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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

    Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

    Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

    Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

    Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

    One only has to look closely to find certain healthy items at Ragu. The beet salad is fantastic. The fresh roasted and lean turkey and roast beef are done in house and are also not pumped with sodium as regular cold cuts are processed in the states. About 100 grams of lean roast beef will only set you back about 225 calories and turkey about 155 calories. Add the mustard aioli made with extra virgin olive oil and eat only half the bread and you have a fine, low calorie, high protein meal.

    Many other healthy items to choose from and once in a while a delicious sausage never hurts.


    I never posted that.

    Far better things to do that put every ingredient under the microscope.

  2. We had a Burmese maid for a few years, started on 5,500 and went up to 7,000, but as we weren't hard on her at all she got lazier by the day, then one day said she was going to visit her mother for 3 weeks, she came back 5 months later with her bag expecting her job back.

    This is the sort of thing you will encounter.

    We had a quote from a Philipino maid back in 2009, she wanted 15,000 a month back then, and no cooking, picking up dog poo, gardening, in fact there wasn't much she was willing to do.

    The Burmese one did the lot, just in her own time, in her own way.

    We will never again have a live in, 3-4 days a week is more than enough.

    Good luck, a good one is very hard to find.

  3. Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

    Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

    Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

    Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

    Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

    Worry is interest paid on trouble not yet due.

    Eat, drink and be merry.

    All in moderation of course.

    Dave's venues serve up "happy food". You won't see that on any of the "ingredients lists".

  4. Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

    Sounds like manure (and sour grapes).

    You should be a Thai movie script writer, so bad it's bound to get noticed.

    Everyone with half a brain cell left that lives here knows what you are saying is just garbage.

    You can slander Dave and Co all you like. The proof is in the pudding (or Caramel cheesecake, dang thats tasty).


    Also heard that being a little over weight was good for you.

    Hallelujah...I knew it all along.

  5. Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

    Sounds like manure (and sour grapes).

    You should be a Thai movie script writer, so bad it's bound to get noticed.

    Everyone with half a brain cell left that lives here knows what you are saying is just garbage.

    You can slander Dave and Co all you like. The proof is in the pudding (or Caramel cheesecake, dang thats tasty).


  6. When in Rome.. you visit an American Sports bar. wink.png

    Please, Winnie, not this well trod tiresome "when in Thai only do Thai" malarkey again. What do you think the first thing Thai people do when they go abroad, thats right, look for Thai food, Ditto Chinese, and many other cultures too.

    Many of us live a relatively Thai life here but we all have this thing inside us called "our own culture." We all have it. Even you, Winnie, and theres nothing wrong with having it, its genetic, its natural, and its OK. I live in Thailand but still proud to be British, nothing wrong with the mix !!

    Suppose if you want to dress in a Sarong and have noodles for breakfast "upto you" but nothing wrong with toast and coffee, honestly, try it !!

    I think the post was "tongue in cheek". Though i could be mistaken, first time for everything.

    • Like 1
  7. Perhaps there won't be so many driving round empty clogging the streets

    It will probably make them more aggressive to try and get a fare.

    Just when you thought the traffic couldn't get worse.

    It's great news for Thais on a budget for sure.

  8. Beer from 800 baht a carton to 1000 baht a carton is 20 % is it not?

    Anyway, to keep the topic on track they have slashed their original prices, time will tell if that saves them or not. Just hope the food portions aren't sacrificed because of it.

  9. It rained last night, might rain today, strong chance of rain tomorrow. It is rain season.

    We had over two inches of rain overnight and currently in the middle of another downpour. You might be right there D-N! Humor aside, we have certainly been in the middle of the rain belt up here this year. Been a good test of our drainage system.

    The local frog symphony orchestra are loving it.

    Yes glad we got Alti Gutters to do their stuff here, and get proper drains put in.

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