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Posts posted by clinique

  1. There are some banks (ask around) that will give you a limited credit card (50,000 Baht), but you will have to set up a timed deposit of 100K Baht with them for the duration. Charges on the card will be deducted from your normal account with them, the 100K is just for their security for when you do a runner (as it is impossible even with timing tricks to get more that 100K out of that limited card).

    Banks around here don't expose themselves to any risk (and they're better off for that).

    Anyways it's possible, though not all banks do this, and every branch is its own Kingdom, so do shop around.

    The guy is on atourist visa - the bank will not issue an embossed card to tourists.., especially fro visa runs,, it can be used and abused over the limit over the border..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW - FYI BBL only needs afixed deposit equal to your card limit now adays

  2. I am a Thaivisa forum sponsor for Golfing in Thailand and I am the exclusive agent/Thailand Philippines for our affordable luxury indoor Golf Simulator/Swing Analyzer, which was the US/Professional Golf Association Merchandise Show product of the year. You can see our site at <Dancindogggolfsimulator.in.th>

    I seek an affiliate/company to act as our agent and/or franchisor in the Chiang Mai. and would prefer to work with local professionals, rather than directly contacting your hotels and businesses on a one by one basis.

    We/you can now offer future Golf Cafe clients (dancindogg franchise potential), 5 star and less rated Hotels, Golf Shops, Corporate and private consumers the opportunity of playing some of the world's top courses and improving their golf swing with our "state of the art" 3DD simulator/swing analyzer without leaving their air conditioned office, shop, hotel or home saving them time and money.

    Until now (2009) comparable units cost 10 to 40 times our price ($5000 to $20,000+(USD) for the convenience and pleasure of luxury home and indoor golf, limiting the market to the super rich, who could afford and were charged excess prices (see more below). In case you are not a golf enthusiast yourself, please update yourself by visiting google for recent news about Thai innovations of indoor golf simulator/Pattaya-

    Tourists, expats will love not having to deal with heat, humidity and rains and business owners and employees will love the saving of time and money by no longer wasting it having to go to the course and by golfing on famous and expensive courses right there at their home or office.

    What makes our unit unique(huge profitability) is that our unit has none of the negatives and built-in limiting features used to "jack-up" profits, while including all of the positives of competitive units e.g. easy set-up because Dancindogg can instantly connect to your existing computer, laptop, big screen home entertainment center and video projector, while other "top of the line" simulators require you to buy their computer to use their unit, forcing consumers to spend 100's of extra dollars (USD); extreme feedback accuracy; "state of the art" 3DD graphics and our unit is usable "out of the box". And, our world class golf courses come free and updates are free, while our closest comparable basic unit, the P3ProSwing unit($899) not useable out of the box without additional $400 for unit turf over, does not come with any golf courses and charges an additional $400(USD) to add the courses our unit offers free, just to mention a few key advantages and reasons the US Professional Golf Association Merchandise Show chose our unit as "product of the year".

    Our best package is easily affordable ($750 USD) and includes our video projector commercial grade, super quiet impact screen (lets you hit real golf balls), which is built for extreme durability and quiet impact sound, free long term warrantee and more , while our basic unit is only $600(USD) (without impact screen).

    Please see our unit on <Alibaba.com> under (dancindogg golf simulator) or <golf simulator Thailand> to compare pricing and see our business website at <dancindogggolfsimulator.inth> for a unit demo.

    I look forward to you thoughts, suggestions or referrals

    Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all

    Suramanee Krueacharee/Exclusive agent dancindogg golf simulator

    Philippines, Thailand

    hi, we would be interested in looking at the Agency in CNX. Please PM me,


  3. Suggest you clarify with any Agent that should you sell the house privately that they will not be standing waiting for commission. They might not accept that situation but if you are in a hurry to sell could take a long time.We engaged an Agent in Bangkok to sell our house . He did nothing,not one single inspection in 8 months and when I had a friend ring, enquiring about our house his advice to him was "I have better to show you ,its too expensive".We sold it a few weeks after, with a sign on the gate, for the price we wanted. He then hounded us for commision ,threatening phone calls etc. I am sure there are many reputable agents in CM but make sure you know where you stand and its difficult as the contracts, with Agents ,are usually in Thai, best to get it checked by a lawyer beacuse our experience was that the Agents advice and motivation to sell our propety was totally misleading.

    thanks and advice noted.. much appreciated,,

  4. we are looking too,, 15,000- per wah sounds cheap if its close (walking distance, assuming 15 minutes) ) to the city.. just beware of the neighbors and neighborhood... is there a disco next door ??

    Prices are cheaper the farthar you go into a soi, and if soi is small/narrow,,bcoz Thais pay high prices fro main road / wide road,, (its a face issue)

  5. Seems that quite a few farang businesses are suffering.

    Is this because there are too many competitors or not enough farang?

    When I arrived over a decade ago, it was difficult to even buy a Western-style sandwich but now there's a farang restaurant on every corner.

    Loaded. my opinion having been here for 15 years would be that MOST farangs overcapitalise on their ingoing investment... Thais invest little for large turnover, farangs tend to do the opposite...hence....crash !!! Id opening a business here , best do it with a Thai (business) person, so the ingoing costs are at Thai levels.. especialy rent, wich for farangs is typically 4-5 times higher than fro thais...

    Farangs do not pay 4-5 times higher for rent than a Thai. Where did you get that? So what you are saying is that if a farang pays 10,000 Baht per month rent that the Thai pays 2,000-2,500 Baht for the same?

    yes sorry should have been 2-5 ,,and i did say typically,,and from personal experience....... several farangs i have met over the years,, restaurants , offices,, have paid very high rents,, a restauanter was paying 75,000- per month,and paid 4 months deposit and 300,000 key money, and hurting,, my Thai friend called the building owner and was told she could rent the space fro 20,000- ...with one months advance.

    an office rent was 20,000- per month and my thai friend has the same space next door (same owner) 5,000- per month..

    HongThaew, farang is paying 12,000- per month,, 3 months deposit.. Thais in same development 3-3,500- per month, one month deposit..

  6. as a banker i can tell you that it does not matter in which country your card was issued.. what matters is a) has the issuing bank placed a daily limit on your card, :) it must carry the Visa/mastercard logo c) the card must be enabled for overseas use.

    Thai banks and their branches apply "rules" at the whim of the manager of the branch..

    Even small shopping centre branches can payout up to 250,000- or 300,000- baht per day. assuming they have the cash on hand. This is for certain at BBL, SCB and UOB. We have used all 3 in th epast month..

    no such rule about 20,000- per day,, your being had, again they may want you to use the ATM and they earn 150- baht per time.. and yuo can withdraw up to yout issuing banks limit..

    try again and be persistent,,you are the cutomer, dont just asscet what they say,,, oh..so be polite,, but forceful.

  7. we withdraw regularly on our Debit card ,,and more than 20,000- baht at SCB and bangkok bank...we have been customers of BBL for 10 years,,,their daily limit is 300,000-baht as long as your card allows it,, your UK bank also sets alimit.. but if it has not then you can withdraw as much as you like..

    yes K bank limits to 20,000- per day at branches with no Exchage booth,,

    me thinks it may also be aploy to get you to use the ATM and the bank gets 150- baht per time whereas doing it over the counter they dont get the fee of 150-baht..

    Bangkok bank is far better,, SCB use outdated technology and procedurews..

  8. Depending on the quality of finish you want it should be between 6,500- 8,000- baht per sq metre, unfurnished, but wet areas included with basic tiling. Have done it twice.

    As for payments would suggest 10& down and then pay as per work progress against invoices and agreed labor rates.. in otherr words make sure you are paying for work done and not "to be" done..

    otherwise you can also, with your wifes help purchase all the building materials yourselves, and engage a contractor to build it and pay only for labor.. this methos is cheaper..

    otherwise go to a Moo baan and buy a spec house,,,there are plenty of bargains..

  9. I agree with Thakkar on the pro's and Jackr on the con's... our family has been her over 10 years, had kids educated etc,, and love it. My husband works alot in Singapore and Europe, and he finds the Silkair (Singapore airlines ) schedule is great with the direct flights to Changi he can cannect anywhere within a couple of hours...Beats going thru bangkok Suvarnabhumi anyday.

    Previously we lived in Bangkok and Hua hin and find Chiangmai 100% better than either.. would recommend it for any family...

  10. Seems that quite a few farang businesses are suffering.

    Is this because there are too many competitors or not enough farang?

    When I arrived over a decade ago, it was difficult to even buy a Western-style sandwich but now there's a farang restaurant on every corner.

    Loaded. my opinion having been here for 15 years would be that MOST farangs overcapitalise on their ingoing investment... Thais invest little for large turnover, farangs tend to do the opposite...hence....crash !!! Id opening a business here , best do it with a Thai (business) person, so the ingoing costs are at Thai levels.. especialy rent, wich for farangs is typically 4-5 times higher than fro thais...

  11. the daily withdrawal limit is set by your issuing (home)bank,

    Thai ATMs have "maximum umber of notes per transaction" limits - generally 20 notes per time.

    So if you have a AUD 1000- limit currently 30=$1- you have to make 2 withdrawals 1 for 20,000- and one for 10,000- (wit th 150 fee twice) , but if your card is allied with Visa or Mastercard, simply go to an exchange counter with passport and get the 30,000- over the counter - they just swipt yor card through a POS machine, no fees.

    I have cards from Aus and europe.. I notice with my Aus card I can ONLY use the pre-select amounts from the ATM screen, I CANNOT use the keypad for other amounts , such as 7,000- or 5,500- - the machine denies the transaction????????? no idea why,,

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