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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. Coming from a military family I was told she was responsible for sending many good people to their deaths in the Falklands.

    I also know that she made tough decisions that were probably necessary for the good of the country but at the unfortunate expense of many peoples livelihoods.

    A divisive character, before my time, my father also remembers her for making the 80s generation a "self interested" one.

    I am sure the british tv channels will have documentary after documentary about her next.

  2. OP- you will fit in very well around here- we are all experts also! biggrin.png

    I think your writing style is clear and enjoyable to read.

    enjoy your Thai experiences but take it slow, because you don't yet understand what you are experiencing. I nearly made a huge mistake with my first year in Thailand and reading your post brings it all back rushing into mind. It was a great year with a great girl, but I simply didn't have the experience to judge what was going on and nearly got married to the wrong person.

    And, have fun!

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  3. Sounds like you did what I did at the same age I did. I know your feeling, I was thinking of trying Japan, Malaysia, HK or even Sri Lanka. The one thing I do not want to do is go back to England! Cant get that thinking surely you can get a tourism related job anywhere- at least go somewhere where the big tipper are (casino land USA?). Anyway, all the best to you!

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  4. Hi Mums & Dads,

    I am trying to work out the everyday costs for a newborn in Bangkok.

    So, in my limited experience of these matters, that is items like:

    - Milk/formula (the mother in question has a medical condition so cannot breastfeed beyond first few months)

    - Nappies

    - Clothes / wipes

    - er.. ?

    Any help would be much appreciated. I'm sure formula prices vary between cheap and pricier than silver per ounce, but maybe someone knows the score with this and can recommend best brand for quality/price.

    What other things should she consider?

    Thanks very much for any help..

  5. Hi,

    I am 29 and have been in your position and I understand how you feel. I completely understand why you want to make the move.

    But, given your industry, I think you will find it very hard to find a decent job here. I think you will find one, but after a brief time you will experience problems you cannot imagine and will meet experiences that would frankly never happen in Singapore. Finance industry here is really full of problems. The only exception is the MNC but you seem a little young at 25 for this? I may be wrong.

    I moved myself for very similar reasons but I was very lucky to have a job I could take with me. If I had to get a job such as in your position, I would have also gone ahead with the move, but knowing what I know now after 10 years, it would have been the wrong move.

    Best of luck! If you do come anyway, send me a PM and we can have a beer.

  6. I think many of us are so in love with the idea that we don't live where all the other [insert nationality] people live, that we go overboard in the regurgitation of stories we heard that make Thailand sound so very different to [insert country of origin]. It makes us feel special, brave, different, unique, whatever.

  7. <p>Er, no, the Thai police wouldn't act like that.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I've thought about this happening every time I am "enjoying" songkran and Im not surprised at all that it has. Glad to hear you escaped without permanent injury.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Thaivisa detectives: Of course it could be one of any number of chemicals, please don't get hung up on whether or not it was really acid. The point is some sociopath poured a harmful chemical on his head. That is the point. It could happen to you.</p>

  8. Good show Totster. I have fond memories of our last foray into the wilds of Mornington Crescent. With caution in mind until SantiSuk shows his hand, and bearing in mind no Arabian moves below the Thames:

    Perivale, (I am now in ruffing but I declare fitness for purpose under section 14b note iv)

  9. Sir, with respect, you are in error. Annual revisions are the norm and have been so since MC was instrumental in our victory in the Falklands War. The Falklands Landed Commemorative Rules Edition is still the most treasured and original "first" of the annual revisions hardback series by Gardner & Roberts.

    Do I take it you have not played the modern game under post 1982 revisions rules?

    I admit I had to look up the "summation to six" exception clause but it turns out this is applicable only to those small, hardy MC rebels who refused to accept that a single year was cause enough for an entire revision bookset. I suppose you must be "oldschool" - and probably have a thing or two to teach me! So, with no small amount of caution:

    Smithkin skip to: East Acton

  10. Well, I suppose I am a fast reader and many of you will still be working through the weeks of rules revisions. I notice that Thatcher maneuvering is now illegal in all pre-Iraq war invasion rulings. Other notable changes:

    - Any attempt at reverse-ruffing is now a technical breach of etiquette

    - Multiple infractions of the third umpire rule now result in instant Nidd

    - Roadworks can only be claimed once per round to the benefit of the claimant

    - Big Brother Amendment rules must now be observed at any interchanging station regardless of the year of the rules in trump during that play.

    And many more.. which ones have intrigued you during your first read-through?

  11. As I expect many of you have done this month, I woke up this morning to my new Gardner/Roberts (Winston Preface) Mornington Crescent Rulebook, Hardback Edition. Freshly delivered from Piccadilly. God & Queen bless DHL. My thoughts go out to any of you naive enough to use Fedex, who we all know have a penchant for any parcel resembling the unique form and weight of this most sought after tome.

    So, I suggest we all give it a try with a first playthrough, and see what new variations may have been approved from the Christmas Frinchkins Committee meeting (I heard no less than 2 members were voted out under the '76 convention objections rulings- controversial start to the season)

    As those who have played with me before know, Nidd inversions are fully acceptable.

    To begin:

    Holland Park.

  12. Everyone's got the "right" to criticise whomever and whatever they like, regardless of taxes paid or subsidies received.

    Rights cannot exist without duties. If everyone has the right to express their criticism then everyone else also has the duty to pay them attention. That would be one crazy world to live in. According to you, we should read every single post on thaivisa amd every other internet forums. If we do not do so, we are not enabling the universal right you claim we all have and it therefore does not exist and we therefore do not have it as you claim.

  13. who are we to tell the Thais, how to run their country?

    I like this question because it's far more complex than most understand.

    To answer it directly, "we" are members of the world community which, despite the history of nation building, is far less arbitrary than the concept of nation.

    If we care about our Thai cousins, then we try to encourage them to improve (yes, from our own perspectives). It's the way the world has been for a long time. We collaborate and teach to each other and learn from each other how to improve our world. In my opinion, it's quite selfish to do the "who are we to try to help them?" thing. Mind you, I am super selfish and cannot be bothered to help them, but it is indeed selfish.

    Now, you do have a point that they surely are not obligated to listen. That is their choice. Ours is to express our views just as you have expressed yours.

    The concept of a world community is one we westerners have defined in order to give ourselves the kind of rights we believe we deserve, or more ignorantly, "inherently hold". All the while not realising the insanity and arrogance of our own ethnocentrism.

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