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Posts posted by clinique

  1. Buy a 7/11 franchise for 2-3 million baht. yuo will get your investment back in 18-24 months and subject to location can clear 100,000- baht per month if you open a larger style store, i know 2 people that are doing it. Secure investment, all casha nd stock is tracked by central computer, so the staff cookin the books is almost impossible.

    Put the rest in under yuor mattress, not sure how many banks will still be around next few years.

    I would buy some Gold, or old equity ETF's, but likely only 10 million worht.. the other 10 keep in ready cash.

    Cash is king..

  2. Are you sure they are debitcards using the "visa electron" network?

    Mastercard "electronic use" cards do not work. Siam Commercial I'm pretty sure does not issue "visa electronic use only" cards, but rather the Mastercard variant...

    Monty... now I'm confused!!!!!!!! :):D:D Whatever these cards I have from TMB and SiamCommerce - they are useless!! Only good when I take money from the ATM and shops at Carrefour - in America we call them debit cards (NOT a credit card) as they debit the money directly from your checking account whenever you use them. I can't use these debit card to buy any online purchases or paying for your online airfare.

    Neither SCB or TMB issue ATM/DEBIT cards that are part of the online procesing and verification system. Best change to Bangkok Bank or K bank for all the modern facilities.

  3. Have you considered using an ATM?


    I am talking about a large amount here and don't want to pay 150baht every time.

    If your card is issued by Visa or Mastercard you can go inside and get a cash advance of up to 500,000- baht per day - no charge.

  4. <br />My personal checklist:<br /><br /><ul><li>Take off the shorts to opt for long pants unless you're at the beach; off the beach, you look like an old man with a kid's whilrybird beanie to a Thai</li><li>Take off the tank top and wear a proper T-shirt; no one wants to look at (or smell) your sweaty armpits</li><li>Cut the boozing</li><li>Cut the womanizing</li><li>Include two to three showers in normal weather</li><li>Include three to four showers in hotter weather</li><li>Communicate more with eyes and facial expression, and less with your loud voice</li><li>Develop your patience and longsuffering; impatience and temper is disgusting to Thais and is a show of weakness.</li><li>No matter what the age of your spouse, also develop a circle of Thai friends about your own age. You'll be amazed at how much it legitimizes your presence in Thai society and/or your village. </li><li>Work hard at learning to speak and read Thai; lack of doing so shows laziness (at best) and indifference to the host culture (at worst)</li><li>Learn to flow with Thai traffic, not be the banner-waver for western driving habits</li><li>Never criticize Thai culture or government in front of your Thai friends; you're a guest, act like it. </li><li>Along that same line, stop going on about how much better your home country is; your Thai friends don't need to be told; they know what's better and what's hot air. </li><li>Put aside the Heineken and English breakfast (spaghetti, bratwurst, etc.) once in a while for a try at some Thai food; your Thai friends will appreciate it.</li><li>If you're over 40, be clean-shaven. With a beard you look like the Thai's stereotype image of a dirty old man. Even if you are a dirty old man, the Thais will appreciate you faking like you're not. </li><li>Learn how and when to "<i>wai</i>" properly. This is one of the ABC's of learning Thai culture. Imagine living all your life in the west, never learning how to properly shake hands.</li></ul><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    thanks topthuan,

    i posted alist like thiseary on in the piece and was poo-poohed for it...

    glad to see it,,

  5. to be truthful i have NOT had a good experience with any legal firm,,they either overcharge, dont know what, they are talking about, or send you off on a wild goose chase.

    I know its not much help.

    Maybe one of the bigger firms in Bkk (with a good name) can recommend, or your embassy will have a list. ?

  6. Just trying to understand the transaction from both the consumer and the banks cost viewpoint, that's all, sorry to be a pain. Last question I promise, which banks are involved in this chain, in the UK and here, please. Ta.

    Opps, just spotted something and can't be bothered to rewrite the whole post - you said that you don't get charged for cash advances which implies a credit card. If you're using a credit card to withdraw cash I can understand it all, but not an ATM card.

    Useing Credit card, debit card, ATM card, = same result.

    rather not name the banks on public forum. PM me

  7. I think I've got it - you receive exchange rates that are not local Thai customer/tourist exchange rates but UK overseas rates, surely those can't be very cost effective, it must be like going to Travelex at Heathrow every two weeks where the margin is horrendous. I'm sure you probably realize but exchange rat margins in Thailand are typically only one to one and a half baht and not the near ten or twelve baht you must be receiving. Basically you are avoiding paying a fee but that is made up instead via the spread which is the same thing really.

    We are all a bit stuck here as we all come at this from different directions.

    If clinique is using a Nationwide card he will get the market rate, though a small fee is now charged (I saw it last time I withdrew cash on my Nationwide account in Bangkok I think it was 150 THB)

    I used this mechanism quite a few times - Unload one Bangkok Bank ATM machine with the 10,000 fast cash option, and feed the next Bangkok Bank machine with cash - There was no fee at all because the true market rate (more like the TT rate not tourist/cash whatever rate) was applied - no addons - good deal.

    With the ATM fees I may change my strategy and may now still use my Nationwide account but attempt to directly credit my Bangkok Bank passbook savings account just once then use my Bangkok Bank Cashpoint card (I now know locally :) )and see how it goes from there.

    Interesting one.

    edit -Oh and there were no fees for deposits at Bangkok Bank either - I now know because it was local to the branch I opened my account at - I knew there was something nagging at the back of my mind from this and other threads - plus looking at my passbook!

    yes its getting confusing.

    I use my o/s cards.

    I get Thai exchange rates. I am not exchanging in UK.

    I do not get charged any fees here in Thailand over the counter for cash advances , only at ATM's(or at one o/s bank of mine- the other does charge a fee).

    What is the question now? I dont know where you are coming from with the latest?

  8. Values are at their natural level when transactions occur.

    What do you mean by 'natural level'?

    I suppose he means supply and demand determine the price,,,,, willing buyer , willing seller.. same as it works in the west. If you pay too much for something you either havent done your research, or you have something special in mind,, or you dont care because you like it !

  9. Doi Kham, the Royal Project for all your veg. The best and supports HM's projects too.

    Off the canal road , right side on the way to Hang Dong, same soi as the WAT with the big white Buddha on the hill.

  10. webfact, you need to do MMs now :)

    I cannot see the problem. After all its not the biggest crime known to man. Even the cheating blind man deserves credit for ingenuity. We are not all stupid, we can usually spot a fake from a genuine case of need.

    All the scams that are going on in the Kingdom, from taxi rip-offs to fake merchandise, to over-priced drinks in seedy clubs, make this minor lawless excursion the triviality that it is.

    Nobody forces people to give.

    The policemen was WRONG to confiscate the guy's money. He had obtained it honestly.

    The policemean is guilty of theft.

    There are beggars everywhere nowadays, not just in poorer countries. They are a fact of life.

    As the Good Lord said "The poor will ... etc. etc."

    As somebody else once said (was it Bob Dylan?), "There but for the Grace of God go I."


    Don't agree.

    Many of these people are taking money under false pretences which is a crime.

    And as someone said many could be working at a legit job :D

    Dont agree either, BUT they are not the only "business" / people , which takes money under false pretences. In Thailand or elsewhere !!

  11. Xanadu - nice but price goes with that.

    Porn Ping is great,, i often go there with o/s friends and they are impressed. it has a western style BBQ pit with skewers of meat, sausages, and from memory you can ask for steaks too bcoz they have a steak restuarant next floor down, and Thai food, and all drinks. The food is fresh, tasty and relatively cheap (ie: thai prices, ) Live music most nites, if you dont like it loud sit a ttable angled away from the speakers.

    Name - the Blue Bat.

    Plenty of parking and Bubbles disco downstairs if you feel like painting the night red afterwards.

    Recommended. :)

  12. All my withdrawals are from my foreign account/s by ATM, debit card. ( As noted on another thread one of my foreign banks does have an o/seas withdrawal charge, the other does not.)

    I do this at the bank counter. There is no service charge and the exchange rate is the same as the one posted at the bank.

    The banks are already making money from the posted rate, so there is no need for them to charge a different rate to what is posted, unless thye dont like you and want to rip you off.

    I do this maybe 1 or 2 times a month and replenish my Thai savings account, from there I use my Thai ATM/debit card attached to the savings account to puchase locally.No charge.

    Through this whole process I am not charged ( unless i withdraw from the one opvereas account which applies a charge) or applied with a penalty exchange rate.

    Are you enlightened yet !! :) Happy to explain more by PM.

    I'm still not quite there yet on this one, give me some more of that enlightenment stuff - if overseas Bank X lets you withdraw local currency from local Bank Y at posted rates, the same rates they charge local customers, how does Bank Y cover the cost of it's transaction with Bank X, surely this can't just be via the exchange rate margin because Bank Y's costs are far greater on your transaction, given that Bank X is overseas. Somewhere along the line, Bank Y must get paid by Bank X or by you and I just can't see Bank Y performing the transaction for free unless both X & Y are part of the same bank group?

    ???????????? I think youve lost me !

    BUT if you are referring to the exchange rates which it seems. Im not referring to the banks and their rates or exchange spreads. Im talking about FEES.

    On the rates , if you are in Thailand there is aposted rate at the bank, (which includes their spread) and that is what i get charged. The banks in the UK the rates are always worse than here.

    Banks make lots of money from their exchange margins.

  13. All my withdrawals are from my foreign account/s by ATM, debit card. ( As noted on another thread one of my foreign banks does have an o/seas withdrawal charge, the other does not.)

    I do this at the bank counter. There is no service charge and the exchange rate is the same as the one posted at the bank.

    The banks are already making money from the posted rate, so there is no need for them to charge a different rate to what is posted, unless thye dont like you and want to rip you off.

    I do this maybe 1 or 2 times a month and replenish my Thai savings account, from there I use my Thai ATM/debit card attached to the savings account to puchase locally.No charge.

    Through this whole process I am not charged ( unless i withdraw from the one opvereas account which applies a charge) or applied with a penalty exchange rate.

    Are you enlightened yet !! :) Happy to explain more by PM.

    clinique - very many thanks for taking the time for the update. This reminds me of Hong Kong and the airport express. Buy your ticket at a machine and you are charged more than for buying it from the counter!

    From my western perspective it would not even occur to me to use the counter for a cash withdrawal (actually I suspect you are putting the money directly into your Thai bank account). If you attempted this in the UK it would raise a few eyebrows and probably incur a fee!

    I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be branch dependent but will give this a go next time (Christmas). Thanks PKRV


    no actually your suspicion is wrong. I actually sometimes use one bank to withdraw the money from o/seas and deposit to my own Thai bank account. The depositis usually made via a Cash Deposit machine - again no fee.

    Yes it is sometimes branch dependent, but WE are freigners and Exchange services are priced by most branches (look for the big EXCHANGE sign outside) these branches no problem - except with K Bank as previously noted their max is 20k ATM or over the counter.

    Small branches sometimes refuse - although ive discovered this is often becasue they dont know how to use the swipe machine or dont know the procedure. Easy go next door or across the street. all the best.! :D

    sorry i meant "provided" by most branches ...not "priced" by...

  14. All my withdrawals are from my foreign account/s by ATM, debit card. ( As noted on another thread one of my foreign banks does have an o/seas withdrawal charge, the other does not.)

    I do this at the bank counter. There is no service charge and the exchange rate is the same as the one posted at the bank.

    The banks are already making money from the posted rate, so there is no need for them to charge a different rate to what is posted, unless thye dont like you and want to rip you off.

    I do this maybe 1 or 2 times a month and replenish my Thai savings account, from there I use my Thai ATM/debit card attached to the savings account to puchase locally.No charge.

    Through this whole process I am not charged ( unless i withdraw from the one opvereas account which applies a charge) or applied with a penalty exchange rate.

    Are you enlightened yet !! :) Happy to explain more by PM.

    clinique - very many thanks for taking the time for the update. This reminds me of Hong Kong and the airport express. Buy your ticket at a machine and you are charged more than for buying it from the counter!

    From my western perspective it would not even occur to me to use the counter for a cash withdrawal (actually I suspect you are putting the money directly into your Thai bank account). If you attempted this in the UK it would raise a few eyebrows and probably incur a fee!

    I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be branch dependent but will give this a go next time (Christmas). Thanks PKRV


    no actually your suspicion is wrong. I actually sometimes use one bank to withdraw the money from o/seas and deposit to my own Thai bank account. The depositis usually made via a Cash Deposit machine - again no fee.

    Yes it is sometimes branch dependent, but WE are freigners and Exchange services are priced by most branches (look for the big EXCHANGE sign outside) these branches no problem - except with K Bank as previously noted their max is 20k ATM or over the counter.

    Small branches sometimes refuse - although ive discovered this is often becasue they dont know how to use the swipe machine or dont know the procedure. Easy go next door or across the street. all the best.! :D

  15. Hi jamoro,

    did you read my last post.

    AAA is not a Thai creditor, they are a LEGAL and DEBT COLLECTION Firm.

    And since the case is related to Thailand and you are resident here, it may be much more of a grey area as to the danish people having a claim against you here.

    I stick to what i said in my first post above. Work it out with AAA, I would suggest better go to them than they come to find you.

    Yes, and thanks for the reply.

    I have contacted them this morning by mail, with a CC to the Danish company, explaining them my side of the story, and they promised to contact the Danish firm, and discuss the situation with them.

    So now I am just waiting for their reply.

    But I would like to thank everybody for their fast responses. It is very helpful, since I have no idea about my rights living in Thailand. Only know the procedure in Denmark, where all the proof are on their side, since I would be protected as consumer.

    no problem.

    your embassy should be able to give you some info on your rights here..

    good luck with AAA.

  16. bikerlou I am with you on this,,

    I use the counter service and there is no charge, dont know why anyone bothers to usethe ATM, there is always the possibility of your card getting eaten by the machine - a bigger pain then 150-baht

    the exchange rate is te same as posted by the bank.

    AND by the way JF all my over the counter transactions hit my account IMMEDIATELY same as an ATM withdrawal becasue they swipe the card through a card reader fro approval.

    If they happen to use the old paper transaction system then yes it takes a day or 2. :D

    Will give this route a try. I do wonder, tho, if my U.S. bank will charge me a fee for such a withdrawal. Reckon I need to test the system to find out.


    hi Mac, that will be up to the card issuer agreement you have with the US bank.

    One of my overseas banks charge me a fee for the withdrawal , the other does not. Their exchange rates a slightly different so I guess the one with no charge is making it up in the exchange .. :)

  17. Hi jamoro,

    did you read my last post.

    AAA is not a Thai creditor, they are a LEGAL and DEBT COLLECTION Firm.

    And since the case is related to Thailand and you are resident here, it may be much more of a grey area as to the danish people having a claim against you here.

    I stick to what i said in my first post above. Work it out with AAA, I would suggest better go to them than they come to find you.

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