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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Maybe Abhisit should send a letter to the UN and Obama and tell them that the PTP don't adhere to the other 14 principles of democracy. Maybe Abhsisit should tell them in this letter than elections are meaningless because an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist convicted criminal fugitive that is UNELECTABLE will be running the show if the PTP win. So kinda puts a true slant on any future elections. Obama would see that that is not acceptable and would maybe………just maybe think reform is needed to ensure an unelectable criminal is not PM.

    One could say that unless reforms are implemented this will be an electoral coup. Those dirty coup mongers that not only supportered the 1992 coup when it suited their agenda, but are performing coups every election to keep a grip on power. The DEM's have denounced every coup in Thai history and the PTP have heralded 2. The 1992 coup and the 2011 coup. So to reiterate DEMS tally in coups - 0. The PTP - 2.

    The PTP sound like a spoilt unaccountable younger brother that always blames his older brother for everything yet still feels hard done by. I can see the letter to mum telling her that it "is not my fault", "they made me do it"

    When the PTP learn than democracy begins post ballot box then they won't have to worry. It is this complete refusal to respect democracy after elections that triggered this push for reform. The 2007 constitution strengthed the checks and balances much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it, but that was not enough tp keep the insulant child from staying true to all the principles of democracy. They still managed to ride roughshod through the rule of law with impertinence and just like a spoilt younger brother blamed his elder brother for his own wrong doings.

    This is a wonderful example of the PTP highlighting to the UN and the USA of it's inability to respect democracy. The USA has already seen this PTP warped belief structure. PTP said the PDRC are violent. The USA said they are not. The PTP denounced the rule of law. The USA said the rule of law is paramount to democracy.

    I remember a Dr Weng sending a letter to the UN when the UN did not suit their agenda with the amnesty bill. He effectively said to the UN your wrong and we are right. Here are some quotes to the UN from him. "your declarations could be misleading and your credibility come under scrutiny" and "you are misinformed" and "you are completely incorrect". Just to reiterate, that is an official statement from the PTP/UDD to the UN.

    The USA and especially the UN are well aware that the PTP and the UDD send letters on a whim and the UN who was also threatened when the UN did not suit their agenda will not be forgotten when the UN rep opens this new letter with shaky nervous hands and sweat dripping from his brow wondering if it is another threat or not form a govt that have a terrorist wing to do all it's dirty work.

    "much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it"

    spinning the lie again? there was no choice the Army threatened to stay in power and no campaign against it was allowed - does it match up to your highfalutin ideals of democracy or are you a hypocrite?


    Sorry you're right. Thanks for highlighting my incorrect %.

    On 19 August 2007, a referendum was held in which 59.3% of the voters voted in favor of the constitution.

    Thanks for the wiki link, by the way here's a bit of it.

    "The military junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Assembly unanimously approved the draft in July 2007,[1]despite a lot of public controversy about several clauses. The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft.[2] The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum, and threatened to not step down if the constitution is not accepted."

    Surely one even as blinkered and misinformed as you can see a constitution forced upon the people with the threat of permanent military rule, and the threat of prison if criticized, is, in itself, unconstitutional.

    Look I know your frustration in accepting the will of the majority. Don't forget I support the DEM's and they lost the last 6 elections. So I do understand your frustration, though I didn't make the same excuses as you.

    The majority voted for the constitution. Accept the majorities wishes.

    Like I said, "blinkered".

  2. Excellent.

    The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

    To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

    That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

    I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

    The international community doesn't support PT/Thaksin that is fairly clear by now. They have never made even 1 comment that they condemn Suthep's actions. Last week the US said it supports both sides. Wooaah, amazing isn't it?? They also said that the PDRC is a peaceful movement.

    The international community has seen enough of PT's corruption. It is clearly holding the country back. PT does things that are good for them, not for the country. The country is suffering and people are dying because of that. The international community believes that everything is better than that corrupt Shin bunch. Otherwise they would have made at least some comments the last 5 months.

    Yes a coup is next and long overdue. And yes, the international community will not condemn a coup. Mind you, not everybody wears red glasses.

    Soon the RULE OF LAW will be reinstated and PT will have to accept punishment for their criminal deeds.

    "It (PTP) is clearly holding the country back. PT does things that are good for them, not for the country. The country is suffering and people are dying because of that. The international community believes that everything is better than that corrupt Shin bunch. Otherwise they would have made at least some comments the last 5 months".

    #1 - Every statement that I have seen from a meaningful "International Community" has been in support of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy. Hence, villifying those who seek to overthrow it.

    #2 - If the PTP is all that gross as suggested in the quote, have an election. A very objective method of affirming that negativity, or otherwise.

    In reality, everyone knows this is PAD-Dem rhetoric, devoid of reality......Their persistence in nullifying an election and its' tabulation is the most significant evidence negating their own hyperbole.

    Quite laughable actually....Their balderdash about the PTP being the mother-of-all-governing-screwups, but don't have an electionfacepalm.gif .

    Let's see ...do we have a statement from a meaningful "International Community?

    When asked how she viewed the PDRC protest, the US ambassador said it was a "peaceful protest", and the people have the right to express themselves.

    The US ambassador said she was unaware of the protesters' criticism that she and the US government were biased in favour of the Thai government.

    "It's been a time of huge emotion. People have had very strong views, so I think sometimes people have been frustrated. One side or the other thinks the United States has not stepped up to support their side. In fact, we don't take sides. But I think both sides hope [we take their side]."


    I don't think you will get far in this discussion boppe. This is getting to complicated for you. You better go back to your same old coup mongers, electoral majority and fascist blah blah rhetoric. Suits you much better.

    "the US ambassador said it was a "peaceful protest", and the people have the right to express themselves."

    America also said the very same about an armed insurrection in the Ukraine which dislodged a democratically elected government.

    America speaks with forked tongue.

  3. Teacher, he looks at me crying-baby.jpg

    You know what is even funnier? There is a numbnut in the country by the name of Suthep who doesn't hold any political position and is trying to overthrow a government. He wrote to Obama also requesting help. I doubt Obama even read his letter. He will probably respond to an official letter from one government to another tho.

    ...and the international community (including the US) don't condemn what Suthep is doing. You still don't get it?

    "and the international community (including the US) don't condemn what Suthep is doing"

    They have said it's up to the Thais to sort it out, while respecting the rule of law and the democratic process, both of which suthep does not comply with.

  4. Excellent.

    The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

    To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

    That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

    I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

    The international community doesn't support PT/Thaksin that is fairly clear by now. They have never made even 1 comment that they condemn Suthep's actions. Last week the US said it supports both sides. Wooaah, amazing isn't it?? They also said that the PDRC is a peaceful movement.

    The international community has seen enough of PT's corruption. It is clearly holding the country back. PT does things that are good for them, not for the country. The country is suffering and people are dying because of that. The international community believes that everything is better than that corrupt Shin bunch. Otherwise they would have made at least some comments the last 5 months.

    Yes a coup is next and long overdue. And yes, the international community will not condemn a coup. Mind you, not everybody wears red glasses.

    Soon the RULE OF LAW will be reinstated and PT will have to accept punishment for their criminal deeds.

    In an admitted fit of pique at your pack of lies, I "liked" your post just so I could "unlike" it again.

  5. Maybe Abhisit should send a letter to the UN and Obama and tell them that the PTP don't adhere to the other 14 principles of democracy. Maybe Abhsisit should tell them in this letter than elections are meaningless because an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist convicted criminal fugitive that is UNELECTABLE will be running the show if the PTP win. So kinda puts a true slant on any future elections. Obama would see that that is not acceptable and would maybe………just maybe think reform is needed to ensure an unelectable criminal is not PM.

    One could say that unless reforms are implemented this will be an electoral coup. Those dirty coup mongers that not only supportered the 1992 coup when it suited their agenda, but are performing coups every election to keep a grip on power. The DEM's have denounced every coup in Thai history and the PTP have heralded 2. The 1992 coup and the 2011 coup. So to reiterate DEMS tally in coups - 0. The PTP - 2.

    The PTP sound like a spoilt unaccountable younger brother that always blames his older brother for everything yet still feels hard done by. I can see the letter to mum telling her that it "is not my fault", "they made me do it"

    When the PTP learn than democracy begins post ballot box then they won't have to worry. It is this complete refusal to respect democracy after elections that triggered this push for reform. The 2007 constitution strengthed the checks and balances much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it, but that was not enough tp keep the insulant child from staying true to all the principles of democracy. They still managed to ride roughshod through the rule of law with impertinence and just like a spoilt younger brother blamed his elder brother for his own wrong doings.

    This is a wonderful example of the PTP highlighting to the UN and the USA of it's inability to respect democracy. The USA has already seen this PTP warped belief structure. PTP said the PDRC are violent. The USA said they are not. The PTP denounced the rule of law. The USA said the rule of law is paramount to democracy.

    I remember a Dr Weng sending a letter to the UN when the UN did not suit their agenda with the amnesty bill. He effectively said to the UN your wrong and we are right. Here are some quotes to the UN from him. "your declarations could be misleading and your credibility come under scrutiny" and "you are misinformed" and "you are completely incorrect". Just to reiterate, that is an official statement from the PTP/UDD to the UN.

    The USA and especially the UN are well aware that the PTP and the UDD send letters on a whim and the UN who was also threatened when the UN did not suit their agenda will not be forgotten when the UN rep opens this new letter with shaky nervous hands and sweat dripping from his brow wondering if it is another threat or not form a govt that have a terrorist wing to do all it's dirty work.

    "much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it"

    spinning the lie again? there was no choice the Army threatened to stay in power and no campaign against it was allowed - does it match up to your highfalutin ideals of democracy or are you a hypocrite?


    Sorry you're right. Thanks for highlighting my incorrect %.

    On 19 August 2007, a referendum was held in which 59.3% of the voters voted in favor of the constitution.

    Thanks for the wiki link, by the way here's a bit of it.

    "The military junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Assembly unanimously approved the draft in July 2007,[1]despite a lot of public controversy about several clauses. The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft.[2] The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum, and threatened to not step down if the constitution is not accepted."

    Surely one even as blinkered and misinformed as you can see a constitution forced upon the people with the threat of permanent military rule, and the threat of prison if criticized, is, in itself, unconstitutional.

  6. Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

    So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

    And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

    It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

    I've just held a poll in my house, turns out I'm the most handsome man in the world.

    By the way, care to share some links to all these polls.

    • Like 1
  7. The U.S. ambassador to Thailand recently affirmed that this protest is both a right and is peaceful. She also quoted John Kerry when he said that democracy is not determined just by elections but by transparency, the rule of law, strong institutions, and an independent judiciary. Yingluck is under an impeachment investigation for corruption and lack of transparency. Yingluck and Phue Thai have consistently defied the rule of law, and have joined the UDD chorus in opposition to the independent agencies. In fact, Surapong recently wrote to the UN asking it to admonish the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies. Pheu Thai won the election in 2011 with 48.41 % of the vote, but have failed to deliver on any of the other tenets of democracy - transparency, recognition of the rule of law, and respect for an independent judiciary. In fact, they want to change all of that. By securing a parliamentary mandate the public entrusted them with respecting the rule of law. Instead, they took their parliamentary majority and rammed through - through unconstitutional means - an amnesty bill designed to pardon one specific billionaire as well as over 25,000 other people convicted of corruption. They used their parliamentary majority to pass a 2 trillion baht infrastructure bill through unconstitutional means in order to bypass normal parliamentary oversight and debating channels. They used their parliamentary majority to administer a rice scheme that contained massive corruption and graft, and they have done everything in their power to prevent the oversight of those misdeeds to take place. In short, they used their parliamentary majority for illegal purposes. The hard-core Pheu Thai supporters say " Then why not let the voters decide ? If they don't like that kind of administration they won't vote for it. If, on the other hand, they feel their constituencies have enough goodies, then it's perfectly OK if the administration wants to do all those other things. " In other words, from the hard-core Pheu Thai supporters point of view - if the people say if once you're in power you want to abuse parliamentary rules, pass massive amnesty bills, construct projects with massive graft and corruption, and dismantle the checks and balances of the judicial system, that's alright with them, as long as their districts are taken care of. The hard-core Pheu Thai argument - in all its glory - comes down to this utter absurdity. If the people vote you in, you can commit any imaginable crime, and dismantle the checks and balances of the judicial system to boot. As Nixon once famously said " If the president does it, then it's not illegal ". Incidentally, he was impeached for abuse of office.

    "She also quoted John Kerry when he said that democracy is not determined just by elections but by transparency, the rule of law, strong institutions"

    I really don't think we need to take advice from this fool. This is the man who supports the destruction of democracy in the Ukraine, this is the man who supports despots such as the Saudi and Bahrain governments. No lessons in democracy needed from this man thank you.

  8. Is this not what he's been doing for the past 4.5 months???

    Who's the People he keeps referring to? That will be the minority till a referendum proves otherwise Khun Suthep please!

    One 93 year old general and a group of his proteges. Whenever you see false-flag handgrenade attacks, you know its military types behind it.

    His final push next week, presumably refers to the soft coup attempt:

    NACC meets PM on Monday/ PM gets suspended / coup Senate then appoints their stooge/ stooge dismantles the democracy.

    The Democrats have a meeting today and tomorrow, so I assume Suthep is trying to ensure they can't go the democracy way and try to get elected, hence the rhetoric. He's trying to burn their bridges for them, even before they have the meeting.

    Addressing a crowd of supporters [2000 paid guard] at Lumpini park Thursday night, the PDRC secretary-general said that the people would “seize back the sovereign power” [seize from voters] so that a people’s government and a people’s assembly could be set up to start the reform process [make the senate full unelected and stuff the courts with more cronies] which would take one and a half years [measured in Thai time] after which an election [Crimea style] would be held.

    Whoa! I was with you until the Crimea Style bit, there was nothing wrong with the Crimean elections/referendum, 135 observers from Europe said so. Your posts are usually spot on, please don't let the western propaganda fool you.

  9. & now the Popcorn terrorist is in police custody in Bangkok! Well done to the RTP.

    Agree, well done, now set about working on arresting the thugs that have killed 20+ of the protesters!!! You have shown you can do it, keep it up.

    Yes well done to the RTP for yet another anti-PTP arrest. What a pity they can't seem to find that very vocal (terrorist?) Ko Tee who started the shooting at Laksi - as well as numerous other acts of violence going back into last year, at least.

    I rather suspect that the army will have to do the RTP's job again and take care of Mr Tee (friend of the other Mr T) wink.png

    BTW I'm very reluctant to use the terrorist word as, too often, it has become a label to tag onto those who are sometimes using violence as a defensive measure (which the popcorn shooter was doing). 'gunman' might be a better description.

    "those who are sometimes using violence as a defensive measure (which the popcorn shooter was doing)."

    Oh come on! pull the other one.

  10. "Neither that team (the Malaysian air force base at Butterworth) nor the crews at two other radar installations at Kota Bharu, closer to where the airliner last had contact with the ground, designated the blip as an unknown intruder warranting attention, the person said. The aircraft proceeded to fly across the country and out to sea without anyone on watch telling a superior and alerting the national defense command near Kuala Lumpur, even though the radar contacts flight path did not correspond to any filed flight plan. As a result, combat aircraft never scrambled to investigate."


    Difficult to imagine incompetence to such a degree. How could a hijacker have planned on such multiple oversight?

    Sounds like the Malaysian Air Force / National Defence Command were "got at" in the same way as NORAD were "prevented" from doing their job on 9/11. Hauntingly similar circumstances! The can of worms is being opened ;)
    Not all countries HAVE to be worried to the "nth" degree about plane crossing their territory. With Malaysia's central Asia location it doesnt matter as with countries at the center of Axis of Evil!! Nobody hates Malaysia like almost everyone hates America. I see no connection except some sleepy 2am traffic monitoring staff!

    America hates Malaysia. The present Malaysian government is anti American and the courts have found George W guilty of war crimes and have warrants out for his arrest. The engines operated for four hours after the last contact, that's approx 2000miles, Diego Garcia is about 2100 miles from the last point of contact.

    Just a thought.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Mr Razak told a news conference that new satellite evidence shows "with a high degree of certainty" that the aircraft's communications systems were disabled

    That's some satellite they've got there.


    An earlier news report out of the US said the US authorities broke this news, based on some type of Boeing "ping" to the satellite that even though this airline was not subscribed to the Boeing service it still was communicating with the satellite and that's how they determined when each part of the system was disabled. Evidently, it took highly trained aviators, and the pilot is under scrutiny now. If you read the blogs on that original USA report, there are all sorts of scary scenarios being posited, such as the plane being used as a sort of super attack vehicle in the future. There was evidence to suggest they took the plane up to 45,000 feet which resulted in the deaths of all passengers from lack of oxygen.

    There was no evidence, just supposition.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. I guess lotsa people currently in Thailand led a sheltered-life or are too young to remember back to the late '60s or early '70s.

    No, it's because we are British. We did not take part in the Vietnam war. We never adopted the word 'slope' as a racist term. Growing up in the 60's and 70's in the UK, I never, ever heard this word, other than referring to something not level or even 'sloped off' ==> walked away.

    Now if Mr Clarkson was American, he would certainly not use that word....

    The name was changed to Myanmar by the military junta who seized the country. Hence Burma is seen as the correct name by most Burmese, as I understand it. I've only ever met Burmese who refer to the country as Burma.

    Stange, because that is not my experience - having worked in Myanmar in 2011 -2013. I found that only the Burmans (main ethnic group) occasionally used the word, because 'Burma' means land of the Burmans. That excludes all the other minority ethnic groups (Shan, Kayin, Kachin etc).

    The word 'Myanmar' was seen to be a more inclusive word to refer to all ethnic groups of the country. II was encouraged by all my work colleagues never to use the word 'Burma' or 'Burmese', because it was considered a divisive word.

    Anyway, this is going off-topic....


    "No, it's because we are British. We did not take part in the Vietnam war."

    We did! We just wont admit it.

  13. Okay I will try again:

    Here is the Link to go and read if they erase my post again!


    I will post article now as I do not believe it is violating any Laws to share what is being written around the World when it concerns a subject as this. If they delete post then they are also being controlled

    Next Post will have Link and article....

    Holy macaroni! It all fits, it turned west and flew 4-5 hours after the transponders were turned off. It's certainly something to think about.

  14. What amazes me is the ability to turn off the tracking devices, Why?

    I thought the same until I looked into it. Turning off the transponder isn't just a matter of flicking a switch in the cockpit. The person(s) on board who disabled the tracking devises had to know what they were doing as it's a more technical process than one might think.

    Possibly, but still why? Surely a civilian airliner has no need to ever not be tracked, I think the proof is in the pudding.

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