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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Sex is a dirty word in the UK.Sex for the over 40s is almost unthinkable.It's great to be in a country where sex is OK for everyone.It's great to be in a country that isn't freezing cold 350 days every year.
    Strange then that I was getting plenty when I left at 41. Stranger still that these encounters happened with some those rare-as-hen's-teeth slim, attractive, 27+ year old independent Western women that apparently don't exist
    Maybe you are exceptionally handsom. It is great that you had as much action as you wanted, at 41. But for most men in the West, who are approaching 40, never mind 50 it is not so easy. Women and men in their 20s prefer people of same age usually.For men, lets say over 50, there is no point to go out at Fri night, 50 yr old doesn't exist in the eyes of younger people. Not just for sex, just for socialising.West is very youth oriented, everybody knows that.
    Sex is a dirty word in the UK.Sex for the over 40s is almost unthinkable.It's great to be in a country where sex is OK for everyone.It's great to be in a country that isn't freezing cold 350 days every year.
    Strange then that I was getting plenty when I left at 41. Stranger still that these encounters happened with some those rare-as-hen's-teeth slim, attractive, 27+ year old independent Western women that apparently don't exist laugh.png
    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
  2. I know Christopher Hitchens is quoted often, but.......................

    “Faith is the surrender of the mind, it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other animals. It's our need to believe and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. ... Out of all the virtues, all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated”

    He later referred to the idea of heaven, as being a 'Celestial North Korea'

    Why is he often quoted? That does not sound convincing to me, so I am guessing, it's because the quoter agrees with the quotee.


    Because he was a brilliant man.

    Read his books!

    Maybe search Youtube, there are many long clips, an hour long debates, usually held in universities, Hitchens debating religous person. These debates are hugely entertaining.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. Please close this thread, as its going to turn in to a group of hateful religious comments.

    People have the right to practice any religion they choose. Respect it

    Christopher Hitchens:

    Religion poisons everyhing!

    Is Christopher Hitchins the new gospel? People seem to take his word without question.


    No no,

    I question everything. But I happen to agree with Hitchens on this. Every atheist does.

    I very must agree with and admire Richard Dawkins, brilliant scientist, and atheist.

    Most misery and suffering in the world is caused by one religion or another.

    Even Buddhists, usually considered the least hateful and tolernt religion.. But ask Muslims in Myanmar, how they feel about Budhists people passinately attacking and killing men, women, and children, just because they are Muslim minority in Myanmar.

    Sent from my C6903 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. Aren't there very harsh defamation laws in Thailand? You have to be very careful if you accuse somebody, they can very easily sue, and win in court.

    He wrongly charged, spent time in jail, his photo published in Pattaya paper.

    After he was cleared of charges and he was freed, can he sue the paper that published a photo of him? Or it doesnt work like that?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  5. "Luxury" Condo For Sale! Davai! Davai!

    Is this an auction JT?

    Ok, Let's Go!!

    I bid 10,000 100,000 Baht and you can borrow my truck to move your stuff - I'll even help you.

    10 million and we've got a deal, comrade.

    Maybe accept 9.5 million?

    I realize this is low, but look at upside, you finally get the opportunity to drive a car in Pattaya!

  6. I think, all these people ranting about...how brave they are and how they stand up against others............They are thinking of their wives!

    But be careful......even she can hit you back......one day!

    She probably gives her foreigner boyfriend a slap or two, but if it is something serious, then her real, Thai boyfriend will visit, and set the offending foreigner straight. Or her brothers.

    • Like 1
  7. And then......on another Thread this morning, "Farang door mats".......... some wise people told me not to be afraid to confront Thais if I am offended!whistling.gif

    That advice will get you killed faster than you can say, "<deleted>?"

    Curiously that thread Costas2008 was referring, is running at General forum at TV right now. A poster there is calling foreigners to stand up, confront a local wrong doer, and not be door mats (his words) in Thailand.

  8. OP, before you give terrible, and dangerous advise to fellow foreigners to stand up for themselves, and not be door mats in Thailand, you my want to check out Pattaya News Clippings, news from last night.

    A Thai man was complaining about the noise, coming from gang of Thai teens, drinking and partying.

    That Thai man stood up for himself, he wasn't a door mat. The teens shot and killed him.

    Please do not give wrong, dangerous advise!


    • Like 1
  9. One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

    Obviously your an uneducated person.

    Shouldn't that be 'Obviously you're an uneducated person'.

    Grammar champ in the house!


  10. Have a fag........

    Why not say 'Have a smoke'?

    Do you really feel 'fag' is an appropriate word in 21st century, when we are talking about smoking?

    Why not say cigarette, ciggy, a smoke?

    Oh give us a break! chill out, 'ave a puff on a fag, but you might feel a little queer.


    See what I mean?

    Maybe you shouldn't say 'give us a break'

    Maybe you shouldn't use 'us' in your post. Most TV members wouldn't share your view, and your post as majority view of TV community, I am quite sure.

    It is only your own, sad view. Don't say 'us' if you are posting your personal thoughts and opinion. Perhaps user transam shares your view, but I very much doubt anybody else does.

    But I give you a break, don't worry!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. I'd go with the CORE at 8,000 baht.

    Any and all of those would easily handle those uses.

    So screen size is a big factor.

    The CORE at 4.3 inches is a good size.

    If you want bigger the Win and then Grand.

    Ace probably smaller than she'd love.

    Assuming you want a PHONE not a larger phablet in which case the Grand is getting more towards that.


    No no no!

    Get a phone with 1080p resolution, get a used one if budget is 10.000 or less.

    This HTC One did cost 22.000 in Feb 2013, it milled from solid brick of Aluminium, 4.7" displey.. And listed right here in TV!

    Why oh why buy a 480p phone for the same money?

    Next to htc one, Grand looks terrible!

    I know many people will never buy 2nd hand, but if this 2nd hand phone looks like new, and you getting it for fraction of the retail price.. I dont get it!

    Especially if you are considering Grand, 5 inch displey, pjxel density is so low, there is no lower on the market, Grand has the lowest.

    Please consider this one:


  12. Grand duos is a big screen and very useful for the many with 2 sim cards.

    2 sims is a good start, but its all downhill from there..

    5" screen is good size, but 480 - 800 resolution is rediculousy low. This was a resolution of phones in 2009.

    Displey density 187 ppi is unacceptably low. There is no point for a large screen, if resolution is this low. 5 inch displey is good size, but with displey this size, 480p looks terrible mess, it looks like 2000 baht 7 inch no name tablets from China.

    Displey is a blurry mess, browsing web is painful.

    Please stay away from Grand, for same price you can buy much better phone.

  13. I see they're catching up with us again... biggrin.png


    Edited to insert linky.


    UK seems to be way ahead of America in this area..

    From Scouts UK:

    " In the UK we have a very clear policy and practice that welcomes adults and young people (boys and girls) irrespective of their sexual orientation.

    We are proud that we have had this approach in place for many years. We believe that this reflects the needs and wants of the communities in which we operate, and reflects our affirmed view that sexual orientation should not be a bar to membership.

    We believe that discriminating against an individual simply on the grounds of his or her sexuality is inappropriate, and is contrary to our interpretation of the inclusivity and values of Scouting."

    So nicely, and beatifully put.. love the line "discriminating an individual simply on the grounds of his or her secuality"

    Statement like this proves common sense and logic prevails sometimes.

  14. The textbook or dictionary of dominated:

    3. To enjoy a commanding, controlling position in: a drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.

    I am starting to like this game of semantics now.

    Take the point 3. from the dictionary:

    'To enjoy commanding, controlling position..'

    I left out the owning drug company part of this dictionary quote, because they dont own anything, but they THINK they own Pattaya, Jomtien and any other resort town in the world, where they are the dominating majority.

    So sadly even your own dictionary disagrees with you, ThaiBob.

  15. Have a fag........

    Why not say 'Have a smoke'?

    I'm sure you know the word 'fag' is often used as an insult towards some people, yes?

    Why not say have a cigarette, have a smoke..

    In England the word 'fag' was used decades ago, it had only one meaning, a cigarette.

    I am not Englishman, but I know it is no longer used. People now use the word cigarette.

    Many people in England, people in their 70s, 80s, 90s do not know this word is now only used as an insult, but I believe you are much younger, and you prolly know.

    The word 'fag' does not hurt me one bit, but I have read, and watched YT clips about young guys, teens, who really struggle with their sexuality. This word hurts them very much. These teens sometimes end their lives at 14, 15 .. they think there is something wrong with them, but they are unable to change who they are.

    Maybe you could use another word, maybe a cigarette, a smoke... a dooby, if you are into home gardening, and agriculture?

    Do you really feel 'fag' is an appropriate word in 21st century, when we are talking about smoking?

    Why not say cigarette, ciggy, a smoke?

  16. One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

    That is the strangest thing I've read all day!

    Could you expand that thought maybe?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  17. ..

    I don't subscribe to this domination theory of yours. In actuality, the tourists numbers are probably greater for other groups like the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Indians, etc. but that is not important.



    I don't feel dominated by Russians


    You say it is not imortant. But it is very important, especially in this thread.

    Number of Chinese tourists may well be higher, than number of Russians visiting Pattaya area. But there is no mention of them in Pattaya forum, there are almost no tread about Chinese tourist, and I've never read negative comments about Chinese here.

    It is because they don't yell at Thais in their language, they do not insult Thais, at least not openly, I have never witnessed Chinese tourist insulting a local. I see Russians insulting and yelling at Thais several times every day.

    Chinese are not dinking until early morning hours, and disturbing neighbours.

    They dont walk around drunk, acting like they owne this place.

    You may not subscribe to Russian dominating Pattaya area, but they do. Reading various threads at TV, it seems most Pattaya residents also think they do.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  18. I posted most all the dictionary definitions but being the gentleman I am and being here in Pattaya, I dropped all references to sexual domination.

    So saying Russian tourists now dominate streets of Pattaya and Jomtien is not ok. Dictionary definitions and all. Ok!

    Would dictionary agree if I say most of the loud, rude, drunk tourists we see in Pattaya and Jomtien are Russian tourists?

    Would most Pattaya permanent residence agree, that it is Russian tourists who have changed this place for worse in last few years?

    How about attitude of Thais towards foreigners is rapidly changing for worse, because Russians now dominate Pattaya and Jomtien, and they are often very rude towards Thais?

    Or are we now going even deeper into semantics?

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