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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. Anutin Charnvirakul seems to know better than the WHO. Their advisory is to wear the mask only if a person is unwell.


    it is difficult to understand the "panic mode" of thai ministers - started of with the tourism minister panicking about lack of  arrivals and now gentleman wants to throw out foreigners who do not don the mask.


    sure the situation is serious but going in panic overdrive is not going to address the problem. we need to follow the best available guidelines to tackle the corona virus, without panicking.

  2. 6 minutes ago, aussienam said:

    He must have a magical crystal ball.  I need one for next weeks Lotto numbers!

    more like hoping against hope. this episode of corona virus looks like a long haul. started in Dec 2019 and no signs of plataeuing. the fatalities and infections are still on the rise and no one is any frame of mind to think of vacationing (the chinese i mean).

  3. 13 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    This adds a whole new dimension to the Virus outbreak in Thailand.

    With poor Hygiene standards in the Wet Markets around the Country, and Sanitation at best described as basic in many areas, this Virus has a natural home to live and evolve.

    My Daughter is going on some trip with her School on Saturday, and for fear of being called the worst Dad in the World, I am seriously thinking that she wont be going.( for her Safety )

    should consider not going.

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