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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. OMG!!!! I really don't think anyone who is stranded in the middle of a flooded village is in any mood for SEX!!!! This news MUST be a big JOKE....rite??:blink:

    I have been through 6 hurricanes. All I can say is you have never been through a hurricane. :lol:

    I have been through three Nois ,two Nuts, four pattaraporn and three porns but never met a hurricane.

  2. HI guys I would like to know if anyone has experienced the following and can anyone throw light on the subject. . Two months ago moved into a rental on Dusit land seven and I should point out I have lived in Hua Hin almost three years, GF and I have noticed a couple of cops in and out of the estate a few times doubling up on a motor bike we wondered about this as nothing ever happens here and wondered what they were up to, yesterday they came to my house and only my house in a small street of eight houses, they were very polite and said they were making a list of all farangs in HH and asked for a copy of my passport took a photo of me and of the house, they explained it was in order to be able to ID us and help us if ever we had a problem in a timely manner, one of the cops had a list with lots of address on it all Farangs with Nationality marked and number of occupants in each household, they took the name of my gf and departed. We had a new person move into the Soi two weeks ago and I asked if they were going to check on him but they said no someone else would at a future date.

    Knowing how the bib work I am rather concerned they knew we had recently moved in here and I can only think they must have got the info from immigration as I am retired and had to register my cjhange of address, of course I think the worse and would never allow them in my house for fear something may be planted ( use your imagination ). Anyone experienced this ? does anyone think I should go ask at the main police station ? comments please.

  3. :whistling:

    I agree that 450 dollars does seem excessive...but you will have to learn that passenger's baggage does not fly free... and actually never did.

    Baggage doesn't pay an airline to fly it, passengers do pay. Every pound of baggage costs the airlines in fuel costs. The more baggage a plane carries the fewer passengers it can carry.

    IATA rules state that all airlines must obey a mandate that an airliner MUST arrive at their destination with a specific number of minutes of fuel left. This is a safety issue, to allow for a flight to circle the destination airport if required by weather or any delay in landing due to airport congestion and landing delays. This minimum fuel safety requirement is normally 30 minutes of fuel left on arrival at destination airport.

    Any airline whose flight arrives at the destination without this mandated minimum fuel, can and often will be fined for that infraction by IATA. This is a safety procaution, and IATA takes it very seriously.

    Passengers today want longer direct flights, bigger aircraft, and few refueling stops.

    All this leads to more passengers on bigger planes and long haul flights that are closer to the maximum range of the aircraft.

    In addition, passengrs are getting heavier (the Fat American syndrome).

    Air fuel costs are increasing all the time also.

    All these things add up to the fact that the amount of baggage a passenger is allowed to carry "free" is going to have to be lowered. Or a passenger with overwieght baggage must be prepared to pay for the privaledge of bringing half of his/her earthly belongings with them for that week long vacation on the other side of the world.

    So basically passengers, especially on long haul flights really have two choices.

    Either bring less luggage with you...or be prepared to pay for it.

    Also, in July, the last time I flew from the U.S.A. to Bangkok United was announcing it's new 2 carry-on bags rule. Both of your two carry-on bags must fit that box the airline uses to see if your carry-on is legal or must be checked.

    Of your two carry-on bags, only ONE is to be stored in the overhead bins, the other needs to go under the seat in front of you.

    And ladies, if you carry a handbag or purse with you THAT is considered one of your allowed two carry-ons.

    United was also announcing that this policy be implemented first on long-haul flights (such as SFO to Narita and then to BKK...the one I was on).

    That won't be popular with passengers...but it's going to happen...if not being done already.

    And the pilots and cabin crew are all behind these new baggage rules. Flights are already being delayed by the cabin crew having to sort out those passengers who have 3 or 4 "carry-on" items and are trying to stuff them all into the overhead bins. So passengers won't get any sympathy from the cabin crew and staff for complaining about the new rules.


    Believe its forty five minutes fuel left if the fight includes night flying as all long haul does.

  4. I do wonder why these airlines list a price for a flight at all. They may as well just say everyone can have a free flight anywhere in the world at anytime. Then of course hit you with a $400 baggage fee, $200 seat allocation fee, $100 to use the toilet fee, $300 customs declaration fee, $300 fuel surcharge fee.

    Well actually here in oz the airlines did start doing things like that but now that type of advertising has been banned (for our airlines at least). They have to advertise the actual cost of the flight.

    But really, does some guru think that having a kind of hidden charge like that is the best way to give customer satisfaction? I would have thought one flight with them and being hit with excessive charges would mean a hell of a lot of bad publicity.

    Some people think the free market and de regulation is way to do things. I don't, I think govt regulation in certain things is a must otherwise Joe Public is at the mercy of what could be termed a cartel.

    Agree with what you say however everyone seems to miss the point of excess baggage, all airline have a weight limit for a single bag based on health and safety for its baggage handlers I belive the max is around twenty kilos could be less, if a passenger is dumb enough to show up with a single bag weighing a hundrede pounds or more they deserve to be slapped with a big fee.

    I should add it does happen and I have witnessed it .

  5. The new mall is actually replacing nab bob. The hotel has been built behind the nab bob. There has been several articles in the local media about this.

    Nab bob has been a dismal failure for many reasons and the company that owns it admits this, mainly because there is no anchor stores to pull people in despite its advantagous location, all the stores in the mall are very small selling things only tourists would look at twice and all paying very high rents, a lot of the original renters have already moved to greener pastures. What the place really needes is a tops supermarket to give villa plaza a run for their money to pull people in who actually live here as the high season is so short, I understand a KFC will be moving in but I doubt if this alone will save it. There was a very interesting store on the upper floor where everything sold for 65 baht but sadly it too moved on. I suspect greed got in the way of planning as far as this mall went, have no idea about pricing at the new hotel but it is in a good position for revellers

  6. What a horrifying story & I hope the couple at least get full compensation for their medical expenses. I wonder if there are any regulations to cover this industry. Seems like they are able to operate with impunity although they must be paying someone. It is widely known elephants can suffer from depression & little wonder given the conditions they are forced to live & work in here in Phuket. As usual the owner does not seem willing to accept any responsibility & pointing the finger at the mahout for Captain's previous rampage.

    Incidents such as this & in other industries will continue forever & a day, with tragic consequences, until business owners are forced to accept responsibility for the actions within their companies.

    Valentine are there any regulations in this country that people follow ???????

  7. I would think it a scam. How much bad luck can one girl have. Just emotional support eh? If you call she will hit you with the sob story, crying and begging and will hope to tug at your heartstrings to cave in. I'm sure the girl is getting emotional support from the person that sent you the message, why would she need another farang for support. Surely she'd prefer Thai support.

    I wouldn't go near it with a barge pole.

    Sounds like it was picked up from a Thai soap, good troll though.

  8. When should people start think about consequences here. Overloading the truck gives much higher maintenance costs on the equipment. The overloaded trucks destroys the roads, for the public's annoyance, and giving the government unexpected maintenance costs on the roads. Its a win-win for all parts in the long run to start to follow the rules. Increased safety as well, as an overloaded truck will have much longer braking distance.. :blink:

    Who cares ? in the short term they make money that is all that counts.

  9. Should I tell you about two of my friends who were looking forward to retirement and just found out they have terminal cancer? They are in their late 50s and haven't done anything but work for a living to provide lovely homes for their bitchy wives. I know they are bitchy because I've met them and I wouldn't have stayed married to either of them for more than a week. My friends got jealous when I told them about my trips to Thailand each winter, but now it's too late for them.

    Or, maybe I coulld tell you the story of a friend's 10 year old child who was just recently diagnosed with leukaemia.

    How about my two friends who have worked 25 years with a timber company that is closing all its mills, and my friends are being laid off with no prospects for work anywhere else in the province.

    If I think really hard I can come up with a few more cheary stories like these. Let me know if you want to hear them.

    Oh, sorry, you were talking about sad tales from strangers. They tend not to bother me as much as the true stories about friends with problems. I just thank my lucky stars I live the life I do and have the good health to do along with it.

    Glad I am not your friend :(

  10. This will never work unless the Thais would treat their visitor as guests, e.g. not ripping them off in every possible situation, robbing and killing them and police and immigration treat them fairly >>> Overstay in paradise: Swede with heart disease thrown in prison. Read that article, it will make you understand that this anticipated doubling of tourist arrivals is not very likely to happen anytime soon.

    Dont be too serious friend we have heard all this crap from them many times before, a total joke.

  11. Just an observation from someone who, as yet, hasn’t even been to Phuket; and to be honest I don’t much fancy the place having been to Koh Samui and Pattaya. Far too many Farhangs in these places for my liking.

    Thai’s are not renowned for ability to look ahead. This is apparent even with their driving. If they did look ahead they’d see what is happening with their neighbour on that side of Thailand: Myanmar. At some point in the foreseeable future the military Junta in Myanmar is going to collapse. Or more likely bugger off with the money from all the state owned assets they’re busily selling off. Once this happens the country will open up to the world for business, much like land-locked Laos (try saying that after a few beers!) did just over a decade ago. However, unlike Laos, Myanmar has close on 2000 kilometres of beautiful and so-far unspoilt coast line along the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. When this happens Phuket and Thailand in general may find it has to compete a little harder to get tourist money to flow into the country with all the negative publicity the world sees. As tourism is such an important source of income to Thailand maybe time for someone higher up the food chain to make the changes now before the reputation of this beautiful country I call home is tarnished beyond repair.

    good post but wishful thinking ( on change )

  12. What will it take for the government to do something? The senate heard from the tailors about the alleged millions in shakedowns, the jetskis are allowed to rip off tourists and all of these beatings and attacks from the tuk tuk drivers, all of whom appear to be protected by local government and police officials.

    Does anyone care or will it continue to be ignored and excused away? Enough is enough. Do something.

    Nobody cares my freind there is money involved, with a corrupt police force all laws go out of the window sad but true,:ph34r: myself I will never visit this hole.

  13. Air Aisia seems every add they do is nonsense, last week huge addsin the bankok Post BKK to many destinations for 690 baht all inclusive fare destinations wereyangon, ho chi min city, singapore, bali, macou,guanzhou,shenzan,hong kong.hanoi,delhi.kolkata

    must book August 29 to Sept 6 and fly March 1 tp April 26 2012, they claimed to have36,700 seats free, Tried for Hanoi several dates within the window every one had airport tax fuel surcharge and baggage handling fee add on bringing the far up several thousand baht for two people, just another farang rip off in LOL, if there was a body to complain to it would be a waste of time but wonder if a letter to the post would stir things up.

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