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Posts posted by Sherlocke

  1. I was out and about that day - and as far as I could see the main force of the rain was outside the centre of town.........this means that the floods are caused largely from run-off from other areas.......the unrestricted development around the town has changed how the water behaves - it is no longer absorbed in the hinterland but now runs off and drains towards the sea - i. e. Pattaya.

    They may "improve" the drains, but that was to cope with the OLD situation, now the new run-off has to be dealt with......I would have though a network or culverts/channels would do the trick, but they need to focus outside central Pattaya.

  2. At present there is a Casio Previa with a few extra sounds, midi etc at 36k - Model PX410R - anyone know this one?

    I also looked at the Yamaha DGX 630.....couldn't work out if it would connect to my computer.......

  3. If you want to "buy" a house in Thailand or build for yourself on a plot....what is the current situation?

    Is anyone actually buying houses? or land and building on it?

    This is with regards to a foreigner without any Thai spouse etc.

    I'm not interested in buying a condo, but I'd like to build a house on some land I've seen or simply buy a house and land.

    A 30 year lease might be OK?

    What about companies now?

    Is there a clear and simple line to follow?

  4. There's a lot of political backgrounds to these regs - they are in answer to pressures from US etc who want to clamp down on "terrorism" and a general feeling or perception in Thailand that "foreigners" might take over land or businesses - not just westerners - the Chinese are greatly suspected of taking over land and business too. this insecurity is largely due to ineptitude in the Thai system that stems from the inherent corruption and nepotism leaving businessmen unable to deal with normal market forces and resorting to protectionism to keep their money and assets safe.

    In all, the measures taken are useless and ineffective, just the result of an official trying to prove he is worth his job - which of course he/she isn't. This archaic use of bureaucracy bandaids to solve problems that aren't fully understood is hopeless

    THey are not really aimed a tourism, although they certainly do effect it in both real ways and the perception that Thailand is unwelcoming to tourists.

    thailand still apparently has a high rating amongst countries for their welcoming of foreign business and investors.

    World Bank recently rated them "12th-best economy for doing business" out of over 180 countries

  5. I want a weighted key board 88 note and synth capacity - but, I'm hoping that somewhere there is a cheaper alternative to the limited range offered by Central/Robinson et al.....I guess the usual expression is "digital piano" = but some have more rockets and bells than others...

  6. MNost of the condos tend to be rented out to the japanese.....so they're all super hi-tech....and expensive

    Try sea view apartments - or just google Sri Racha - there's actually a lot of stuff there - if you want to go down-market you'll have to visit the place and look, plenty near the sea front of on the roads going back to the Motorway.

    But for 10 to 16k you can get a nice house there.......PM me for details.

  7. Anyone know a good shop for keyboards?

    i'm looking for a weighted action keyboard with good piano and other synth sounds.

    I've looked in Central PAttaya and Chonburi and I can see a couple of Yamahas and a casio around 30 to 40 thousand - anyone know of anywhere cheaper?

  8. THey will take time to examine a ything that looks a bit "sus" this will increase the time - no job, "staying with Friends" etc are all warning bells to UK immigration who do not have a queuing system as such.

    It IS worth getting an appointment to hand in your docs though....that will save time queuing at the UK Visa company.

    A Thai person especially one who says they are staying with Thai friends will not be received or perceived well....the inference is that they are looking to overstay.........

  9. Is that with or without the air---who did that test??

    although I don't believe the 4WD is permanent is it? they just call it F/T??

    True, Fortuner also needs more fuel to cool larger cabin/more glass with the rear aircon. But most of the extra fuel is for the fulltime4wd. Fortuner is also marginally slower due to the 4x4-friction and increased weight over Vigo.

    Fortuner 4x4 is absolutely full time, can not be disconnected and no viscoclutch. Just like Range Rover. Great system, great traction on and off road and who cares about marginal increase in fuel cost. My Range Rover needed double the fuel of Fortuner. My Dodge Durango 5,9 too.

    i'd like to examine the conditions and findings of that test......

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