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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. As you get older it becomes harder to relocate somewhere new. guys come here in there 50's or 60's have a great time for 10 or more years then find, life has changed they can no longer just up and go and start over They are in a rut.. Some may have thought Thailand was cheap to buy things like houses. Bought invested and now find if they want to leave the equity in the house stays here,maybe they cannot afford to loss that. But I feel most of the unhappy ones may have had little experience outside of their home country or even city. They show up here expecting everything is the same except beer and women are cheaper, when the reality that it is way different registers then they whine because they made a stupid uninformed life choice..

  2. Thank you Mr Taylor. You were an example to us all. As a fellow Canadian I want to say you had all the qualities as a man that I to as a Canadian cherish and wish to up hold.

    This quote from his wife says it all

    "He did all sorts of things for everyone without any expectation of something coming back," she told the Associated Press in a telephone interview.

    RIP good man

  3. I say let them have fun as long as they donot hurt anyone but themselves.

    Where I grew up we all street raced. I raced my 57 chevy 2dht and my 67 Beaumont 396 4 spd. Every young kid raced it was part of the ritual of maturing and fair competion and macho. We raced we paid fines and had fun. It was friday night entertainment. the macho bragging rights were a big part of it and are still remembered by all participants When the community decided to end it by organizing races at a track we all lost interest.The majority of us went on to be productive contributing citizens and raised good families with great memories of youth. No accidents racing but lots of write offs in single car accidents from drunk driving and careless driving..

    Some marriages also came from activities in the back seat of these hot cars.

    Wow James Dean, how cool you must have been.

    Racing, drunk driving, careless driving on public roads, I wish I was as cool as you. I assume you are a gentleman of more mature years then myself, surprised with all the wisdom you have gained in your life you don't look back and see what complete idiots you all were.

    Thailand has one of the Worlds worst statistics for deaths on the roads, thousands of needless deaths due to mostly stupidity. It was not until I came to Thailand that I saw a dead body lying on the road, now I have seen many.

    It doesn't make sense, i think most people see that.

    I apologise for not making myself understood properly in first post. My fault for trying to shorten the post.

    What I was trying to state was that there were never any accidents ,well racing. Most accidents at that time in our age group was from drinking and driving or careless driving. and the drivers may have or have not ever raced in their life.

    These are young people let them enjoy their youth.

  4. I say let them have fun as long as they donot hurt anyone but themselves.

    Where I grew up we all street raced. I raced my 57 chevy 2dht and my 67 Beaumont 396 4 spd. Every young kid raced it was part of the ritual of maturing and fair competion and macho. We raced we paid fines and had fun. It was friday night entertainment. the macho bragging rights were a big part of it and are still remembered by all participants When the community decided to end it by organizing races at a track we all lost interest.The majority of us went on to be productive contributing citizens and raised good families with great memories of youth. No accidents racing but lots of write offs in single car accidents from drunk driving and careless driving..

    Some marriages also came from activities in the back seat of these hot cars.

    Should the racing spot be in a public area?

    Or privately funded area?

    It is street racing. it has to be done on the streets. But in isolated areas,with little or no traffic.

  5. I hope his fans can go and have a good time. He came into the music world well I was in the high arctic in isolation for 2 years . When i returned he was the new hot musician. I never liked his music,still donot but that is one man's taste not every body's. I just couldnot grasp what the attraction was to his style and sound. The Queen of England likes him.

  6. I say let them have fun as long as they donot hurt anyone but themselves.

    Where I grew up we all street raced. I raced my 57 chevy 2dht and my 67 Beaumont 396 4 spd. Every young kid raced it was part of the ritual of maturing and fair competion and macho. We raced we paid fines and had fun. It was friday night entertainment. the macho bragging rights were a big part of it and are still remembered by all participants When the community decided to end it by organizing races at a track we all lost interest.The majority of us went on to be productive contributing citizens and raised good families with great memories of youth. No accidents racing but lots of write offs in single car accidents from drunk driving and careless driving..

    Some marriages also came from activities in the back seat of these hot cars.

  7. Everyone in my family that drives BMW's tell me only buy new. After 8 to 10 years maintenance becomes a real problem. They say the car will be in the garage most of the time. Buy new and enjoy the BMW experience, but used get a good mechanic

  8. Just buy a bike and go for it. When I first came to Thailand I would rent bikes in Chiang Mai and Go all over the place. Just drive and be aware.Just go with the flow and donot assume anything or drive by rules..Forget all proper driving rules they donot apply here. Being too courteous can be a problem also. In close quarters at slow speeds Thais give way easily to the most aggressive drivers.like at intersections. so be aggressive and get your way.Do not drive at high speeds to many variables here. Have fun and enjoy the road.

  9. I ride my bikes all the time. Seldom use the car. i dislike using the car. thais have driving habits that are hard to deal with in a car. But with a bike can get around no matter how bad the other drivers are. Easier to park and so much faster to get around. Never an accident with my bikes and 3 with the car.

  10. This riot appears to have gone beyond locals smashing and throwing things. Incendiary Bombs have to be made for the purpose of starting fires. These rioters made bombs not your average garden variety angry quick gathering mob.More like militants with actions premeditated. Just how well organised is the criminal element in Phuket? Seems they were ready to take on the police to demonstrate who is boss.

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