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Posts posted by zappa

  1. Funny thing is I've never met an American. I know Irish Americans, Polish americans, Jewish Americans, etc. Lets face it if your corcasion your roots are European. What's that saying about limeys and yanks, "the same people seperated by two different languages."

  2. What do you think would happen if you took the population of Britain or any Western country with an equivelant population to Thailand, and changed places. (put all the Thais in the west and vise versa) leaving only the present infra structure for the transposed peoples to cope with? Would the western structures deteriorate, the Thai improve. If you did this to the UK would Clacton become the new Pattaya,(where would the Essex girls go). Would Germany announce a public holiday, with weekend trips to the UK?

    Just curious.

  3. The U.S could of let Japan have asia and Germany have Europe very easily, would that of been to your liking.

    Aye, and the Brits could have left the Americas to the French. No taxation without representation, in other words we don't want to pay for our own defence. And don't forget to say a big thank Q to the people of France for your independence.

  4. Another one daring to criticize Thaksins purchase of L.F.C. Is it a normal buissness practice to expect a 50% say in the running of a company for a 30% investment, so who's being greedy. As for needing to enhance interest in the game, I don't think I've ever met a Thai who doesn't know a great deal about football, from who's playing for who, down to how may goals they scored last week. So maybe it was just down to getting the franchise rights for club regalia in S.E. Asia. Which if I understand correctly would have gone to Mr. Taxus while the people woulkd have got a share in a club they could not easily go to watch and a school for football, which would take only a mininmall percentage from the franchise profits.

  5. I've found a reliable chap who will custom build you a chop. You can either supply an old bike or he will find one for you and chop to your specs. Give him a go

    Baby ######, Wat Tung Kru, Pratcha Uttid road, Fang Ton.

    Tel: 06 0068184.

  6. A few weeks ago I posted a request for some help/advice about getting a friend and her daughter out of Thailand and away from her abusive partner. Thanks to the advice offered on this forum we were able to go to the embassy a little forwarned and forarmed. I would just like to say a big thank you to all the people who offered their advice both positive and negative. Also a big thank you to the folks at the British embassy for their care, concern and help.

    I just recieved an e-mail from said friend asking me to express her thanks, and yes, she and her daughter are safely home.

  7. It's not only the girls that come out with these corkers. After a long night clubbing a mixed group (thai/ farlang) sat down for an early breakfast, after the initial ordering and arrival of various foods and drinks one of the Thai guys with us announced, and I quote " There's nothing like a big cold cock in the morning."

    After we all picked ourselves up from the floor, got the laughter under control and explained to him what he'd just said, he announced that from now on he'd be drinking pepsi.

  8. Having suffered an attack from two dogs that pulled me off my bicycle resulting in a seriously broken leg, two years on, one plate left and still a large hole due to infection, I suggest feeding any aggresive mutt meat laden with parecetamol (it breaks down their central nervous system)(or so I'm told), and a baseball bat for when the owner comes up to you laying in the gutter with bones poking from your leg and gives you the inevitable "mai penn lai". By the way it may take a while before you can use the bat!!

  9. Having ridden a motorcycle in BKK for four years, I think in general most Thai drivers aren't to bad, most have an extra sense, especially when it comes to looking out for their two wheeled bretheren. On the other hand Thai motorcyclists are absolubtly nuts. I think in the main it's a major lack of imagination, they just can't imagine how much pain is going to be involved when, and I mean when and not if, they come off.

  10. Bit slow on this one, but then I do like to drive Land Rovers, the older the better. Last one was a 101' mmmmmm! Juicy V8, when in England only cost a fiver to turn it round.

    Quick question, just got back from Laos and there's shit loads of cheap (60,000 baht) four wheel drives for sale. Had an idea of getting one and keeping it registered in Laos, then just taking it out of the country once every 6-8 months or so. Will this get round the horrendous import tax?

  11. Got the same problem myself. The walking around naked thing DOES'NT work and can get ###### right scary (you don't want to know). Inviting lot's of friends round to get drunk on a regular basis does quite well, but there's a danger the missus will leave also. Guess what, your stuck with her!! :o

  12. Just had a quick read of some of the replies on this page and have a few questions.

    1. What is terrorism? As far as I'm aware it's the basic breaking of the rules of war.

    2. Where the free french in WW2 terrorists or freedom fighters? They planted hidden bombs.

    3. Why doesn't the U.S. regard the I.R.A. as terrorists? Didn't they blow up and murder innocent civilians.

    4. Why doesn't the world enforce all of the U.N. embargos on Isreal? They were sure quick enough to do it to the muslims.

    And last but no means least a quick quote from a Thai muslim friend while walking down Khao Sarn road, " Don't let people here know I'm a muslim because they'll want to kill me."

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