs.

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  10. Bear in mind you will also be in the unenviable position of ordering lat.khao something that you DO want. Simply stating you font eat animals. OK, what do you want them to do about it? And surely they will not cook you food without animal stock or eggs. Milk is often subbed for coconut cream (kathit). Stir fry? They aint gonna clean the pan.

    So, suggest you have a list of foods that can be prepared to suit you.

    ACK ...vegetarians...

    If you want vegetarian food, go to a vegetarian restaurant. The rest is just headaches all around and dont blame them when your food is not 100% how you THINK you ordered it.

  11. Chatchuk market has lots of the more trendy stuff 2nd hand.

    Robinsons Ratchada is having a real blowout sale right now as they will be closing and remodelling the mall entirely. Prices are good for Thailand.

    3 mrt stops from suk/asoke.

    Slacks for b500 or less assuming you can fit in them.

    Export Shop can have some great finds, most of it comes from Cambodia. MBK and Pattaya malls.

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