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Posts posted by tonititan

  1. Hi,

    I posted a couple months ago asking about current Wii prices in BKK. Between the responses I got, and the other searching I did on TV, I got a pretty big range of responses. I really didn't know what to expect when I actually started shopping around. I finally bought a Wii, and just in case anyone else is thinking about getting one, I thought I'd share what I found when I went to MBK to buy one...

    I had trouble finding the right section, but once I found the tech area on the 4th floor, there were lots of little shops and stands selling them. The asking price for just the Wii console ranged from 7900 to 9500 for a chipped model. Most were in the 8000-8500 range. Some of those came with games thrown in, and some did not. I ended up paying 12,000 baht for a Wii console, a Wii Fit balance board, 15 games of my choice, and an extra controller/nunchuck set. I believe that it was a Japanese/Korean model, although there was an English instruction manual included, and the menu on the t.v. screen is in English. The only thing not in English was the instruction manual for the balance board. However, that was with with practically no negotiating (I don't like doing it, speak limited Thai, and I'm a terrible negotiator!), so someone who is a better negotiator would most likely pay less.

    I know that I cannot take the Wii back home with me to the US when I leave, and that the 60 baht games won't work on an original Wii (right?). But, I'm wondering, does anyone know if I can bring the balance board and/or the controllers back to hook up with a US console? Thanks.

  2. I was also going to ask when you are coming. Like someone else already said, that will make a difference.

    Personally, I prefer to book ahead just for the peace of mind. I like to do a lot of research before I travel so that I know exactly where I want to stay. It's really hot here, and I hate arriving at a new place and having to lug my bags around and get all sweaty while trying to search for a place to stay...not to mention having to weed through all the guys at the train station/airport/pier/etc. who are trying to convince you to stay at their hotel. I prefer to brush past them and know that I don't even have to look. Plus, with my limited Thai, it's not always easy to get answers to my questions about the hotels, and I suck at negotiating. It's just an added stress I don't want. I would rather have more time for sightseeing and not waste the time looking around for the best hotel. However, many of my friends don't pre-book their hotels, especially in the low season, and they (almost) never seem to have a problem finding a place to stay. I guess it depends on whether you prefer the adventure and excitement of arriving in new place with no plans, or the relaxation of knowing exactly where you're heading next. I prefer the latter. Maybe I'm just lazy, though. :)

  3. ^ Good, a lady shoppers perspective instead of the testosterone driven one. Where would you shop for a bikini?

    Didn't you read my other posts, and the post from the other female posters? We DON'T think you should shop for a bikini! You want the "lady shopper's" perspective? Well, you have gotten perspective from at least three of us, and we all seem to be telling you the same thing. It sounds like you just don't want to listen. So, best of luck to you, your wife, and your PA in her skimpy bikini.

  4. Yup, I also know someone who has a degree from one of the unaccredited schools. All he had to do was pay a few hundred US dollars and send in his resume and work history...no tests, no classes. They gave him a diploma based on his "life experience." He used it to successfully apply for a work permit to teach in BKK.

    I am looking forward to the day when these types of institutions are caught and shut down...

  5. ^ Your panties are showing guys. I have a gorgeous PA and an even more gorgeous wife. They have met and know each other very well. Sorry that your soap opera fantasies won't be realised.

    So, back to the business at hand and finding suitable swimming attire for Wednesday.

    Actually, I'm not a guy, so I have no fantasies about your wife and your PA. :)

  6. I hope your wife finds out about this.

    Talking about his wife, NanLaew should ask his wife to take his PA shopping for the bikini. This would be a nice gesture on his part, not go and buy it himself.

    Good idea! :)

  7. I hope your wife finds out about this.

    About what?

    About the fact that you want to get your assistant a slinky, racy, sexy bikini so that you can stare at her instead of your wife.

  8. Well, the last time I stayed at Samed Villa (about 6 months ago), I don't remember any disco next to the hotel. Depending on which bungalow you are in, you might here a little music/noise from down the beach, but I think you get that pretty much anywhere unless you're at one of the really isolated beaches that doesn't have bars. I have stayed there a few times and don't remember EVER having a problem sleeping (and I am a very light sleeper). I hope to Samet within the next 2 weeks, though, so I can check it out and let you know!

  9. Yes, I often stay at Samed Villa (not to be confused with Samet Ville...two separate hotels), and it is very nice. If you look at all the bungalow types, I believe that they have some for 1600+ during high season (depending on the size, proximity to beach, etc.). So many of the hotels on Koh Samet seem overpriced compared to bungalows/hotels of similar quality on other islands.

    I'm just curious....why don't you want to put up with no electricity during the day? Won't you be out at the beach or out doing something?

  10. It sounds like neither of you is going to change your mind. If you don't want to pay the money, and she's adamant that you do, I think you're just going to have to decide if you would rather lose your money or your fiance. That's really a decision that only you can make. From the outside looking in, it kind of seems like geez, you've only known her for 10 months, how can you know what her real motivations are? But, you're the only person who really knows your relationship.

    I personally would never pay money to a fiance, but I'm a girl so I don't think I have to worry about that too much. :)

  11. And I agree with that completely, that some people may be too quick to try drugs without trying other options first. I wasn't necessarily directing me comment "I think it's easy for people who sleep well to say that you just need to make a few lifestyle changes and that will solve the problem" at you. I was just pointing out to everyone that people who have not had the problem can't truly understand. It's the same on the health forum, when people who have always been skinny telling overweight people that it's easy to lose weight - just stop eating junk food and exercise more. People who are very overweight know that there are many other factors involved. Or non-smokers telling smokers that it's easy to quit if you just stop buying cigarettes. I've never been a smoker, but my friends tell me that that quitting is very difficult. Or really smart people telling those who struggle in school that their only problem is that they don't work hard enough. I'm sure the list could go on and on.

  12. Yeah, as long as you don't do something stupid like joining in on a protest or arguing with the reds/yellows, it should be no big deal. I had visitors in town last Songkran when there was the protest downtown. They knew nothing about it the whole time. The international media was calling BKK a "war zone" and talking about the chaos. I was like, "huh...I was right down in that area and didn't notice anything."

  13. In all, people should be very cautious as to what they take without first seeking the advice of a qualified healthcare professional and in respect of this type of problem, it can often be rectified fairly simply and quickly by making a few changes to routine, lifestylke and diet. smile.gif
    sometimes, you just need to move the television out the bedroom instead of drugging yourself.

    I agree about not taking medicine without seeing a doctor. When I took amitriptyline before, it was not for sleeping, and I was under the care of a general doctor and neurologist. I also agree that sometimes, lifestyle can be the cause of sleeping problems. However, there are many of us who cannot improve our sleep, no matter what we do in our lifestyle. I think it's easy for people who sleep well to say that you just need to make a few lifestyle changes and that will solve the problem.

    I for one, have been a poor sleeper since I was a baby (according to my mom). I am in good health, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, avoid all caffeine except the occasional piece of chocolate :), do not have a tv or computer in my bedroom, do not smoke/use drugs/drink excessively, live in a quiet neighborhood, try to maintain a regular schedule of getting up at approximately the same time everyday, am not depressed and do not have other psychiatric problems, and have tried relaxation techniques at bedtime. Nothing seems to work, and I lay in bed for hours every night trying to fall asleep. I have inquired with my doctors, and they have never found any reason why I should be having so much trouble falling asleep. I rarely use medicine to help me fall asleep because I don't like putting any unnecessary drugs into my body. But, sometimes you just need to sleep! :D

  14. Another doctor has advised that instead of Stillnox, some patients take the lowest dosage possible of Desyrel or Amitriptyline (either or, but not both), which are anti depressants. Both of these drugs are older with side effects well known. One of the main side effects is that they make you sleepy.

    Amitriptyline does work well for some people.

    As an added bonus single 10mg tablets cost just 1 Thai baht and can be halved before use 60 minutes before bedtime.

    Where did you get amitriptyline pills for 1 baht/piece?!? I used to take it, but I had to get it from the hospital and it cost WAY more than that! I found it to be very pricey medicine for Thailand standards. I would love to find a cheaper/easier place for future reference, if you have any suggestions...

  15. Trust me, the little gestures mean more than the big ones. :) If no one can give you a florist recommendation, I would suggest calling or emailing your hotel. They could probably direct you to a florist, or like some hotels I've stayed at (including one in Phuket), they could arrange the flowers themselves.

  16. Wow, in my old condo our electric bill was always about 3000-5000/month, so 1500 baht would have sounded fabulous! We didn't use THAT much electric and only used the air con in one room at at time.

    ok but is the aircon on all day then?

    No, we turned it off during the day when we went to work.

    i would chk the rate @ which you are charged for, 3-5k for a condo sounds high to me, esp if no one is home during the day

    Thanks for the tip, but I actually don't live there anymore. I think I remember looking at the bill once and the rate seemed ok, but I can't remember for sure. I think part of the problem was that the air cons were old and not very efficient. Also, we were on the top floor of our building and it just got SO freakin hot up there! Now I live in a nice, cool 2nd floor apartment and pay about 1500/month. :)

  17. I agree with the poster who said that your father will probably be uncomfortable any time of the year. While December-January may be "cool" to those of us who live in Thailand, it is still very hot to someone from a cooler climate. And if he's coming from snow and cold in the UK, it will probably be a shock to him when he arrives. My parents (almost elderly, also not in good shape) parents just visited in December-January. I had told them that was the ONLY time they should come, especially since last winter had a few weeks of comfortable weather and I was expecting the same this year. And my luck...this year it didn't get as cool! Yes, they were hot and got uncomfortable when we were outside for awhile, but we just made the best of it and tried to balance outdoor activities with air con activities. I think your dad will still have a good time visiting you and seeing where you live, but realistically, he's probably not going to be comfortable any time of the year.

  18. Did your friend apply for his license on his own? Did he/does he have a job in Thailand lined up yet? I just ask because I wonder if his school/company could help him. I have a teaching license, but I didn't have anything to do with the actual application process. My school does all that for us. They just tell us which documents they need us to provide, which courses we need to take (like the Thai Language & Culture), and where to sign. We have about 200 teachers at my school, and I've never heard of anyone having a problem. If he has a job, maybe he could ask the HR department if they can help him, or at least call the TCT and find out what the problem was.

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