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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. Yes, the 6% is pretty much it from my experience and if you can get that, or better, from a term deposit, then why would you bother?

    Re Appreciation: yes, its there, but to predict how much in 10 years is difficult. My experience is that it is a conservative appreciation, possibly 5%pa....perhaps more in other developments. However, that said, I am very happy with a 5% pa appreciation and a 6% yield. It is an effective 11%pa.

    Well,the 6%pa I'm getting on my term deposit does compare well when one compare the return on investment + property appreciation. 6%pa is achievable with the return on investment alone. appreciation, for good properties, could be 10%pa or more. not sure about thailand though.

    What concerns me about properties in thailand is the build quality. some new buildings I've seen didn't look they'll hold very well in 10 years time, which can severley diminish the appreciation factor, and can even spell big expenses for the owner down the road.

    Looking at different developers and price ranges might help here. Having spent 3 years in an apartment from new in the ratchada area I can say the 3 years took quite a toll on the building. The price when new was approximately 2.5mil for a 1 bed corner apartment of 45 m2.

    there was a reasonable maintenance program (a larger repair being draining and repairing the pool tiles etc and a bit of crack repair on the exterior as the building settled.)

    I don't know if they would ever repaint the 9 floor building though.

    Has anyone an opinion on the sweet spot or best price bracket for an investment purchase. Taking into consideration. Type of renter: lo so, hi so, student or expat.

    New or refurb an older larger hi rise.

    An arguement about exterior condition not being important was posted on tv (aparently in hong kong some look like slums on the outside but inside is full of marble).

    Don't know if this is the same here.

  2. I definitely pick it up if it's reachabl ; not because of its valeu but I think that I shouldn't drop something and leave it there.

    But I if see someone drop it, I won't bother picking it up.

    I feel the same, Its like leaving your rubbish (probably the word "footprint" would be more respectful). instead of cleaning up after yourself.

  3. No time or money for game machines. The Kaypro II could run Wordstar and a Pascal compiler as well. W/ a 300 baud modem to connect to the Uni, got good use out of it. Eat your hearts out, Osborn I owners.

    How far we've come.


    Kaypro II Released: 1982 Price: US $1595. Weight: 26 lbs CPU: Zilog Z80, 2.5 MHz RAM: 64K Display: 9" green phosphor screen. 24 X 80 text only Ports: Serial port Parallel port Storage: Two internal 5-1/4" SS-DD 195K drives OS: CP/M, SBASIC

    We had a Kaypro II as well when i was growing up. My parents bought it to type there PHDs on it for university. Dad become such a good touch typer he used to spend weeks typing computer game programs out of a book he bought into BASIC..that were thousands of lines long

    after that we had IBMs starting from an 8088 chipset throuht to 4 colour CGA, EGA, VGA... dot matrix computers, 1200 baud modems which i would connect to bullitin boards advertised in dads computer magazines..

    we had so much computer stuff at our house and then dad retired and never touched a computer again...

    he doesnt even know what you tube is.. he thinks its got viruses!!!

  4. Interesting they mention Android 4.05, presumably they mean 4.0.5? I wasn't aware that it had been released yet?

    Next months COMMART Next Gen 2102 (June 7 -12) show should have most of these available for sale, maybe even with some decent promotions.

    I was wondering the same about 4.05 so I headed over to xda and archos have updated to 4.06 now. Confusingly its the archos firmware update version not the android version. So I'm guessing it would probably be running 4.03 android. A further read on xda would tell.

  5. There is an informal test. Basically they ask you if you learned thai before.

    Yes..level 2.

    No... level 1.

    I think if you know a bit of counting. Colours. Basic stuff then you might get put into level 2.

    Even if you go to 1 and its too easy then go to level 2. And vice versa.

    Its easy to get into it and do 4-5 hours a day. Each level is 200 hrs. No testing. Just tell them you want to move up.

    They also log your hours and progress online.

    Look at there website.. aua thai.com

    And youtube has heaps of their videos too.

    I also like the fact that its on a thai school for learning english. Feels more local than in a highrise office block.

    You can also learn japanese with the same method.

    Its about.130baht per hour and you buy blocks at a time.

  6. I've done about 400 hrs at aua. I love it and id recommend it to anyone who has some serious time to commit to learning thai. I tried 100 odd hrs at another posters school on this thread but found this method not for me.

    Aua is so relaxed. Buy your hours. They don't expire. Turn up when you want. No homework. Just sit in class and listen to the teachers stories and games. Some times they even bring in thai food for you to try and talk about it.. every conversation is in thai. Obviously they won't be talking high speec thai with you at level 1.

    This course is a serious commitment in time, but before long you will be picking up thai sounds and knowing what they mean.. not the sound of 15 foreigners mis pronouncing thai ..

    1 hr free trial..

  7. Its not only a problem in thailand.. its shonky in australia too. I saw some nice young couple buy a 'new' factory second fridge.. the kind they advertise with a scratch or ding only..

    Cut to reality..new fridge dropped during delivery. Retailer puts it out the back with the old second hand trade ins next to the rubbish.

    2nd hand dealer/repairer comes by and purchases old trade in fridges for $20 a piece .... new damaged fridge included.

    Compressor broken so replaced with 30 yr old compressor.

    Pannel beaten back into shape and put in the factory second shop a few hundred lower than new price.

    Customer thinks they bought new fridge with only a scratch.

    True story

  8. I used to work for a second hand whitegoods store delivering fridges and washing machines. The technicians told me if I carried it on its back to inform the customer to wait 15 minutes before turning it on.

    Also in the hundreds of fridges I delivered.. only a few required to be put on their backs to get around tight spaces etc. Transportation was always upright,

    Delivery was always upright too, they don't fit too well on a stair climbing trolly on their backs

    Most faults the repair guys would encounter was faulty thermostats. Easily checked with a multimeter

  9. Id guess so. The thermostat is just a coiled up copper tube that's behind the dial inside the fridge.. connected to power wires as well to the compressor. Its a sealed unit and can be unscrewed, disconnected an replaced in a matter of minutes..


    possible it broke when moving fridge or just bad luck. Your repair shop might be able to sell you new one over the counter.

    Disclamer. I'm not a qualified repairman and don't touch stuff that can electrocute you.

  10. + 1 thermostat fault.

    Simple part for a technician to replace.

    Also if the fridge has been put on its back.. the oil from the compressor at the bottom will run up the element at the back of the fridge. If you switch it on with out waiting a while for the oil to settle it might damage the fridge.

  11. saw the aigo pad at pantip the other day. Very smooth and definitely running android 4.03 when i checked the system settings. The price was very attractive!

    I run a motorolla xoom with various roms on it and it run nearly as smooth as that judging by the quick play i had but i didnt go into much detailed playing around with movies or games.

    I was surprised that it was android 4.0 and this is a big plus compared to 2.0 as it doesnt look like an oversized phone display.

    on the downside, the hardware is lower end and there is no support from the english speaking mod community such as on XDA forum


    so you pretty much on your own if you want to fault find or upgradethe OP system unless you know chinese

  12. I've seen the same satang on the ground 3 days in a row out the front of ekkamai cinemas.. if its there tomorrow I shall take a photo and post it... maybe I could pick it up.

    Sorry I know this thread is about 1 baht coins and my discussion of satang is off topic. I don't want to hijack the thread.

  13. Mostly I find its cheaper here because I compromise the quality and standards which are available to me in the west.

    My condo is shiny on top but sh!t underneath in terms of construction, My cheap street food is a gamble of the cooks hygene standards.

    I am not given the same standards as a local for pricing and social standing. Visa's are a pain in the ass..

    winge winge rant rant etc etc etc

    But its bloody more interesting and fun than living in the 'burbs of Australia!

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