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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. In Canada now you have to give the bank notice of any big cash withdrawal.$5000 or more has to be documented and a lawyer must be present. I wanted $2000 one day I took the cashiers total amount of cash she had. Got the $2000 in coins,1 dollar bills,5's you get the idea.

    Hard to tip the porter without cash huh.

  2. To be fair, my initial post was in relation this attack on defenseless people. My views on the broader aspect of uncontrolled migration are different. Not in a way that makes racism any less abhorrent, only that I see that as an invasion rather than the topic here which is controlled immigration of agreed number, of properly vetted Syrians.

    Remember one thing; you are only lucky to have been born where you were, this was not your doing and it does not make you superior, in any way, to a less fortunate sperm that was born in say Basra, or Damascus, or any war ravaged African state...

    No, our forefathers fought for what we have, it was tough...My mum had shoes with bits of rubber from bike tyres nailed to her shoes...........LONDON, ENGLAND.....

    Ah yes, but subsequent generations have done little to earn any similar credence, being born into wealth (compared with

    asylum seekers) gives you access to good schools, uni and business connections - an unfair advantage. Each successive generation has benefited immensely more due to rising property prices and fewer opportunities for poor people to transform their lives. The rich get richer...

    I feel you really missed the point he is trying to make. He states that people in England had to fight to have the privilege you feel they have now. He feels like many of the rest of us that the young men from the asylum countries should stay home and fight for a better life and their country,rather than run and seek the easy way out as a refugee. No guts no glory.Or may be they are being sent to be trojan horses for the future.

  3. I have to admit i follow the wife around there only go where she takes me. Best to contact the hospital and let them tell you how to do it. You do wait in line for everything but it moves along well.

    As far as paying goes you hand in your paper work at the payment wicket and they call you about 15 minutes later with the bill,after that you wait another 10 to 15 minutes for your take home meds. and go home.

  4. I go there for my heart and bladder. I am treated rather well there.I spent 2 weeks in rehab part of the hospital cleaning my bladder. The total cost for room meds doctors tests,and med to take home came to under 18.000 baht. I paid that much in Petchebun at a private hospital for check up on a saturday with a Urologist and no meds.done in 3 hours. I go back every 3 months for check up on condition. Go in about 6:30 am and get out before lunch.Last time finished 10 am. Got 3 months meds last week the cost plus doctor plus hospital fees and blood test the whole amount was under 900 baht. I used to go to Bumrangrad but got terrible service there, the cost was not a problem,not to expensive.

  5. I really question the credibility of some doctors.

    My wife's son was in the lowest class in Mattyom when he graduated. Before i married his mother he thought he would be a farmer so why study. His marks were very low.I offered him university. He was refused by universities all over Thailand. Finally Rangsit took him on a medical technician course. After 2 years into his studies the university told the wife if the son wanted to be a doctor he could change course and go an extra 2 years at the university.total of 6 years..So here's a kid who after 12 years of studying english cannot say more than hello is being told he is doctor material. Makes me shudder to think what doctors are out there.and specialists may be the same.

    i have a story about their listening also. when i was in the hospital on the cathater I was given2liters of water a day but was producting more than 2 liters of urine or a little under 2 liters everyday,for just about all the time I was there..The doctor refused to believe I wasnot drinking more fluids than the 2 liters. I could not convinse them otherwise.They just considered me a liar. i felt maybe they were missing something in their diagnoses or treatment.

  6. I feel the same.9 years ago i had a muscle spasm in my hip.I could hardly walk. I went to Bumrangrad they sent me to a surgeon to see if I needed a new hip. He got xrays and said nothing was wrong to go home. I limped out. The next day I went back again to try and get some help. The nurses sent me to the same doctor he took xrays again and told me may be rub the area with a tennis ball and relax it. I limped out.A friend in Pitsanulok took me to a government hospital the doctor there sent me to physio and after 3 treatments of physio was back to normal.

    I had blood in my urine so I went to Bumrangrad to see urologist. Did tests and scoped .He gave me antibiotics to stop bleeding sent me home.A year later I was back same tests and antibiotics sent me home. 6 months later went back same routine. Then 3 months later went back same routine..then he said he could do nothing for me gave me my records and told me to find another doctor and hospital.

    It got so bad I could not urinate and pure blood I went to local hospital and got a cathater to survive till i could get to a good doctor. Spent 2 weeks in Srinakarin hospital on meds and cathater till my bladder was cleaned. Now cannot urinate have to self cathater 4 times a day.Odd a high paid urologist at an international hospital couldnot have prevented some of this. It sure would have been nice to start cathatering well I was still urinating and only do 1 or 2 times a day have some quality of life.

  7. Govt hospital 50 baht.

    Where are you?

    I use the Srinakarin hospital in Khon Kaen. Went yesterday saw heart specialist and got 12 weeks med,plus blood checked all for less then 900 baht Heart specialist was 50 baht charge on bill.

    Sorry saw Surat second time i read post. If you mean Suat thani they have a very good government hospital give it a try.

    Government hospital is the way to go.

    There are clinics around, but with limited equipment, so they may well refer you to the hospital.

    Once you have registered for the first time at the Government hospital, should you need to go there again for another reason, all your records will be on file, saving the hassle of giving all your details over again.

    I totally agree with you. I have a bladder problem. Went to Bumrungrad 3 years ago with the problem . Supposed to be best urologist in thailand. after 2 years of just getting worse the doctor claimed he could do nothing for me gave me my medical records and told me to find another doctor.and hospital. I went to Srinakarin and was hospitalised for 2 weeks was given antibiotics by needle 3 times a day had blood tests done daily. When I left the cost for 2 weeks in hospital plus meds for 3 months and cathater all for 18,000 baht. They make an appointment for me every 3 months to check progress. Now when i go back they look up my medical record and have everything they have done on record.

  8. Guns are not the real problem in america. The problem's are more about social and political changes . Political correctness,hand cuffs people women.s lib hand cuffs people,government agencies for family care handcuffs people,free housing and food and education is a major problem. America needs to wake up and bring reality back into the average Americans life.Stop giving handouts for everything.Stop being politically correct,stop feminism. Get people back to being responsible for themselves. Way to many idle hands in America living of the government with nothing better to do than make problems.

  9. Govt hospital 50 baht.

    Where are you?

    I use the Srinakarin hospital in Khon Kaen. Went yesterday saw heart specialist and got 12 weeks med,plus blood checked all for less then 900 baht Heart specialist was 50 baht charge on bill.

    Sorry saw Surat second time i read post. If you mean Suat thani they have a very good government hospital give it a try.

  10. There was something like that at my wife's school bot sure what came of it no one took them up on the deal. It has been around for a few years so I would suggest to ask for names of people to contact who are in the program and have received the 15,000 baht after 3 years . Testimonials you can verify.

  11. I just tried to go to craiglist but couldnot. A page came up telling me I was being monitored and could be in danger of some kind cannot remember exactly what was stated now,but rather weird. Now I cannot go to craigslist Thailand. I will try craiglist for other countries and see what happens.

  12. Yes it is nice to get good service from immigration. It is something none of like to do but must do. When the officers doing the job are considerate it makes the task do much more pleasant.There is one officer in Pitsanulok that is so good I often feel like the wife and I should ask him and his wife out for dinner,would be nice to get to know him better he is such a nice guy.

  13. Why do so many people keep saying the Prime Minister is making mistakes and it will cost him or be the end of him. He knows it, we know it,there is no way anyone or any group can do anything to remove him . He does not make mistakes he just does as he wants. Some things he does may not be popular but he can do it so accept it. I feel he will be here in power long after many of us are gone. Accept the fact he is the man in power and leave it at that. Stop judging what he does and stop wasting time and energy on futile conversation.

  14. "...in an open debate in the European Parliament..."

    An 'open debate' in a major western power's parliament and a huge trading partner of Thailand. Oh, heaven's no, the illegal military government is too afraid of the truth. Though it's not like everyone in the world doesn't know what they are doing, but still they can't have anyone from Thailand talking about it openly. They'd have to arrest her when she returned because of all the violations to national security she committed by telling the truth.

    Please do not get me wrong I completely agree with you.

    The amazing part of this whole thing is every body is concerned she will blow the whistle on the present coup government. No one has even considered that they might ask about her and her brother and claims against them. Not one Thaksin hater has even mentioned the big brother in this thread. It is like they cannot spin this to be some thing against him,but talk as if they are afraid if she gets the chance to talk.Suppression works if it is place long enough.It becomes the norm.

  15. For balance in their research, they will naturally also wish to meet with former-PM Abhisit and a representative of the present government too, if they wouldn't wish to get a single-sided view of Thai political affairs ?

    Perhaps they should come here, instead ? whistling.gif

    May be it is her side of the story they are want. Perhaps they wish to talk in a safe environment for her. They cannot bring the European Parliament here she must go there to talk read the article.

    I didn't realise that she would be addressing the whole of the European Parliament, I thought it was just their committee, my bad.

    But my point remains, she represents just one of many different factions and points-of-view, and for a balanced view of Thai affairs they will need more input, perhaps from local diplomats too. A visit in-person would surely be a better way to study the complex local situation.

    Perhaps they have heard the other side all ready and are now looking and asking for her in put. Maybe its her turn to be heard who knows what order they did things in.

  16. For balance in their research, they will naturally also wish to meet with former-PM Abhisit and a representative of the present government too, if they wouldn't wish to get a single-sided view of Thai political affairs ?

    Perhaps they should come here, instead ? whistling.gif

    May be it is her side of the story they are want. Perhaps they wish to talk in a safe environment for her. They cannot bring the European Parliament here she must go there to talk read the article.

  17. I am getting the feeling the free world is starting to make a case against the junta for future restrictions and cutting of relationship. Statements by 2 ambassadors going against the grain,European Parliament asking twice to have Yingluck come to speak. Thailand can deny and not take notice but the free world will notice and probably act on these things. I told a friend 2 years ago Thailand was headed for North Korea status he said no way I wonder what he thinks now.

    Oh and lets not forget not enforcing the law made by the junta no more than 5 people can gather for protest was over looked when it came to marching on to the American Embassy.That is quite the slap in the face to America. It is like saying laws pertaining to Thailand in Thailand donot mean any thing when we go against America

  18. The illegal growing of it will remain. West coast Canadian pot is the best in the world. Bike gangs trade it for the cocaine they sell in Canada it is so good.The cocaine dealers willnot stop growing it for barter trade as long as there is a cocaine market. All legalization will do is stop possesion charges for the average joe,which is probably good enough.Possession is the most common charge.

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