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Posts posted by AchiCat

  1. I’m back for more, please note that I’m NOT the OP of this topic – but my curiosity’s kept me hopping around this. As I re-cited the mention of everyone can fully get right to lead their lives (of particularly single, and/or couple basis), as long as they still feel happy with such way.

    Indeed, this topic couldn’t have gone too far till now, but you guys made me wiser! Basically, I used to think that maybe I’m very idealistic guy with too much stubbornness – esp. with the idea of monogamy. Anyway, if 100% frankly, I can confidently answer to the question Can U Have Sex with Only 1 Guy for the Rest of Ur Life?” by “Absolutely Not”.

    But the monogamy I mention is about periodicity – one partner at a time of couple session until the end of it. If we’re sharing ideas upon this kind of one-to-one relationship, the frame of thoughts should not have been varied.

    And though, the conclusion may be eventually leading to the same point – it’s all about mindset how person views the happiness he’d get from life. And I’m not offending against anyone’s ideas… :D

    I understood the way – many people indulgent their physical needs upon sex with partners (more than one); while I totally cannot do that. And I saw @“Unfaithful” cited that he’s HAPPY with 2 Thai boyfriends. Again, I do feel smilingly HAPPY to learn that three of YOU can openly share such wonderful relationship – that’s your way.

    Hmm.. I love the phrase “Live and Let Live” @Kek quoted – may I buy that idea? Moreover, the way Kek’d directly involve some corners of gay life at some gay bars and saunas where some preaching-papa-liked gay men are pleasing themselves like enjoy eating at the buffet table – when out of the sight of their current couples. It’s so frustrating! And to this, I added some idea of @onni4me into Kek’s.

    If I’d have got a chance making friend with Kek and somehow have him as personal detective to look into where my guy (now he’s totally away) was and did, while he couldn’t seek some time to meet me; I could easily handle the very short relationship which I recently destroyed by my fussiness.

    And with @tiza, I clearly understood how you mentioned and supposed that maybe Thai (old) gay men should be with propensity to lead monogamy life due to least attractive appearance of advancing age; compared to other foreign gays. Anyway, may we expand the scope of thoughts throughout existing sexual diversification? :)

    Even I’m not with very mature age (about 33 years), I could learn many life samples of varied ages– directly and indirectly. I’m strongly feeling no matter nationality or physical appearances persons’re taking, they can freely flirt or just stick themselves in term of single partners mainly based on the thoughts they’ve set upon how happily they live.

    So I said “it’s very subjective!”, and you guys helped me clear with other opinions which I never stepped into. To be honest, I was very stupid to judge individual life styles by my too narrow thoughts… and I couldn’t open my mind up to please the other person who sincerely came into my life.

    I just realized that I behaved myself less than the degree of expectation I’d do in term of satisfying relationship – in fact, I was bad and very idiot not to learn about what other people do in reality, instead I’d been finding only the wrong deeds like while I was treated like the “left-over” – waiting for shared time of not over 5 hours per week, etc.

    Yeah, frankly saying I was set as another person of a couple life of others; during such moments (now it’s finished I’ve been confirmed by his absence) I’d feel that he tried his good (or best I’m not sure) to meet me and fulfill whatever I might be pleased at under the very limited time as said.

    However, during the time I was waiting, he told me that he’s not available and it’s so hard to seek time from quite tight working schedule and from the sight of his permanent boyfriend; I did think with bad suspicion. And frequently I clicked that if he valuated the time with me, he mayn’t get any troubles with managing the time – it’d be that…

    Further getting worse, I lonely thought in negatives upon his private life in which he’d slip away from the sharing affairs with me and then… give me only excuses for his not coming. And that’d lead to the end of things – I’d not bear his scarce sharing time of which it’s not over two and a half hours…he came to see me and went off to further his appointment – I then got too much furious and burst my words of good-bye to him…. And he’s so acceptably abiding by my farewell without giving any words.

    If I reviewed this topic earlier and shared such ideas as I can broaden my vision like today, maybe I would change my negative thoughts during carrying on the relationship with him…who knows? :D

    Anyway, if I could wish for the already finished relationship; I might need my guy very strong and able to handle the relationship to ensure every person (himself, me and his boyfriend) of openly satisfying stance. I don’t mind if I’d be just the one Thai after the first Thai boyfriend he met (not including other boys he’d take as not-serious pleasures), but please set me free out of the secret place since I never secretly loved him.

    As I always told him that never in millions years I betray him by seeking for another guy during sharing the confirmed relation with him; I know what I’m saying – it’s not rhetoric! I really thank him for teaching me that maybe I’m not good enough to start any relationship, I’m deserving quite long term living alone until I’d be open-minded enough to happily accept the very gay life style.

    I’m not offending any valuable posts you guys gave… may I share a bit about how gay men of any nationality live their lives – there’s no difference in my eyes… thus, it’s hard to conclude in any degree that gays of one nationality should be prone to maintain some kind of single-couple life than ones of other nationalities. :D

    May I do thank you all a lot for opening my eyes upon how very farang gays enjoy and happily live their lives (while in Thailand)…for me, it’s most valuable sources of knowledge unless I’d have blamed myself of self-broken relationship; meanwhile it’s all about compatibleness on how we share intimacy, understanding, sincerity, existence and mutual blissfulness.

    And I greatly thank the site moderators again, I’m not sure if there’d be anyone else interested in sharing ideas off…for me, here’s my last post on this topic (and I shared this post on my facebook, also) – since I’m totally cleared, maybe I’m Thai in some thoughts (since I’m Thai native), while beyond very western styled in many views. That’s why previously I did need very farang points of view to convince me that some I might be wrong with, while some I was correct.

    Thanks indeed, guys! :D

  2. I've been with my partner for 11 years now. 11 years of Monogomy too. I hate the fact that people say "all gay men fool around" don't generalize. It's as bad as saying 99% of Aussies are homophobes, DON'T GENERALIZE! A relationship is a wonderful thing, and like anything worth having you have to work at it. You get back what you put in, like so much of life. We believe relationship works only if you have the three "C's", Commitment, Communication and Compromise.

    We visit Thailand two to three times a year and are not interested in fooling around with anyone. We come here because we love the country and the people.

    I must say that as a new member of this forum I'm disappointed with so many posters and their comments. There are some very intelligent posts and replies, but so many of them leave me saddened at the stupidity of some people.

    I used to jump into this topic for quite some time, but having not thoroughly noticed – just saw this one today…I must confess that first I did feel the same way as Bentknee was. Anyway, after thinking twice, I must thank you all guys to openly share your really emotional cites upon the revised topic “do you think you’d have sex with one guy for the rest of your life?” :D

    What I’d learnt is FACT and yeah so it says that’s the way it is – it’s NATURE of things. If basically reviewing sex preference, along with how to release such passions being driven by any triggers, it’s applicable and acceptable to maintain any indulgences which one person may be pleased at as he is fully single.

    Nothing’s to be considered as good or bad, right or wrong; in this case. The same way as considered for hetero- couples, before jumping into starting a couple ride all people have full rights to please themselves with whatever they’d like or maybe fool (or mess) around with any sexy and attractive (sex luring) persons.

    Once you start a couple life or maybe run a family, please re-consider whether it’s nice or acceptable for one another to freely please himself with the same old life style of fooling around (if having a chance). If such case acceptable, why have two persons decided to share a love relationship? What’d you feel when you hug the one you’re saying the word love to while you’d say such word and do any physical touches to others? … :D

    At least, I do appreciate the valuable clues Bentknee gave upon the promising solutions of love relationship; "C's", Commitment, Communication and Compromise, together with the true admission of Andrianthai citing that “Monogamy is completely possible to do”. It’d shining the light that there’re many people knowing the difference of Sex affair and Love affair; when seriously jumping into the course of love relationship it must be (quite) perfect combinations of all possible things one person would need to fulfil his (single) life in which he must sincerely admit with himself that if without sharing the time with the other person (he eventually choose as love (or life) partner), his life would look like incomplete…

    So now I myself could perceive the conclusion of all this topic is about the MINDSET in which two persons really get upon running love relationship. Some (or most) people would love having a mate while freely have any pleasures with others, meanwhile most (or maybe some) people prefer to stick themselves with the form so-called “single partners or monogamy” and learn to maintain such state as long as possible till the end of the road (or the end of one person (or both persons)’s lifetime). :)

    I myself strongly believe in variety of thoughts among people (of any sex orientations), and I’d likely been taught to be growing up from having broadened my views upon how people of other cultures do… but above all, when we discuss about some subjective issues; we might obviously focus on the very propensity it’d lead…

    Again, everyone could live their lives along the way they love – based on the thoughts (or mindset) they’ve been keeping themselves up with. If they still find it good to lead such ways they’d insist on it, anyway if they’d find it differently, they’d eventually change—who knows? Mind issues is 100% practical, not theoretical.

    And now I understand that no matter “monogamy” or “polygamy” or else to be expressed upon the love affair of two persons would be, it depends upon the sharing of sincere minds of such persons to frankly communicate with each other; if they’re able to accept such cases, it’s all about their business – they’d love to happily live such ways – so let them go!!! Life must be so gently comfortable to its owner – if it’s going along the right way, the person must feel great with the way his life passing by. :D

  3. Isn't fibre ใยอาหาร?

    Just dropping to this post, and I'm not sure if you've been replied. May I give some helps?

    the word "fibre" itself should be directly referring to some Thai words like "เส้นใย", "เส้นด้าย" - in English e.g. filament, thread.

    Get back to your inquired word "(เส้น)ใยอาหาร" - the specific word should be "dietary fibre".

    Hope it works! :)

  4. I'll admit it: We hated Bangkok the first time we visited. Let's just say the capital city of the fabled Land of Smiles didn't exactly leave us feeling happy. My husband David and I started our 2005 whirlwind 11-week Southeast Asia tour with a ton of enthusiasm, but November in Bangkok quickly took the wind out of our sails. It was hot, crowded, smelly, polluted, noisy, and downright unappealing. Roaches roamed the streets, tuk tuks repeatedly tried to run us over, and the air seemed too thick for humane breathing. Our introduction to Asia wasn't looking good.

    But then something changed. We had the good fortune to embark on a farther-reaching global journey in 2007, this time taking in cities like Cairo, Addis Ababa, and New Delhi. And suddenly, Bangkok didn't look so bad. In fact, compared to these other capitals, it was downright modern and orderly and - dare I say it? - serene. Bangkok became a refuge from the more chaotic places we encountered on that trip. It became our second home.

    We found an affordable cozy hotel whose staff remembered us time and again. We shared ferry rides with monks along the Chao Phraya River. We mastered the SkyTrain, met great people, ate amazing food, discovered Thai massage, and got off the beaten path on numerous occasions. With each repeat visit, our love for the city increased exponentially, to where it's now one of our favorite spots on the planet. Bangkok can do that to a person. It has a sneaky way of growing on you.

    Here are my five hot tips for a trip to the Thai capital:

    1.After visiting the requisite (and crowded) sites of Wat Pho, the Grand Palace, and Wat Arun, consider heading across the Chao Phraya to the lesser-visited Thonburi neighborhood. It's the childhood home of the current King's late Princess Mother, and there's a great walking tour here that takes in several splendid temples and interesting sights. Wat Kalayanamit is perhaps the most impressive, housing the largest Buddha I've ever seen in Thailand. And Wat Prayoon is definitely the funkiest stop: it houses a number of odd shrines, a crematorium, and a grotto. A highlight here is purchasing food from a vendor, borrowing a stick, and feeding the turtles and fish that swim in the pools surrounding the temple.

    2.Get a massage. Or two. Or ten. Seriously. With starting rates at 200-300 Baht (about $5.86-$8.90 USD) for an hour-long foot or Thai massage, body work in Bangkok is a ridiculously good value, not to mention insanely therapeutic after a long day of sightseeing. We treated ourselves just about every night. Sure, some parlors are better than others, but don't judge the strength of a Thai girl's hands by the size of her body. The tiniest of women can work out the toughest of knots. And most of the places are on the up and up, although you should use discretion. If a place looks unclean or shady, skip it.

    The tiny sois off Sukhumvit Road between the Phrom Phong and Thong Lo SkyTrain stations offer endless locations, as does Silom Road between Silom 18 and Thanon Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra. (Note: Bangkok addresses can be confusing. Locations are often referred to by "soi," which is a Thai term for side street. So Silom Soi 18 might be called Soi 18, and Sukhumvit Soi 24 might be referred to simply as Soi 24 or Suk Soi 24.)

    One note of caution: Bangkok's infamous Patpong district is probably not the place to seek out a legit massage, unless you're looking for a different type of body work.

    3.For a taste of Thailand beyond Bangkok, hop a train from Hua Lamphong Station, and day trip several hours north to the ancient Siamese capital of Ayutthaya. Dating back to the 14th century, it's a peaceful town perfect for touring by bicycle (or elephant, if you desire). We spent the afternoon riding around ancient temples and giant Buddhas, and eating pad Thai from a street vendor. Take the third-class train with the rest of Thailand, and enjoy a local's view of the country.

    4.Eat on the street. No, not literally, but do check out Bangkok's endless array of awesome sidewalk cafes, where you can rub elbows with the locals and grab a meal for about 75 cents. It's helpful to know a few words of Thai menu lingo, such as gai (chicken), goong (shrimp), muu (pork), or phat phak (stir-fry vegetables). Our rule of thumb: Always look for a wok. We Westerners tend to get into trouble with the local grub when it's not properly cooked, and having your food fried usually takes the parasites out of the picture.

    If you're needing a Western fix, Bangkok's not short on slick, modern shopping malls that offer surprisingly good selections of tasty affordable treats. The basement food court in the glitzy Siam Paragon is our fave spot. Leave your preconceived notions at the door; the Thais put American mall chow to shame. Combine this with the heavenly air conditioning, killer gelato, and multiplex movie cinemas on offer, and you've got the perfect recipe for a great escape from Bangkok's steamy street scene.

    And don't miss the Suan Lum Night Bazaar. Stock up on souvenirs for your friends back home, then grab a cold beer and a cheap plate of food. You'll dine under the stars and might even be treated to free Thai music from the concert venue here.

    5.For around-the-world travelers, Bangkok makes a great hub, not just for its proximity to a variety of exciting Asian destinations, but for its Western conveniences, too. Stock up at a Tesco (the U.K.'s answer to Wal-Mart) on everything from Q-tips to vitamin C to bras. (Watsons and Guardian pharmacy stores abound as well.) The awesome English language Dasa Books has a great selection of second-hand fiction and travel guides; they also buy back your used books, which frees up space in the 'ole backpack for more Thai silk scarves and boxer shorts (can you ever have enough?). The Bangkok postal service is cheap and reliable: Consider shipping home your stockpile of souvenirs, extra clothes (or donate them), and backup CDs of your photos

    Fabulous! what a great work you shared...even I'm a real Thai (not the Bangkoker), I do love the things you suggest and still am interested in some tips you've viewed! Thanks for sharing this vision :)

  5. Perhaps we have different definitions of sleaze, but a guy taking money from someone sounds a bit sleazy somehow to me- 'like-minded' is called into question somewhat here, too... but if you're happy, OP, I guess congratulations are in order.

    Welder, I'm not talking about the village wilds but about real Thai gay people (wherever they are common).

    Well, when I spoke with him (and it was sitting at the bar outside), he said that he was not looking for money. I was not until later at the hotel that he asked for his taxi fare home - which I gave him. But then I noticed that my wallet had been emptied (thankfully only 2000 BHT in it and no cards). So, it was not really sleazy. Heck, I have had lads nick my cash before,thats life really.

    I thought he was likeminded also. I think he was a genuine tourist (he with with a lady) but I may be naive.

    :D Just having been through your post, and I myself thought you'd learn some experiences from taking your holidays in Phuket. Not much to say, just want you to positively think that there'd not crowded of like-minded people (who're too much interested in money more than human relationship) - some you met (or maybe others else) may be slight number of existence.

    Anyway, some cool advices for not jumping into quite sleazy places are very admirable; even I'm real Thai -I often stick myself with some awarenes since such (little scary) adventures (night life) could occur to everyone - not particularly for foreigners. :)

    Hope you'd have next wonderful vacation - surely you'd make friend with friendly and good (in this case you may take some time to focus on the quality) people. You know, there're many cool places to visit - besides very highlighted spots like Phuket or cities of night life; you may quite reveiw some info and then re-consider before visiting. :D

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