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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. So when Thanathorn said he was prepared to “rip up” the constitution and revoke Article 279, which has empowered the premier to overrule other laws, Prayut took it as a direct threat to his administration, legacy and authority.

      Thanathorn should probably liquidate ever thing he has and get out of the country. He will be completely destroyed if he stays. He will lose everything he has. He is heavily out gunned.

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  2. Can simply give money and tell the mother to buy the baby something. We had a new baby arrive next door yesterday. We gave baby shampoo,baby powder, baby wipes, and baby oil. We already gave them little baby clothes and protective gloves for hands and feet.

  3. No do not know any. I know of ones that have MRI's and use them but no one at the hospital can interpret them.

      I went to a large private hospital in muang Petchebun. They did an MRI cost me 18,000 baht.I did not get any paper work nothing. just the bill. Not even a verbal explanation. Nothing for 18,000 baht.

      After they did the MRI the urologist wanted to do xrays also. He could not even see on the MRI that I had an enlarged bladder. I needed an empty bladder for xray they put in catheter attached to a bag. I filled the bag. The doctor was shocked. They emptied the bag I filled it again.The doctor came to xray room and saw the bag was full again and got angry. He pulled out the catheter and  used a large syringe to get rest of urine out. No one in the hospital could look at the MRI and see my huge,huge baldder.

     MRi's are a waste of money here.

  4. 11 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Because, in an unprecedented move, Trump agreed to a summit based only on verbal representations made by NK to SK. That is what kept the ball rolling. I don't fault him for that unless he got all the way to the summit before discovering the lack of good faith by NK.

    Do you really believe  your own reasoning?

      Lets go back to where we started then and  see if you make sense. 

       I ask why did SK  go ahead with the war games. You reply because they did not deal in good faith. Now you  make this statement (unless he got to the summit before discovering the lack of good faith)  

      So They do things because of lack of good faith.by Nk but they donot know yet that it is lack of good faith by NK  Yah right.



  5. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Are you claiming Trump is not in control of his Armed Forces?


     It is not centrally located it is done by region

      Combatant Commands and their Commanders are responsible for geographic areas of the world. Perhaps the most recognizable of these Combatant Commands is the United States Central Command. Its Area of Operations includes the Middle East and Southwest Asia; specifically Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. Central Command in the 33-years since its founding has been commanded by General Officers from the Army, Marine Corps and Navy.

    • Haha 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, MROLL320 said:



    I live 200m from the sea in bang saray.. Pretty sure I'd be able to smell anything bad?

    Been and looked all around and there's nothing... Nil!! 

    Saw people in the sea yesterday and this morning. Been and looked at low tide and nothing? Ask around and nobody's seen or smelt anything?

    Somebody needs to check some facts before sensationalising a story.....

    Pic this morning... 




    No pollution.No tourists, no vendors,no boats. A few high rises in the distance.

      When did you say this picture was taken? 

  7. 1 hour ago, chainarong said:

    Students have made all the changes in Thai, the people followed, Students and academic's have pulling power, the Junta right from the start has been afraid of students and now with social media things can be planned and surprises can happen...…………………………..:coffee1: 

    We all know what you are talking about . I was simply pointing out  the support the military and police showed for Shutdown Bangkok,by not getting involved.. But when it comes to them it is no way can you demonstrate.

      History shows the students have in the past had very much influence and probably will have again. Time will tell huh.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    So, maybe ask what happened to you?

    There are so many more girls on the dating sites then ever.  1000's just in Bangkok.

    Walk along the overpass at Asoke/ Sukhumvit in the morning or at lunch.  Smile, start a conversation.

    1000's of opportunities out there is still very easy.

    I got old not a young player anymore. For young guys I think still the same. Yahoo chat was great could chat with one for hours and make a date for when in Bangkok.Chats are the best.for uni's and office girls

  9. Decades ago I used Yahoo chat rooms to meet women. I would meet them well in Canada and arrange to meet them when I got to Thailand.I would meet each one a different day. Got lucky 100% of the times. I was quite busy back then meeting these women and still going to the gogo at night and casual meeting of women in public. Back then I met  women crossing the street together and next day in bed. office girls. used to be so easy.

  10. It is not over for anyone. 

      Old guys will still come.  Some will have little to live on and will live in fan rooms and eat thai food. Some will buy luxury homes and condo's  and dine on imported foods. Some will sit on a bar stool all day others will live in a village and raise fish,pigs,or grow things. Nothing will change we will just not be an oddity like before. 

      Young people will come because they heard of it or read about it and it looks like a great place to visit,and party.snorkel or dive or what ever is to offer that seems appealing.

    The kind of tourist has changed more than the country.. It used to be for guys who liked to be off the beaten path. Now it is the place to be seen and place yourself on you tube.or fill your facebook. It is now for the masses where before it was for the few who seeked getting away from the crowds. Now it is following the crowd.

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