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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. Can anyone tell me if the big match on the 28th will be on TV anywhere in Bangkok?

    Unlikely unless you can find a bar with access to a sattellite such as Nilesat. I'll settle for watching on my pc now that I managed to eliminate all the khrappy Thai ads from the streaming services.

  2. Okay you made me curious. Went to the .comedycentral.com and lo and behold same problem as the OP.

    Now move your cursor to the bottom right hand corner of the 'imbedded' video screen - I did that and found the audio icon showing as 'muted'. Clicjked the audio icon and now have sound.

    Hope it works for you :jap:

    Shouldnt matter but I am using Mozilla

  3. Okay you made me curious. Went to the .comedycentral.com and lo and behold same problem as the OP.

    Now move your cursor to the bottom right hand corner of the 'imbedded' video screen - I did that and found the audio icon showing as 'muted'. Clicjked the audio icon and now have sound.

    Hope it works for you :jap:

  4. Some of the stupidest people I have ever met have been granted the honorific "Doctor" by academia.

    I agree with that, but I still do not think that anyone who has accomplished as much as Bachmann is stupid.

    Hard to define the word stupid. Sarah Palin is one of those 'intellectuals' who believe, despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary, that the world is 6,000 years old. Sounce The Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner First Posted: 09-28-08 11:25 AM She is also quoted as saying "man walked with dinosaurs".

    One flew east, one flew West - One flew over the cukoos nest :whistling:

  5. Anyone seen Doc Martens in any of those places?

    Not necessarily large sizes, my daughter keeps nagging me to find some for her. Young fashion, go figure.. :huh:

    Havent been in for a while but the outlet mall near Tesco on Sukumviht used to sell a small range of Docs in the basement.

  6. Until the Thai mindset changes these accidents will remain an inevitable fact of life. Drivers are licensed with the minimum training (if any). Road rules are rarely if ever enforced. Buses tailgaiting at ridiculous speeds and undertaking on the left side are all too common

    And greedy unscrupulous owners push underpaid drivers beyond their physical limits.

    But hey - mai pen rai -- isnt it always

  7. I find Fox so right wing as to actually be funny. What people need to ask is why did Americans feel a need for a right wing news channel in the first place. Answer - the liberal media were only espousing their own agenda on the other news channels and balance was wanted.

    Much in the same way Married With Children was created to counter balance trendy left wing hows such as Roseanne.

    Like I said I find fox news funny - after all the right havew every right to portray themselves as neing as stoopid as the loony left.

    For a better news program Al Jazeera wins hands down and still has Sir David plus some good investagative documentaries.

  8. I support legal gay marriage in all nations but I'm not sure about this particular coupling. The whole thing sounds so garish and publicizing the large sum so tactless. Are we sure this isn't a SATIRE or a big prank?

    This post reflects more on Thailand than on the gay community. Seems that in this country ANYTHING is for sale (or rent). At the back of it all is usually a Thai family trying to use their own son/daughter as a 'cash cow'.

  9. So I put the baht down on a table inside the bank so I could check if I had a hole in my pocket

    So you put a wad of Baht on the table to check your pocket for a hole. Did you have to use both of your hands to do that? You're lucky the guy didn't take your money and just left.. :rolleyes:

    lol...seriously who does that? Did you check the hole is your ass while you were at it?

    Aye but RobRoy was Scottish ---- tight buggers --- he didnt mention that when he bent to pick it up that it struck him on the back of the head............ :whistling:

  10. Young men 'encouraged' to become monks so the parents can benefit - Big party, huge kudos. More power. Better business dealings.

    Young girls sent to work in bars to provide financial benefit to the parents.

    And so it continues across the generations - will this cycle of child abuse ever be broken??

  11. Inyeresting the amongst all the homophobic anti-gay countries in Africa that there is one common denominator, RELIGION.

    Not always the same religion, sometimes Islam sometimes Christianity but mostly religion.

    Perhaps it time to leave the gay community alone and start questioning the morals and ethics of so-called religous leaders.

    We hear how wondeful and loving Chritsianity is and how Islam is a tolerant religion of peace. Both statements appear true as long as you are a 'true believer'.

    There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it.:(

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