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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Came across like an idiot in that press conference but something needs to be done in the future about this soft touch approach that the police force takes to protests. Letting protesters stroll in and take over important government buildings for six months is just insane and leads to situations like this developing.

    I am more inclined to believe that stopping the systematic murder of those protesters was of more importance to him. Tell me, which countries have advanced by the arming of political party militias?


  2. Curious time to announce martial law. 3:00 AM. Seems many were caught napping.

    A bit like when PT tried to push through BB's amnesty!

    Which of course set the whole thing off in the first place.

    If you had taken the time and maybe a little energy to read the amnesty bill in the first palce you would have found it would have cleared suthep and abhisit and any one connected with what had happened.

    If you had taken a little time to understand the situation instead of rushing in and posting red garbage you would know that both were very opposed to the bill.

    one of the reasons was that for while supposedly clearing them it would have robbed them of a chance to clear their names in a court of law.

    When their court cases come up the evidence they present in their defense will include all the speeches from the red stage, the phone ins from the instigator of the riots and probably the money trail, all these things will implicate the red leaders and show who was really responsible for all the deaths, injuries and destruction.

    This is why their names were included to save the red leaders and their controller

    You may or may not of noticed that Suthep was so opposed to the amnesty bill that he resigned from his position and from the Democrat party to lead the protests against the bill and other flawed legislation that was passed on an illegal manner.

    Since when was passing a bill in parliament a crime?

  3. The OP here seems a bit misguided, or at least the police chief is.

    One of the first orders issued by the military upon declaring martial law was to dissolve CAPO.

    So if the police chief is waiting for orders from CAPO, he's going to have a long wait.

    The RTP are now under the command of the military, based on the martial law order.

    Yep, a very long wait.

    Police are waiting for orders from Command for Administration of Peace and Order which is set up under the martial law, he said. For now, police would continue working as usual.

    The police will continue doing what?

    Taking their orders from the government!

  4. Chalerm's expression must have been priceless this morning. Too bad Khaosod didn't capture it for posterity. This whole situation feels so much better. Gone are the CAPO announcements. The rallies have been disbanded and everyone is going home. Prayuth has maintained a level of success that many would not have thought possible. The important thing is that the Senate proceeds peacefully and constitutionally, as does the Constitutional Court, the National Anti-Corruption Commission and all levels of the judiciary and independent agencies. People can get back to talking to each other instead of at each other. It's very promising.

    You really had me biting there! then I read this bit "independent agencies" and I realised you were taking the piss, good one LOL

  5. Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

    It's a mystery to me how people can call Abhisit a 'democracy destroyer'. If you study Thaksin's autocratic history; if you compare Thaksin's modus operandi to other dictators of recent years; if you look at his political connections ...........etc etc etc and if you understood all those things you certainly would not call Abhisit a 'democracy destroyer'. There is nothing in his history to even suggest that that is his game. I despair at the ignorance of some people on this forum.

    Dude! Ever hear of elections? I think they have something to do with democracy, but hey, I'm ignorant.

    You ever heard the comment 'democracy is more than elections'?

    Yeah! Always by losers and fascists.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 2
  6. For those who blissfully still hold on to the fiction that this is actually good for Pheu Thai, need to be reminded that Niwattumrong was not informed - according to his office. This is immensely key. This immediately follows a meeting Niwattumrong had with the Senate yesterday when he affirmed that he would not be stepping down. CAPO - which was always at the behest of Pheu Thai - has taken a vacation. What this does, and why this is such a good development - especially for democracy - though in a way that will doubtless be foreign to Thaksin's concept of it - is that now a truly fully functioning prime minister and administration can take the helm, and that immediately relieves the business and investment community. A country can't proceed indefinitely without a functioning government. It means that the Senate, the Constitutional Court, the National Anti-Corruption Commission and all levels of the judiciary and independent agencies can now work peacefully and without provocation. It means the Senate can proceed constitutionally as it should. A new administration would likely have limited powers, but most importantly the country will be able to run, and even more importantly a climate for truly genuine discussions between all parties can take place regarding reform. It is an enormously hopeful development. As for Thaksin - who always rushes in with these disingenuous statements always with the fear that he will be forgotten, actually already has been.

    Forgotten? You wish!

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. Announced as training for a possible upcoming conflict with PDRC, but in reality there's a greater possibility that training will be brought to bear against the UDD, as they are more violent and unruly.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    You have an interesting definition of unruly since so far this year UDD reds have stayed put at Aksa road whereas it's the PDRC who have attacked the police repeatedly while invading government buildings. Multiple instances of people getting beaten up, stabbed, and shot for criticizing PDRC, never mind touching some of their holy traffic cones.

    I'm not sure what kind of distinction you're trying to make but it's a tricky one indeed. UDD aren't angels by a long shot, but PDRC are in no way better and ATM it's them who are causing trouble.

    From the amounts of postings you are new in Thailand:

    The police shot at the PDRC.

    The red shirts burned down several buildings 2010

    "The police shot at the PDRC."

    After policemen being shot dead and having grenades thrown at them, who can blame them?

    • Like 1
  8. good for them and for every 1 that goes another 10 in the village cheering them on

    was chatting to a Thai teacher the other day and she was explaining how the ammart control everything but the red tide cannot be stopped just slowed down until a fairer, just society is formed

    paradigm shift, once started, never stops

    Red tide or just dumb country bums who are still looking for handouts? For them its just about the money. C'mon, stop the trolling.

    Ha Ha! good one troll master.

  9. Please someone confirm that she or her mother is not a Red Shirt.

    No non-Red shirt will volunteer to work in that protest site at that time.

    Similarity, please go to check out the medic/nurse volunteering is Suthep protest site (or the Monk protest site in Cheng Wattana), and tell me if any of their volunteers there are not PCAD supporter themselves?

    All I am saying is, like any war correspondents, she already knew what the danger was.

    What is wrong with you, she was a nurse, are you saying she would not have nursed a soldier if need be? Don't judge other people by your own low standards, you odious little man!

    • Like 1
  10. And what would be wrong with saying that I consider it fair that she should seek justice for her daughter ?

    And encouraging her to go for it ?

    Ah, but you extol justice and fairness for all. Those on both sides, and those innocents caught in the middle. Those that support Thaksin proxy parties only see their own justice. Nothing fair about that.

    That's exactly the point, he doesn't extol justice and fairness for all - he makes no mention of the other 80 odd killed and 2000 plus injured civilians.

    So I would need to mention every last one killed and injured to make you happy.

    Tell me how many of the other 80 odd were killed by the bullets and grenades of the reds, you don't know and neither do I.

    However you and your red mates love to write about the 90 and sometimes 100 killed in a brutal crackdown without mentioning that at least a third were directly killed by the reds in their armed insurrection, mostly before the so called crackdown.

    Yes I stand for justice for all without a lot of BS and vilification designed to create hate.

    It would be a far better country if I could say the same for others.

    "without mentioning that at least a third were directly killed by the reds in their armed insurrection, mostly before the so called crackdown."

    Like most of the bile you post, that's just an outright lie! I challenge you to post proof of that.

  11. A good question!

    Why allow a mob access and just stand by and do nothing why they derail any talks of going forward?

    And a no comment to boot.

    Very suss!

    It seems to me that you are clearly stating that you don't understand why the army didn't stop the PDRC from entering the building at the Thai Air Force base where the meeting was taking place. Correct?

    If that is your stance - that the army should have stopped the PDRC from entering - then by extension you are agreeing that the army should be involved in civilian law and order matters. Why do you want the army involved? If you want the army involved to prevent the PDRC from breaking the law (i.e. entering a meeting), then you must also want the army involved against those who use war weapons against the PDRC and innocent civilian who get caught in the cross fire. There can be no double standards - you know that better than anyone!

    I find it odd that you actually support the position of General Prayuth.

    Personally i think the army should not be involved in any aspect of civilian law and order matters unless directly requested to do so by the civilian government. The police should have stopped the PDRC, the police should be finding and bringing to justice all people who commit violence on others.

    The police have been warned, first by the army, then by the courts, not to use violence, and let's be honest, Suthep aint coming peacefully! By the army sitting on their hands, and the courts interfering politically, they are all guilty of sedition against the legally democratically elected government.

    • Like 1
  12. Well it has to be somewhere! Who has the clout to cover something like this up?


    Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia?











    For those who want to read... please do!

    I do not agree with the Ideas projected here but as Nothing has been pointed to any crash of MHA370 these could be pointed senario's

    I know that this is the 3rd time I have tried to post this. 1st I when clicked on Post was directed to either disable following this Post or Cancel... I clicked cancel. Which indoing so Deleted all my favorites (Links that made some sort of quirky sense) I was alerted by my Avert Online Security that I had been compromised by a high level probe through the Web Analytics link (Door) which was not blocking my Internet. It had been 2 hrs now and system is back up as before and totally locked down. Any approachs are being directed to Microsoft Security as well as Averts Security Labs.

    I don't understand why unless there is an Idea buried here somewhere that contains a shred of truth...

    What you need to take on board david is the European Union Times is a disreputable and unreliable information source.

    A bit like an aircraft maintenance mechanic claiming he works for Rolls Royce, when he doesn't.


    "What you need to take on board david is the European Union Times is a disreputable and unreliable information source."

    According to who?

    Google it, do the research, and get back to me. smile.png

    Track record matey.


    Granted, not much about them, but what there is aint good.

    Nevertheless, as Sherlock Holmes said, "once you've exhausted all the evidence, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, is the answer"

    Just sayin'!


  13. Well it has to be somewhere! Who has the clout to cover something like this up?


    Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia?











    For those who want to read... please do!

    I do not agree with the Ideas projected here but as Nothing has been pointed to any crash of MHA370 these could be pointed senario's

    I know that this is the 3rd time I have tried to post this. 1st I when clicked on Post was directed to either disable following this Post or Cancel... I clicked cancel. Which indoing so Deleted all my favorites (Links that made some sort of quirky sense) I was alerted by my Avert Online Security that I had been compromised by a high level probe through the Web Analytics link (Door) which was not blocking my Internet. It had been 2 hrs now and system is back up as before and totally locked down. Any approachs are being directed to Microsoft Security as well as Averts Security Labs.

    I don't understand why unless there is an Idea buried here somewhere that contains a shred of truth...

    What you need to take on board david is the European Union Times is a disreputable and unreliable information source.

    A bit like an aircraft maintenance mechanic claiming he works for Rolls Royce, when he doesn't.


    "What you need to take on board david is the European Union Times is a disreputable and unreliable information source."

    According to who?

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