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Posts posted by blackdug

  1. theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.

    .......another one who if you don,t agree with they get like my little daughter ....mr worldwide my ass more like mr head up ass....don,t get personnel and just stick to believing you are the man in your avatar picture..

    Don't get 'personnel' ? <deleted> - are you drinking too ? I could never be the man in my avatar picture - he's Cuban.

    ...nope but after reading this post I could do with one!!!!! I fact <deleted> it I,m of to crack one open and laugh to myself about YOU...bye bye as i don,t do educating tools
  2. theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.

    .......another one who if you don,t agree with they get like my little daughter ....mr worldwide my ass more like mr head up ass....don,t get personnel and just stick to believing you are the man in your avatar picture..
    • Like 1
  3. Quite right theblether. The Chinese 'one child' policy has had a great influence on their population, not only on numbers but also on the gender balance. The preference for male offspring has resulted in a huge male 'surplus' and I expect many young Chinese males will look to Thailand as a prospective place to look for a wife, or maybe just to 'get water off chest'.

    There's a gender imbalance of over 20 million already in approx the 20-30 age group.

    This is just BS, they don't want hookers for wives, they don't marry girls with tattoos.

    No scam, because they don't buy Thai girls houses or cars.

    Chinese are one of the biggest 'racial purity' groups in the world, they don't want to marry outside their racial group.

    But I guess they might use a Thai girl as a one night sex toy ........ but I haven't seen that so far.

    Your showing your pedigree Tommo, we all know that it was your hooker sister in law that recruited you out of a bar in Pattay and set you up with your wife, so your not exactly qualified to comment on the dating habits of Thai women.

    Not all Thai women are tattooed hookers, and shame on you for going indicating that.

    I think you'll find that the Chinese are already in country looking for suitable Brides and the visa offices are issuing visas in a heartbeat.

    ...the blether you are pissing in the wind with this lot ...cantankerous is the word in Scotland for them....getting to be a joke on here lately and most topics end up with the usual suspects being like my little daughter when she does not want to admit she is wrong .... I have family in shanghai and I have been a regular visitor lately there and for sure they are coming to Thailand ...when they find out my wife is thai they are all over me ....this years smash hit movie in china is about 3 men going on tour to THAILAND alone ....you get it and that,s all that matters ..you are trying to educate people I would not bother with!!!! As for tommos assumption that all thai women are tattooed hookers I would love him to say that to my wife as she would leave him black and blue and in need of urgent medical help
    • Like 2
  4. Does anyone know of a 'good' lawyer that offers a service whereby you can call them 24/7 for advice in such an instance?

    Perhaps more importantly, do you think this strategy would work (call the lawyer as soon as you 'smell a rat' and get him to speak to the BB)?

    This is getting ridiculous.

    If a crook cop arrest you and ask you for money, it is because in a way or an other he saw "STUPID" tattooed on your face.

    The best way is to make him realize that he made a mistake before things get blown out of proportion and it's getting too complicated to back off. Be polite, do not confront him, do not antagonize him, just say it's a mistake, lets go to the police station to clarify and let me call my consulate for advise. These crook cops just want easy, fast cash, they will back off.

    Of course this is if you are really innocent ;)

    ....I would love to see how big you are in the same situation as the original poster Jurgen ..I,m sure the smell of bulls?it would be coming from your pants.....anyone got something differant to say from your usual toosh and it makes them a troll...get out more and meet some real people and you might realize this is getting common in bangkok...
  5. everything that goes up must come down.

    the rest of the world was

    on the up and hit the recession, are you really that uneducated when it

    comes to economics to think Asia will avoid recession in the future and

    will stay on top?

    china is already slowing down in growth, india

    has riots over inflation and a number of other issues, japan is about

    to collapse(currency)

    you really think thailand economy is that strong to sustain the growth on its own?

    "If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, 1907 NYC and 2007 Asia." Jim Rogers.

    Marc Farber lives in Chiang Mai. So no not me. I 'm a nobody. Check with Rogers and Farber for your financial questions. Last time I checked they both said Thailand was still a good investment. Of course it is hard to question such wisdom as, "everything that goes up must come down." Got that from the London School of Economics eh?

    ...farber has not got a financial prediction right in years ,,check out his gold predictions ...he is a bigger waffler than you!!!! And that is saying something....currency wars have been predicted for years now and it looks like Thailand just does not get it yet!!!i was here when the Asian tiger crap was all the rage and I was also here when the crap hit the fan ,,,Thais are ruled by nepotistic fools who at first sign of trouble will bring the baht tumbling....this is my experience seen by my own eyes..what goes up comes down and my old man called it swings and roundabouts
    • Like 1
  6. Sad to hear but it's not just a Thailand thing. Employees defraud their employers all the time, many examples in the UK press. More concerning is the behaviour of the bank. They had nothing to gain so they were just incompetent.

    Don't be an apologist, peer over your rose tinted glasses.

    I think OMGImInPattaya was simply trying to inform any interested parties of what has happened.

    Yup, the thai apologist favorite answer "DUH, ITS THE SAME IN THE UK, DUH, IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GO BACK HOME"

    .....seems to be the standard reply to any post now !!!i have visions of these members looking like victor meldrew .....to much rose colored glass wearers appearing ...they ain't,t got a clue!!!!! Something tell,s me they will be seeing the uk well before me as one day the rose color is going to fade and for most it will be total shock...and to late
  7. I have been stopped dozens of time on a bike all over the country, full licenced so no issue.

    Don't start me on the highway police, they are just theives in uniform.

    On a return trip to Udon Thani, a distance of 1200 klms, I was stopped 13 times.

    This isn't policing, this is harrassment of every road user & nothing to do with farang drivers.

    I have worked out how to beat them, don't acknowledge anything they say & just grunt at them as if you don't understand Thai or English.

    It is then all too hard & they wave you on.


    Funny that, I've heard many stories like this but on my trips from pattaya to Khon Khen, an equally long highway drive, I've never been stopped (nor hardly ever seen a checkpoint). Maybe certain highways are more notorious than others. One sure cure would be to upgrade to a Merc or BMW :)

    ....funny that...I lived in udon up until 10 years ago and it was not funny going to bangkok In my pickup as the highway police were total thief s in uniform ...gave up driving and me and the wife used the bus to bangkok ....to many rosé wearing glass merchants appearing on this site ...cantankerous is the word...
  8. Got into a checkpoint on my bike the other night. When the officer saw that I'm not a Thai, she said oh, you farang, you going going.... Cannot see a tourist oriented scam here...

    ...you must be blind.....20 years here And it,s been happening from day one...one rule for Thai,s one for farang....get an international license and you are ok ....it is a scam pure and simple
  9. In western countries you don't usually see older guys in their 50's, or socially awkward guys in general flirt with random female strangers, but here, you see them do it all the time.

    The main reason for this is :

    In the west, they know they are not attractive, and if they tried to flirt, it would result in a slap in the face, or an angry stare saying "what are you doing you creep".

    It's to do with success rates ...... in Thailand success rate 50% ...... in west success rate 1%

    Most humans learn social behaviour by a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement.

    I think your reasoning is sound, but the actual success rate numbers are probably a lot lower:

    - with Thai hookers: 50%

    - with other Thai ladies: 0.1%

    - with ladies in the West: 0.01%

    Brad, are you saying that a large percentage of Farangs are with hookers ?

    I can't believe that, there was a poll on ThaiVisa and nearly every poster said his wife was NOT a hooker or an ex Hooker, they were in the main professional women from rich families who just happened to fancy old men, am I missing something here,are you saying that they were lying, lying to us, lying to themselves, oh god, please don't tell me ThaiVisa members lie...........

    ....best post I have seen in years ....ah the delusion on this site......
  10. She is not behind barts because she was aquited of the crime ........ sorry you don't like her but she went to court and was aquited , sorry you don't like her friends but she went to court and was aquited , what part of she went to court and was aquitted do you fail to understand ?

    The court decided she was NOT an accomplice your opinion and thier opinion doesn't matter much now does it ?

    I am sorry the family has such hatered that they want an aquited person in jail and if that hurts their feelings to bad for them , she went to court and was aquitted get used to it.

    People who go around on a chrusade to put aquitted people in jail should be prepared to hear a contrairy opinion on how sensible that is. Just because they suffered a loss doesn't give them the right to make any public statements they want and whine when someone disagres with them.

    As far as the actual murderer goes I hope they find him and they will.

    another head shaking post ...this site is getting full of walking balloons....in case you never picked up on this but his partner was present at the planning of his death....and you still feel the need to blow hot air
  11. y would u take the windows ?

    To make a point?

    Probably a debt collecting follow up methinks?

    how would you know .....seriously ....waffle waffle methinks ....I speak from experience when I say a Thai burglar does not know when to stop and will even try to take the taps from your sink... and most times one of your neighbors will be ball deep in it!!!
  12. "..............and then he would fully qualify as a total sponge bag,,,just what we need in the uk!!! As I see it the guy is a toss for becoming skint in a foreign country and not having any plan for the wife and kid ,,,,total ignorance is no excuse"

    and how do you know he has not in past paid maybe millions in Uk tax. Over my life ive paid at least 1 million gbp in Uk taxes and have made proper financial plans to try and ensure my wife and kids are ok whatever happens. But shit happens to even most careful person and even though their is near 1 million gbp in assets those could go in a flash if some bad events happened. This is even though its well diversified over 5 countries and many asset classes. So becoming skint can happen to anyone. If it ever happened to me id certainly feel we would not be a sponge bag having as I said paid over 1 million GBP in taxes in UK.

    ?....total toosh if I have ever heard it,,,I can,t even be bothered replying anymore
  13. "..............and then he would fully qualify as a total sponge bag,,,just what we need in the uk!!! As I see it the guy is a toss for becoming skint in a foreign country and not having any plan for the wife and kid ,,,,total ignorance is no excuse

    I don't really understand this attitude, so he bumps a Somali refugee family a few places down the housing list. Hardly a big deal. At least him and his kid are British nationals.

    ?.....nah ,,it,s this way of thinking that has sunk the uk,,the place is full of dossers that do not know what a job is,,if i had my way he would be getting nothing but a polite <deleted> off!!!!!borrowing money from friends and I bet he doesn't,t pay that back and then waiting till he is totally skint before wondering what he is going to do about the wife and kid in my book make you a doosh bag,,,,as for the Somali bit they are dossers too but at least they are not British ,,,my attitude comes from me having to pay taxes for losers like him ,,I am not psychic but I bet you he has ripped off credit cards etc to fund his life here till now,,,,and the party has ended for him ,,,sad,,,,,,, nope!!!!!!!!
  14. Also if a small child it would probably be better off

    here with Mom while Dad got reset in the UK.

    Depends if dad wants everything free in the UK or not.

    The kid would be worth a free two bed council house and about 10k a year in the UK.

    Dad can also remain unemployed, as social services would expect him to care for the kid.

    (and once dad and kid in UK, mum can get a six month VISA to visit child)

    "..............and then he would fully qualify as a total sponge bag,,,just what we need in the uk!!! As I see it the guy is a toss for becoming skint in a foreign country and not having any plan for the wife and kid ,,,,total ignorance is no excuse
  15. I sense there's something not quite right about the OP's request, it raises a series of question:

    1) why did you leave it here when you went back to the UK, did you forget?

    2) even if the house you sold was quite small the proceeds are likely to be in excess of THB 1 mill I would guess, that's GBP 20k and you can't get back here to withdraw it, that's quite odd.

    3) most westerners these days will understand I imagine that without existing internet account facilities there's no way to transfer the funds without being here in person, is the OP fishing for something here?

    You'll forgive my skepticism but I find the OP's request very strange and unusual, not trying to offend, just an observation.

    i just opened this post and the only thing odd or unusual i find is that you have managed to turn this guys post into some conspiracy theory......your 3 point questions ,,,you make me laugh.:annoyed: get a life or become a copper or even better a <deleted> tax man.................................................now cat man i will try to reply to you ,,,do you have a internet account with kasikorn because if you do you can transfer the money to the uk and just pay whatever there fees are..... just make sure it gets sent as pounds and not bhat ...simples really ,,watch what you post on here mate as there are a lot of strange kitty cats on this site that will either call you a troll or try to pick up on any thing slighty you may say differant ,,why i don,t know !!!!!!!!!move to thailand and sit on the internet all day now that is odd!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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