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Posts posted by connda

  1. I eat raw ginger, Turmeric and garlic every day. I would suggest exactly the same.

    Where do you get your Turmeric? I buy mine at Tops but it's the white Turmeric not the yellow. I haven't been able to find via google, if yellow is better than white or not.

    To the previous poster. I eat my Turmeric in tea in the morning, together with ginger and also often eat it sliced with dinner, depending on what my wife is cooking.

    I dice up turmeric and ginger and then crush it and then put it in the microwave for a few minutes. Add a bit of cane sugar to make it more palatable.

    You can buy a bag of Turmeric (yellow) at Big C for about 20 baht or less. Thai's call in ka-min. You can also get it at any Chinese pharmacy.

  2. I had a deep water well drilled recently.......2 local Thais had the same recently.....they have asked me how much I paid ??? both the Thais paid more than me.....also bought paint last month, girl in the village liked our paint colour , we told her where we bought it and how much it was....she went to the same shop bought the same colour paint...they wanted to charge her 100 bht extra than I paid.....she said in know falang who paid 100 bht less .....and they dropped the price to the same as I paid...........doesn't matter if you are Thai or Falang.....they will try to flees you..........Thai bashers take note....Thais will try to charge more to who ever......

    Slightly off topic, but how deep did they drill and what was the approximate cost. I'm giving it some thought.

  3. A mechanic in Songkhla did some minor repairs to my bicycle for free.

    In Chiang Mai, our mechanic who was overhauling our car gave my wife and I a ride to Lamphun two times while the car was in the shop. Heck of a nice guy.

  4. If I'm under-charged I always make it right. Anyway, the Thai family restaurant that I usually eat at has dual prices: one for the English menu and a lower one for the Thai menu. Being a regular who can actually read the Thai menu, I get the Thai price. I do appreciate that!

  5. There is no Thai word for "responsible" or "consequence". And yes, it is just fate, it's meant to happen ...

    I'll disagree with you there.

    Pets = Sat Liang where Sat means 'animal' and Liang means 'care for'. Caring for something implies responsibility (Paa-ra naa-tii).

    Consequence? Pon suup nuang where Pon means 'consequence or result' and 'suup nuang' mean 'as a result of'.

    And there are other ways to say each of these words. So, I'm assuming you're just being sarcastic, which as far as I'm concerned, is fine. I'm a Westerner. I like sarcasm. It goes right over the head of most Thais.

    So they do know the concepts of responsibility and consequences, however, they also know that mistakes cause loss of face which is unacceptable. So they will not admit to irresponsibility nor suffer the consequences.

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  6. We haven't even got to Jan 2014 and I can barely see Doi Suthep. Looks like we're starting early.

    With that said, my wife really has problems when the air quality gets bad. She used a cloth mask last year which had minimal effect. Anyone have a recommendation for breathing masks that a lightweight but still able to adequately filter the particulate out of the air, and where can I buy one in Chiang Mai.

  7. Again a topic that attack the Thai religion. Pure hypocrisy if you ask me how is this any more dumb then believing that a guy that was nailed to a cross was the son of god and died for our sins and then came back to life. Sounds just as crazy as this. It always amazes me how religious people can attack an other religion for being crazy as they are all as crazy and there is no proof for any of them.

    Saying that this is any more stupid as going to church and praying for world peace or that winning lottery ticket is just crazy.

    There is no doubt in my mind this won't work as none of the religions have proven to work (except for keeping the poor and uneducated down)

    So please let people believe what they want and if you believe something else your the last to pass judgement as your religion is just as unproven.

    Buddhism doesn't have anything to do with animism, although the Thai version is conjoined at the hip. However the minority of monks that actually practice Buddhism (forest tradition) will be the first ones to tell you that the rituals and spirit worship has nothing to do with teaching of Buddha, which is essentially a process for ending suffering. Think meditation - not Red Fanta, incense, and candles.

  8. Words fail me. If this happened in NZ it would be considered almost a national disaster and there would be a royal commission established to determine causes.

    If there were any discrepancies in the drivers log book, hours spent driving versus the legal allowed hours, vehicle maintenance logs or any other causes that could be attributed to the company or its managers, then manslaughter charges would be made.

    In Thailand, it's just same <deleted>, different day.

    Words fail me. If this happened in NZ it would be considered almost a national disaster and there would be a royal commission established to determine causes.

    It's such the norm here the it's hardly given a glance by those who could control the carnage.

  9. Anyone with serious pain issues knows that Tramadol is about as effective as baby aspirin and can cause seizures due to Seratonin Syndrome.

    Not only is Tramadol worthless for severe pain, it will seriously mess you up.

    Like I said, Google "Tramadol Seratonin Syndrome"

    You're rolling the dice every time you take it.

    BTW, the Panu Clinic is open and dispensing for addiction issues and for pain issues, so whoever said that Methadone is NLA in Thailand is incorrect.

    I've also been in touch with a chronic pain patient/Expat in Chiang Mai thru a mutual friend that has been very helpful.

    Like I said, I've talked to several people that have actually been there. It seems many people here are just going by hearsay or incorrect information.

    A number of private methadone clinics have recently been shit down by the govt.

    And, as said before, the only registered brand of methadone in Thailand is that made by GPO which no longer markets it. Possibly they still supply to government hospitals and it is just no longer commercially marketed, not sure on that point. Of course, clinics may still have stock, but what they will do when that is depleted is another matter.

    Up to you what you decide to do but if you come here only to have the lcinic you were counting upon closed down, it won't be because you weren't warned.

    About 2 or 3 years back, Padu Clinic closed down for a extended period of time. I'm not sure what the issues were at the time. So I do have to agree. Just because the clinic is open now doesn't mean it's going to be open in the future.

    In this Buddhist country, I can't even fathom the complete lack of compassion on the part of the government and medical coummunity. These are some pretty sick, twisted, sadistic people who are limiting access to pallative care, and currently seem to be making it even more restrictive. I guarentee that the rich, the connected, the politicians, and the doctors themselves either have access for themselves and their family members, or have the funds to seek medical care in Western countries.

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